Part#2 - Evaluation of the management structure of the House Renovation Program for the Poor


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We are happy because what was hoped is starting to find a bright spot, after two weeks of making various efforts to form a new management system, we finally arrived at a good goal. The Home Renovation Program for the Poor now has the opportunity to help many people again on a larger scale.

In accordance with the results of the first coordination meeting held on Friday 8 June 2024, namely to make several improvements regarding the implementation system and management structure to be able to present new ideas to produce a Vision and Mission that are in line with the objectives of this humanitarian program.

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Today we held our second meeting again to evaluate the management structure that was formed from the first meeting and the concepts that will be implemented later.

Today's Evaluation Meeting succeeded in bringing in more volunteers compared to the previous meeting. Today's Evaluation Meeting was also attended by one of the furniture entrepreneurs in our area, later he will support all types of wood materials needed when carrying out house renovation activities for poor people.


The main problem we found was still the problem of raising funds, and we consider this to be very normal because it is not easy to raise large amounts of funds. However, to speed up fundraising, we are still on the initial plan, namely the need to collaborate with government agencies or certain institutions that have funding slots related to social activities, so that fundraising is not only focused on local residents. However, our belief is very strong that what we are planning can run well and smoothly.

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The conclusion from today's Evaluation meeting is;

  • management structure is perfectly formed
  • One of the donors agreed to collaborate with us, because the concept we offered for the Poor Community Home Renovation Program was proven to be able to help many people
  • Volunteers involved in this program will only be given a small operational fee depending on their needs when implementing the program
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Thank you for the support that has been given, all forms of support are very helpful in running this program.

That's all I can share this time, hopefully it's useful and thank you for everything.

May every day we go through be a goal of goodness and happiness together.

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Best Regard


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