Hello everyone,
It's your favorite Steemian @rakiya from Nigeria and I'm delighted to join in this contest organized by @goodybest in this noble community today. It's a wonderful contest and I love to share my participation in it.


In your view what is resilience, and how important is this quality?

In my opinion, the word resilience means the ability to withstand any difficult situation i.e. no matter the situation you find yourself you don't give up you continue. Some people call resilience bouncing back.

This means that if you have this quality of resilience in you, even if you fall you will rise again and move ahead. What this means is that there is no giving up on your agenda. No matter how difficult things seem to be, you will always look for a way to overcome them.

Resilience is important to me and I believe in everyone because it helps you to get to your target and also become a better person in life. You will be successful if you are resilient since it is all about not giving up.

This quality is what is required by us all so that the world will be a better place. If we all refuse to give up unless we succeed, we are keeping a record that others will read and be encouraged.

Share your life experience with us and how you're thriving even with the challenge (s).

My life experience where I can confidently say I applied resilience is in my academics. As a student in secondary school, it was difficult for me to read and write. Every member of my class mocked me because of that at some point I became ashamed and wanted to leave the school.

I started skipping classes because of the mockery. At some point, I said to myself, why not focus and face this challenge once and for all? I returned to the class and I remained focused and started learning from scratch.


During the holidays I pleaded for extra moral classes and my parents arranged it. I struggled and before the resumption of the next term, I was able to read and write.

I wasn't satisfied with that alone, I promised to top the class. I focused and studied even harder and finally, I was able to come out at the top of the class, and all those who mocked me became my friends.

So I was able to thrive because of the resilience in me and the ability to bounce back despite the circumstances surrounding the entire issue.

What do you do to build resilience?

To build resilience, all you need is real-life challenges. When you are not faced with difficulties, it's difficult if not impossible to build resilience.

So if you want to build resilience, my advice to you is to come out of your comfort zone and then face real-world challenges that will through you off balance if you can bounce back despite that challenge, it means you have built resilience.

A message for all those facing life's challenges

Everyone is facing a life challenge dear friends but the difference is in the way we handle it. If you are out there reading through my publication today if you are facing any life challenges, don't give up.

Even if you have tried and failed, that should be a reason to quit. Bounce back and then start the process again. It only gets better by the day. Giving up is not an option for anyone who wishes for success so brace up and continue the journey I believe you will testify soonest.

I want to invite @pea07, @pandora2010, and @ninapenda to join the contest also.

 4 months ago 

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Steem For Betterlife Community

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Thank you so much for being part of this contest and sharing your life experience with us, indeed you're a resilience person, I can only imagine how you felt about the mockery but you didn't allow that get into you instead you see it as a motivation to get better, and here you are today becoming a blogger. You are a winner! Success.

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 4 months ago 

I really learn a lesson while reading your post @rakiya, resilience is the ability to overcome challenges and when their is no challenges resilience can't be build, I believe with your point. I was also having same challenge in school as you, but i stand firm and that is what help me be who i am today. Thank you for the advice and wish you the best of luck in you contest.

 4 months ago (edited)

Well scripted, you nailed it. Anyone who is resilient don't give up easily, I thank God for you that you faced the challenge and you came out of it, kudos to you.

Keep winning!

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