FULL Statistic Comparison Steemit Campaign Between: Facebook Ads by @arie.steem and TikTok Ads by @naufal - Point to Point Highlight

in Steem Marketing3 years ago (edited)


TikTok Ads vs. Facebook Ads, whos the winner?

20% Payout from this post will goes to @steemcoffeeshop & @steem.amal

This post is in response to a request from Steemit Steam: @steemcurator01, which asked me to compare the results of the TikTok campaign I created yesterday with the Facebook Campaign conducted by @arie.steem last month which ended in just a few days.

Both campaigns are paid advertisements created on one of the social media platforms with the most users in the world using very different methods and strategies.

I believe it would be great to get new data on the comparison of these two campaigns. We can see which ones are more optimal and which have more potential for advertising. Considering that my campaign is very very different from @arie.steem, starting from the duration of the day, the target audience, the budget spent and the content created.

Before proceeding to this discussion, we should first examine the comparison of these two social media platforms.


Overview of Social Traffic

There are numerous platforms you can drive traffic on. Obviously, Facebook is still a great source of traffic for many publishers and e-commerce firms, but in recent years ad tech among big social networks has been enhanced tremendously. Here’s a quick look.

  • Facebook + Instagram, 3.6 billion monthly active users – as they do away with cookies and migrate to server-to-server communication for tracking conversions, it remains the #1 platform for many.
  • TikTok, 1 billion monthly active users – a favorite of Gary Vee and the new beast on the block, second only to Facebook / Instagram in terms of active users. Given the amount of data they are collecting, their ad platform probably isn’t that far behind Facebook

Cheaper Traffic

Cheaper Traffic = Less Revenue but don’t lose sight of gross profit. When deciding on a platform people make the cost vs. benefit analysis every time. Gross profit must be positive and worth it. If you have an audience mismatch or a fickle audience like millennial or Gen-Z, your cost of acquisition will go down, and so will your advertiser CPMs. But that’s not to say you won’t make money.

Occasionally they may find a nugget of arbitrage in a new traffic source, but that quickly disappears and fat gross margins are ephemeral. Think of pursuing a new traffic source like a school of fish — the first one to go will have fat profits, then once others follow, profits get compressed.

Keep this in mind when deciding on a platform. But also bear in mind that just because the CPM returns go down, doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. The cost of acquisition may also go down, oftentimes further than CPMs do, making the channel pursuit worth it.




TikTok Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Which is Better?

It’s important to know that the answer here is “it depends on”. When assessing TikTok ads vs Facebook ads, the answer comes down to whether you’re targeting a certain audience or letting the pixel do the targeting for you.

I have seen many articles about success with letting Facebook’s algorithm do the work. It’s quite fascinating actually. They set up their pixel, get some visitors, track events and interactions, and let Facebook build their audience from pixel data.

However, if you want to target millennials and Gen Z and have a very specific product offering for them, TikTok may be your best bet since that’s the platform those generations have migrated to.

TikTok also offers a pixel that communicates back to the platform to gather behavior and event data, which is even more helpful given the audience you’d be targeting.

Factors to Consider in Driving Traffic

  • Product offering – advertising a home security system? TikTok probably isn’t the right place. Advertising the ability to invest a few dollars in a bottle of wine, TikTok is likely a good channel to test. Offering something extremely niche? Try a subreddit thread where your target audience lurks.
  • Target audience – who are you targeting? Then ask yourself, where do they play on the internet? TikTok, or Facebook? Or Reddit? Maybe Linkedin if it’s a consultancy or accounting firm.
  • Cost of acquisition – you may find the right audience on a certain platform, that leads to sales, but the cost of acquisition is too high.
  • Targeting vs. Pixel – again, the heavy lifting is done by pixel technology but if you want to target directly, we think Reddit is the best because sub-Reddits have very specific target audiences.

source: oarex.com


Okay, now let's see the results of the campaign that we have run. Here we go

Highlight Point

  • TikTok and Facebook are great for targeting younger audiences
  • The costs are generally lower on TikTok
  • Facebook offers more options – TikTok is still very new
  • TikTok doesn’t have proper conversion tracking yet so optimize for clicks and views
  • 99% of the TikTok ads ran on iOS
  • TikTok has a lot of new creative options

Why Advertise on TikTok?


  • Lower costs
  • Gen Z audience
  • New Creative opportunities

Ideas for Optimization:

  • Run Reports
  • Pay attention to ad frequency
  • Automated Creative Optimization

Why Advertise on Facebook?


  • Easy to Set Up
  • Useful Analytics
  • Facebook Ads Work

Ideas for Optimization:

  • Run your own split tests
  • Create specific aspect ratios
  • Support Your Organic Strategy

Split Test Methodology

Just recently, TikTok announced the launch of TikTok Biddable ads on its self-serve advertising platform.

This gives brands and TikTok ad agencies the ability to reach new audiences and expand the scope of their digital marketing efforts to a whole new level through this fast-growing social network.

In addition to TikTok Biddable Ads, which most marketers are familiar with, they also have Brand Takeovers, Hashtag Challenges, Brand Filters, and more. Focusing on TikTok’s Biddable Ads today, the campaigns come with 6 campaign objectives:


The campaign objective for both platforms was traffic.

TikTok doesn’t currently offer conversion tracking (June 2020). This was okay for me since we were driving traffic to a retailer and couldn’t track conversions anyway.

The result focused on the following three KPIs (Key Performance Indicators):

  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Cost per 1000 impressions (CPM)

I only focus on these 3 points because each campaign has different settings and strategies, so of course, this result cannot be 100% the same as the level of comparison. Because the features offered by each platform are also different.



With the exception of CTR, the Facebook ads performed better than the TikTok ads in all campaigns for all of our KPIs – CPC and CPM.


result stat from TikTok Ads Manager @naufal's campaign

When comparing impressions, TikTok is the clear winner. With 183,754 impressions, the TikTok ads generated 115% more impressions and spent 17.64% less than the Facebook Ads


result stat from Facebook Ads Manager @arie.steem's campaign

Clicks follow a similar pattern. The TikTok ads generated 0.2% more clicks while spending 17.64% less money.

The CTR is the only category where Facebook outperforms TikTok, and much of it can be attributed to a much smaller audience. TikTok ads run in general in Indonesia, while Facebook ads run in Palembang only (a province in Indonesia).

Top Performing Ads For TikTok

The TikTok ads performed much better with a female audience than with a male audience. Regardless of the creativity, it performed better with an all-female audience versus an all-male audience or an audience composed of all genders.

The best performing campaign generated 1,667 clicks with an IDR 866 CPC and 183,754 impressions with an IDR 7,863 CPM.

Top Performing Ads For Instagram and Facebook

When comparing the TikTok and Facebook ads, there were some significant differences between the top-performing ads.

Even though the cost per conversion wasn’t one of our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – since it can’t be tracked on TikTok currently – we did look at it when analyzing the results.

The best-performing ad group had a CPC of IDR 716, a CPM of IDR 7,461, and a CTR of 1.04% and generated 1662 Click.

Major Differences

CPMIDR 7863IDR 7,461
Duration8 Days30 Days
SpendIDR 1,445,000IDR 1,190,000
Fund$100 (My personal wallet)$83 (100 STEEM Sponsored by @stephenkendal)

Detail Cost Spend

Ad OnlyIDR 1,445,000IDR 1,190,000
TaxIDR 144,500238,935
CourseIDR 150,000-
TOTALIDR 1,739,500 ($120)IDR 1,428,935 ($100)

The basic difference about the total cost of a campaign is. I allocate $100 100% for ad costs only, and separate tax and other expenses. Therefore the cost is $120.

Meanwhile, Arie allocates $ 100 84% for ad costs includes 16% for tax fees.

Another difference

Monthly Active Users (billions)1B3.6B
Conversion trackingNoYes
More creative optionsYesNo
Desktop adsNoYes

Final Thoughts

  1. The different settings for each advertisement cannot be used as the same benchmark as a comparison. And also the budget used is different.
  2. TikTok ads may be so cheap because the platform is so new and they are working on growing their clientele before raising prices.
  3. If you base your decision solely on the chart above, TikTok clearly doesn't offer the same capabilities that Facebook and does YET.
  4. On the other hand, if you base it off the KPIs, TikTok is the clear winner if conversion tracking isn't a deal-breaker for you.
  5. At the end of the TikTok Ads vs Facebook Ads battle, I recommend you test TikTok Ads and see how they perform for your brand if you haven't already.


Well, maybe that's all I can describe, thanks @steemcurator01 for giving me an idea so I can explain this difference. Hopefully, the results that I produce will be of use to further research and useful for other promoters who will be campaigning on both platforms.

I apologize if it is a bit late to make this report because I have to wait for the data I requested from Arie.


Thanks to:

PromoSteem Team
@arie.steem, @ponpase, @pojan

@julstamban Promoter - Philippines
@jassennessaj Promoter - Philippines
@vipnata Promoter - Italy
@mcsamm Promoter - Ghana
@nattybongo Promoter - Ghana

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And also big thanks for supporting me,
steemcurator01 @stephenkendal @steemchiller @kevinwong @pennsif @dobartim

10% of post payout each goes to @steem.amal & @promosteem.com

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 3 years ago (edited)


thanks for the comparison.

I want to add a little comparison.

Facebook: has interactive features with space for communication between advertisers and viewers

Tiktok: while tiktok does not have interactive features, because it is a one-time advertisement, without being able to comment or send messages to advertisers.

For me personally, I prefer Facebook ads because advertiser can get immediate response from viewers

Yep, that's also one of them, I admit Facebook is better with this. We can interact by giving each other likes, asking questions, commenting, and sharing the content.

But as I mentioned in the previous post. We cannot display ad content for you to see. Because this is not a Promoted Post that you can view the posts at any time. This is a pure ad, not content that is promoted to be an ad. Like Google ads, other people cannot see the content. Ad will only appear if the algorithm that has been set by the advertiser is appropriate.

So, I think this also cannot be used as a benchmark for the same comparison because the features and objects are not the same. That's it clarify on me, thank you for adding Arie.

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By: PromoSteem Community

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I heard that snack also trying to use kinda refferal thing to get more user or click/dl... Have you check on it @naufal?

Snack Video? Not yet, but I will check it, thanks for telling.

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