My Activity Today Is to Evaluate The Construction Of Home Renovations For The Poor And Doing Many Other Jobs

Note : 50% of Rewards Donated to Charity Account : @adollaraday and @worldsmile


Today I have a lot of activities that I need to complete, but due to limited time and energy it seems that I can only fill some of the activities that are very urgent, and I have to finish today.

Starting in the morning when I was about to leave for work, first of all I prepared a pile of files that were scattered about last night's work, yes at night I often stayed up late to finish various work reports, and I often fell asleep at my desk because I was tired.

After tidying up the files I printed last night, then I took a shower and had breakfast until I finally left for work. As for the work location I visited today, I checked the house that we renovated with the village apparatus, this house belongs to one of the poor residents, and I am grateful that he receive donations from local residents.

You can read details about the construction of house renovations managed by village officials with funding from a number of local residents in my post last week Actsofkindness - Helping Community Leaders in Home Renovation Programs for the Poor

After I finished giving directions to the workers who were completing the renovation of the house, I continued to survey other houses, according to the results of consultations with village officials, for December they still have money for renovations one more housing unit, but we need to see firsthand the condition of the house so we can estimate the cost, considering the cost needs to be issued by the village apparatus depending on the condition of the damage to the house and also still based on the maximum specified amount.



When I was at the coffee shop finishing the cost estimation report and met a number of steemian

Next, after taking a break and having lunch, I headed to the Filosofi coffee shop, to complete the estimation of material needs and costs for the second house renovation plan, coincidentally when I arrived at the coffee shop I met a number of steemian who arrived there first, I ordered a cup of coffee and then continued calculate the estimated cost requirement.

Maybe this is all I can share about my activities today, after completing the estimated cost requirement, tonight I will print it out and tomorrow it will be submitted directly to the renovation development manager, namely the village apparatus. Hopefully useful and greetings to all.

Cc ; @pennsif

Best Regard


No friendship is good, except for a conversation that never ends

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