The Outcome of Our Third Episode of Campus Connect Ghana Meet up. 10% to @prommo-steem

in Steem Marketing3 years ago (edited)

We had a successful third Campus meetup at the Nyankpala campus Organized by @campusconnectgh at The University For Development Study, Nyankpala Campus. It took us about 30 minutes ride to the Location. The whole meetup was sponsored by the @campusconnctgh team and we are greatful for that. This initiative is a very big step in promoting steemit as its easier to get in contact with student to introduce steemit to them. The leaders of PromoSteem @stephenkendal and @arie.steem have been supportive into this initiative and we would like to acknowledge them. And also not to forget our hard working leaders @mcsamm and @nattybongo as our country promoters. You all efforts are being appreciated.


Due to some delay in our organizations we weren't able to stat at 10 am. The meeting started at around 10:30am. 18 student showed up which is less than the number we expected. We were a team of nine old steemians who carried out this event. Everyone of us took a role during this event. Its necessary i acknowledge the presense of @farhmade, @hydra, @abu78, @rubilu1123, @silencewan @zology69, @bibsonhabib and @abdulkahargun who played their role in making this event success.

The programme was divided into sections where every individual in the team picked a topic to discuss and explain to the audience.

@farhmade was the MC for the event. He planned the activities of the day which made the event run smoothly. Big thanks to you budddy.

@silencewan talked about what and how steemit works. He explained to them how to signup, how to use the individual keys and their functions. He was able to take his time and explained it to the newbies how steemit works, so they can appreciate how it works. HE also try his way to motivate them by rewarding some money to the participant who answered question by then end of his lecture.


@rubilu123 also made a presentation about communities on steemit. He explained the various communities to them, on what and how to post in the various communities. They were allowed to ask questions which they were answered.


I was the next person to present. i made a presentation about the various achievement task and the need to complete them. I explained each achievement task and the key features which the Steemit Greeters require in each achievement post. I allowed them ask questions which i answered to their satisfaction. I was overwhelmed because the asked alot of questions making me to over consume my time.


@abdulkahargunu lectured them about Rewards and Curations. He lectured them about what quality a post should have to be able to get upvote from the curators. He spoke abut upvote and downvote what each means. He gave out some rewards base on question he asked to the newbies.


@hydra1 spoke about how money is made through steem, how to invest, the need to power up, and how to sell steem for fiat. This was actually their favorite topic. They got soo much engage into this topic and it was fun.


@zology69 spoke on why they should lower their expectation while in steemit. Most newbies when they see the earnings of the old steemians, they get excited and think they will earn the same. When their expectations are not met they then stop posting. So we see this topic to be important so they lower their expectation and when the right time comes they will earn more as well.


@massachussets who was the last person to present talked about our new project we just introduced which is Tech Club. Its an initiative to to empower women through Technology. This equip them with the basic knowledge of IT skills. These includes Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point, and other important skills they need to learn.










All thanks too @magcarnie for this idea. This project will help a lot of girls out there whom don't have the funds to get these basic skills.

This isn't the last stop. We will guide all the newbies we introduced into steemit till they finish all their achievement posts and also understand how the system works. We have created a What's App group which will help us get in contact with them through this process.

These are the newbies who were able to signup as of now. We are still working and guiding with the rest of the newbies to make their first achievement post. Below are their various achievement posts

@ikramzomyalaAchievement 1
@proto1Achievement 1
@ghanabaAchievement 1
@abdul0011Achievement 1

Through this event we had some challenges which we will try to fix up in our next campus connect promo.

PromoSteem Team

@arie.steem @pojan, @ponpase
Promoters Team

@julstamban - Philippines
@mcsamm - Ghana
@nattybongo - Ghana
@cryptokraze - Pakistan
@michaelchijioke - Nigeria
@oscarcc89 - Venezuela


It was a great experience bro,hope to continue in this frame.

 3 years ago 

Sure bro

Congratulations...!!! You Got Upvote
By: PromoSteem Community

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 3 years ago 

Thank you

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