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RE: ᔕᑕᗷ Greeters - subtopic New Comers - Is New Only Welcome If They Are on Social Media?

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ3 days ago

Hi and thank you for tagging, I had during last two weeks busy training so did not spend much time on Steemit.

I fully share your opinion, there are few questions that I also was asking:

  • why if someone new joining the platform, he needs to do Introduction post as Achievement, and wait until someone comes and verifies you. I do not understand why a person can not simply join and start writing a post, comments and just chatting with others, as this is a blogging platform, isn't it?

  • the Greeters ask newcomers to say who invited them, what if the Newcomer just found himself the blog and nobody invited him, is it then not allowed to join Steemit ?

  • Here is another comment for a new user:


It was also noticeable that there were some new users from China who have difficulties to be verified, because often they do not speak English and also the whole way how social media in China for example is different from other countries who we know well on Steemit.

In my opinion, as new user it is important to do introduction post but the users should not have the obstacle for posting like they face when they try to post in any communities, they are told that they need to be verified via Newcomer community. People often do not accept those user's participation in contests and challenges and labelled as not verified user for this period of time they will not be visited by any Steemcurator too.

I do not know if anything is going to be changed if not then it is really look like Steemit- closed society the newcomer will come and go.

In general I think anyone should be able to start up and the talks about 300 words** is too much. Who says that if I write 300 words of rubbish then my post automatically getting better in its quality. There are some people who do not speak much are their posts then bad quality?

We need to read posts, and just what it is about and not count words. Would be good to hear opinion of other readers,

 3 days ago 

It is good to see you back and thank you for answering. Making a selfie is a miracle to me and I did it perhaps twice in my life as I had to open a bank account and Bitvavo. It took me a few hours and a lot of frustration because it isn't easy to hold a paper (an ID in this case) and next take a picture of yourself.

According to the message you show a picture with a paper is not enough but now also a glass should be held with the other. I wonder why this is asked and by whom. Is it to figure out if the one who should do it is fake or can photoshop very well or is it a circus act or a way to make people scream and give up on Steemit because it depends on who you met if you are allowed to join the club?

So far it seems we join the same opinion and I hope some greeters will join and tell who decides to give newbies this welcome.

@oneray aren't you one of the greeters? Do you tell a newbie there is no "you must" and they can write wherever they like?

How about you @dove11? Do you ask the newbies of your choice to show all kind of tricks and list all the social media they join? And if are you going to trace them to figure out if they are fake or real?

@oliva08 you are an old Steemian and so are you @netflixr, @ grebmot? Did you did that first achievement to join a contest?

Me encantan los comentarios donde la reflexión son el fundamento.

Cuando un nuevo usuario muestra su foto con el cartel, pero yo no distingo lo que dice, le pido que repita la foto para que pueda leer el contenido con más claridad.

¿Photoshop? Eso es cosa del pasado.

Ahora puedes hacer cualquier cosa con IA. Jamás he pedido sostener un vaso de agua o hacer piruetas de algún tipo, sin embargo, respeto lo que consideren conveniente otros greeters.

Quizás no llegues a imaginar la cantidad de cuentas falsas con la que nos encontramos. Cuentas de granja que se votan entre si mismas. Usuarios con alta reputación buscando seguir estafando al sistema para obtener otro poco más del fondo de recompensa, disminuyendo de alguna forma las ganancias en otras publicaciones.

No digo que lo que tenemos sea perfecto, pero es lo que hay, y de alguna manera debemos (es el trabajo de aquellos que damos la bienvenida a los nuevos) de asegurarnos que son personas reales y no los mismos usuarios con otras fotos, pues, esto es deshonesto para con todos.

No hice las reglas, solo trato de cumplirlas cuando me ofrecieron hacer este trabajo.

Quizás, no lo este haciendo tan frecuente como antes, pues, ahora ya no vivo en Chile ni tengo mi computadora. Estoy en México y hago todo desde el teléfono móvil lo cual para mí es muy, pero muy cuesta arriba, y no tengo la misma destreza y velocidad para escribir un artículo o un comentario.

A pesar de lo anterior, en cada comentario a los nuevos, dejo mis otras redes sociales donde pueden contactarme si necesitan ayuda adicional, de lo cual, muchos en la plataforma pueden dar fé de ellos ☺️

Pienso que no consiste en quien conoces en steemit o quien nos trae a la plataforma, pero es más fácil cuando alguien nuevo tiene ya un tutor que conoce las reglas y de alguna manera lo apoya en sus inicios de forma mas personal. Yo lo hago por Discord o por WhatsApp, o cualquier otra red por la que haya sido contactado, y lo hago con todo el amor del mundo, pues, es mi pasión ayudar siempre 😃

 2 days ago 

Usted es el primero que se toma la molestia de explicarlo. Yo también me he dado cuenta de que hay cuentas falsas, pero no siempre estoy seguro de que sea lo que parece. Sé que para muchos es difícil presentarse y mencionar lo que se les pide.
Tampoco estoy tan seguro de que todo el mundo sepa que el logro no es una norma y que se puede ignorar. Me parece que ninguno de los que saludan dirá que no hay razón para hacerlo _leer @patjewell sus preguntas, o proporcionar en una lista con las comunidades donde nadie pide un logro

Lo que me parece extraño es que el anonimato ya no está garantizada a menos que pertenezca a la parte superior. Entiendo que ningún sistema es perfecto pero porque un greeter no puede decir: Bienvenido, ¿qué tal? ¿Necesita ayuda?

Hasta ahora gracias por contestar y por el gran comentario.

 2 days ago 

Hi, I just drop this link as an example of user who joined but then left:

I don't serve as a mod or an admin but keep a couple of newcomers as beneficiaries in a couple of my posts every week. I select only the ones whom the admins have already approved. So this question doesn't apply to me.

 2 days ago 

Thanks for letting know how it works for you. You made clear the system works for you. 👍

May I ask why my submission is not being verified in your "wewrite" contest? Is there any problem from my end or have I missed something?

 2 days ago (edited)

If I remember well I did in the comment section last night. What you might have missed is that your community doesn't allow reports and I was asked to not leave them behind. So #we-write hands are tied and all we can do is mention the wordcount if it comes to comments or add a personal note and the same counts for the posts.

Noted with me it says: 10 points
The points for comments + engagement and are filled out yet.

Let me know if you can't see my comment please.

I can see that but is that for me I got no notification and that comment is under someone else (sbamsoneu) so I felt it was for him

wakeupkitty (75)
11 hours ago

Thanks for joining.
Title - flashy start - text and hashtags are all good.
Your total of point is: 10

Is it for me?
Thank you!!!

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