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RE: Steem Blockchain is a System That Rewards Persistence - Become a Steem Leader...

in Steem Schools3 years ago (edited)

My entry to the contest @dobartim

Being a student my academic success has always been my main priority, blogging also appeased me but the idea of working while you study never seemed like a good idea to me cause I always thought working while you school has a lot of factors ,for instance emotional factors like feeling down when your small business is not flourishing(depression) which may lead to loss of focus hence bad grades etc.
I met a friend in school who told me About Steemit and how the system works with ease, them boom!!! the loser mentality I had carried around me since my first year in the university dissolved, it felt like a sudden mystical revelations as if all this years I had been hungry and had only just discovered in had bread with me all along
This guy I met prefers to be called Investor CJ ,a student like me but all I could see when I looked at this guy was succes, what is your secret I asked? his answer was one word a reminder so to say "STEEMIT". He had recently just purchased a new bike for school to and fros looks quite expensive but the price is unkown to me and was preparing to go for his fully funded vacation in Lagos next holiday and all this he said to me "finicial freedom"were side benefits you enjoy in steemit aside the fun great contents and meeting others personality through rich articles.
I dunno if it was my ego or the fear of mixing school and work that may lead to the reduction in my grades that blinded my eye all this while, but the day i started blogging on Steemit the fondness, the love, the support has been overwhelming, fact is steemit is the best especially for students like me. Thank you all very much especially Our own attentive mentor @dobartim and goodluck to us all.


Nice one.

Thank you sir

You are welcome

Good luck bro

Thanks man

Before anything else, after I have read it, I then went down to the comment section, to know if those people who left comments were actually reading the post. I cant help myself but smile. These people, who just left comments without even understanding what the blog is about, are not helping thier ownselves. Knowledge and Persistence start with understanding - at least for my own view though.

Moving forward, thanks for your motivational insights my mentor @dobartim, with a secret contest. As much as I want to but I will be busy for my family will move to a new apartment later and I cant think of a good/well-thought entry for now. However, Im with you on promoting steem blockchain with the right education needed by the users. See you around mentor, at the top!.

Steemit deserves our persistency to bring and be the leaders.

Thank you very much

Nice write up keep it up


The Winner of the first Secret Contest, Congratulation @jamezmccoy

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