Promoting steem||Today i Invited a new user to steemit and he is proudly a steemian with username @omemma


Hello beautiful steem promoters. Trust you are all good? its indeed a privilege to write here once again.
Today i will be sharing with us how i invited my very good friend @omemma to the steemit community.


Victor (@omemma) is my very good friend, though i've told him about steemit countless times, but each time i talk about steemit, he doesn't pays attention, he will always call it a scam platform, but i never stopped to tell him about steemit, because stemit is worth telling the world about and its actually a platform i am proud of, and its not a platform to give up on. I never gave up trying to change his mindset about steemit (You want to see the boldness i was using to tell him about series of testimonies about steemit)


Well, its so funny he is the one that actually woke me up this morning to tell me that he is now ready to join steemit. Woah! Isn't that surprising? Sure its indeed a surprise.

Screenshot_20210729-134933_Pure Browser.jpg

I later noticed that he heard about the testimony one of the steemians i invited shared with him how she got up to $60+ steemit dollar from her first post
. And he became more serious to join steemit.




I showed him how to sign up, suscribe to differebt communities and how to post. And today he is actually a happy steemian and He did his Achievement 1 post in Newcommers community.

I also corrected his mindset about steemit, that for him to get more on steemit, it requires him to invest by converting his steem dollar to steem or by buying steem from binance to power up his steempower. I thought so many things about steemit. And i thank God he is a fast learner. And He is happy to be part of the family.

I will continue bringing more users to steemit.

Thanks for your time.

 3 years ago 

Very well posted. I'm sharing your post on Twitter.


Thanks very much for sharing my post @mshariff..much appreciated

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your PromoSteem activity. Hard work that impacts our ecosystem. We recommend that you study the PromoSteem community Standards. Hope this guide can help you.

Thanks very much for the info @ponpase. The info is indeed helpful.

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