ᔕᑕᗷ Resteem!

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕlast month (edited)

Everyone does it...(4).jpg

Resteem or?

We all do it or not. If you don't do it your blog is empty and if accidentally hit the wrong "button" easily done if you are a mobile phone user, you can't undo it. I "grew up' on Steem by asking more than once to resteem posts if I wanted to join contests. I don't care if it comes to contests I join because I can easily find them back. Unlike from what I am used to I noticed hardly anyone leaves the link to a contest behind if they invite me. Let me tell you if you don't feel very motivated to search wherever that contest might be since if it comes to most communities they are messy! Messy if it comes to never-ending list op pinned content of at times years old. It hurts my eyes and the scrolling is endless to find a contest that fits to the entry I just read or (if I go for a few hours of reading and upvoting) find new posts! Now you know if you are reading and you can thank the community for making you invisible and... you can blame yourself because you did not resteem your posts to your blog! The blog is with me the first part that shows if I visit an account. I am not always in the mood after scrolling and hours of searching to make that extra click and visit the Posts of the account.. if the Blog has some interesting resteems I have a look there.).

Resteem or not?

If it comes to it it's up to you.
The reasons why I resteem have mainly to do with finding posts back I might need later (to upvote, for info or..). There are people (communities) fighting unnecessary resteems. Keep in mind that if you resteem you promote someone else and you might be hard to find or even be ignored if under your name the first post that shows is written by someone else.

What I wish for

An option to make what is resteemed invisible. This could help to make accounts look better. A post can be muted by moderators in communities, why not by users if it comes to their own accounts? I would be great if that mute option would function since all those "error" entries don't make an account look better either.

P.s I am not going to invite anyone since I already asked for this option in the interview I gave in The Italian Digital Magazine number 50 - Congratulations @italygame!

If you want to ask me for an interview, don't because the answer is NO I had before Italy a very unpleasant meeting with someone who asked me and who felt insulted as I refused. So far about freedom of choice.

#steemit #resteem #chat #forum #steemexclusive

 last month 

Estoy de vuelta, después del apagón que hubo en el país. Con respecto a la política de dar "reesteem", he de decir que me resulta positiva y que normalmente lo hago, en los siguientes casos:

1.- Cuando se trata de un concurso en el que tengo deseos de participar.

2.- Cuando los usuarios de la plataforma participan en los concursos que promuevo. Esto lo hago, con el fin de proyectar mi propio concurso y a los escritores de la plataforma.

3.- Cuando leo un contenido relevante para todos los usuarios.

En fin, para mí, el reesteem es un "eco" que trasciende a las comunidades y a los mismos usuarios.

Me gustaría invitar a @hljott y @marcybetancourt a opinar al respecto.

 last month 

Gracias por el apoyo. Me siento honrada de recibirlo.

 last month 

Thank you for sharing how you resteem. This way of working can be helpful for newbies (those who didn't find their way overhere yet. My guess still afraid to discover Steemit without a certificate.).

TRANSLATION google free

I'm back after the blackout in the country. Regarding the policy of giving "reesteem", I have to say that I find it positive and that I normally do it in the following cases:

1.- When it is a contest in which I want to participate.

2.- When the users of the platform participate in the contests that I promote. I do this in order to promote my own contest and the writers of the platform.

3.- When I read content that is relevant to all users.

In short, for me, reesteem is an "echo" that transcends the communities and the users themselves.

I would like to invite @hljott and @marcybetancourt to give their opinion on the matter.

text @solperez

 last month 

Hi @hive-152479, that is really interesting topic Resteem or not Resteem?

Same like you I resteem with some intention behind:

  • if I find interesting topic and would like many people to see it because it is educational and other user will benefit from it

  • because of an interesting user, sometimes we are lucky and come across such interesting personalities who are not known to majority of users and it would be good to highlight them to give them a chance and also a support that anyone will need when they are starting their path on Steemit

  • the third one, the one that you mentioned to make it easy for us to find it, I never thought about that, I actually find such posts if I upvote them earlier then come later to comment

What makes me irritated that communities pin many posts, especially it is noticeable when the community has many moderators like in WOX that is why I do not feel comfortable with that. But I am not an admin and can not change it. I just got used to scroll down and nowadays I do not really notice the pinned messages, my eyesight maybe got used to ignore them and just jump to new ones.

The other thing that also something that I do not really like is when there is a condition for contest to resteem. I did it myself when our community run contest as asked to resteem announcement post, I do not know if now I would do the same. We change our behaviour all the time.

As to your suggestion to get a function that would make resteem invisible, do you mean invisible for ourselves our own resteem or do you mean for others what we resteemed.

If it is for invisible for us then it is OK, but if it is invisible for others then the whole aim of resteem will loose its meaning.

 last month 

It's not only because of there are many moderators if it comes to pinned posts it's more that everyone pins but no one seems to care about unpinning what is no longer relevant. To me, it's a lot of scrolling on my phone and I can tell you I have to do it over and over again after every post I moderated. My phone doesn't go back to a place I stopped so I keep scrolling. I also do not see any point in pinning every post for 1 week. Announcement of the winners for example. The winners are announced and no one will have a look out for fun. These announcements rarely make a great read. Also between all those pinned posts with screaming pictures, I find it hard to find what I am looking for but that can be me although I doubt I am the only one who finds it hard to concentrate.

If it comes to muting or better deleting a resteem I want this for me. What I like and I resteemed for a reason can stay but there are times I hit the wrong button and I like to undo that action.

It's true we change and to be fair I like those who use the blog for mainly their own post the most. I wish I had done that.

Resteem of contest is of course a way to advertise or way to support just like asking for an upvote which is most likely rarely done or 0 is received. Next to that mentioning the host is another way of support and advertisement, same for asking the participant to use a hashtag with your name in it. As if anyone would use it to search for good content. No way. Perhaps we should make a list of things we dislike.

 last month (edited)

A rule has been established for Resteem, but coercing someone into it is pointless. Think about it, there are already so many things we're forced to do. Honestly, when I come across a post and think my friends should read it too, I always Resteem it. It's not necessary for all my friends to read it, but if even one friend likes it and engages with it, that's awesome! It's all about their own choice. I see it as a positive thing. But forcing someone to Resteem? No, that's not cool. We're all free here, so we can choose to Resteem or not, as we please.

And as for the rule of inviting 3 friends to a post or contest, I want to share an interesting fact behind it. I watched an Indian movie where a strategy was devised to spread a good message. One of the strategies was that if someone does a good deed for someone and the other person says 'thank you', they are advised to say 'instead of thanking me, do good deeds for three other people, and in this way, the message of kindness reaches many people'. But here too, I stand by my previous point - we are free, and if we like something, we should invite our friends to join in without any hesitation. However, it should be our own choice, not forced by any rule.

 last month 

If it comes to friends I do look in their blog (it's the first that pops up anyway) and I have a look at what they resteemed which at times can be interesting.

I have more issues with the inviting of friends part since those who are invited are rarely friends. I mainly see the names of curators, moderators, and high-level Steemians, and never anyone else. This means there is no engagement and no will to look for a few other names. Also, the invitation is rarely meant for someone they know might like the contest too.

If it comes to me I do not always ask different people either but the circle I write in is small and those I invite I know/hope will like the (story) contest just like I do.

I agree it cannot forced upon participants to resteem but it turns out it is used against you if you don't. So the question is if it is worth ignoring or being ignored? I can understand that if it's about a new contest a bit promotion is needed. It's not great to host a contest if no one joins.

@oneray @blessedlife @lunasilver @solperez what is your opinon about resteeming posts, contests?

 last month (edited)

Resteem, mentions and invites , simply it's all about getting someone's attention or advertising. Then, in my opinion, if some work is good, there's no need to advertise it. It will attract readers on its own.

But what I've noticed here is that people only mention those who have more power. And you can understand what the reason behind this might be. Certainly, it's to generate rewards.

I remember well that earlier, everyone used to mention Sc01 in their posts. And then one day, it was announced that Steem curators should not be mentioned. But according to my observation many users still do it. (Just to get attention) And some people spend their voting power on voting for Steem curators' comments. And some (clever people) unnecessarily write their own comments on Steemcurator's comments just to get their attention. (Is this fair?) Anyway, it's all a mind game.

Perhaps we should let the readers and curators decide what they want to read, who they want to support, and which contest users want to participate in. This is my thinking, and I know that not everyone's thinking will be the same.

Tal vez deberíamos dejar que los lectores y curadores decidan qué quieren leer, a quién quieren apoyar y en qué concursos quieren participar los usuarios. Esta es mi forma de pensar, y sé que no todo el mundo pensará lo mismo.

Estoy de acuerdo con estas palabras. Me sucedió. Invitaba a personas que conozco en la vida real, pero nunca atienden el llamado.

Al inicio seguía a muchas personas, pero luego hice una reorganización y sigo aquellas personas afín a mis intereses.

 last month 

Indeed, following individuals who align with our mindset enables us to read and engage with content that resonates with us and fosters meaningful connections. However, human nature dictates that people's thoughts and opinions often vary. Consequently, our social circle and perspectives evolve over time.

En eso también tienes razón. Yo misma, no soy igual que ayer. Con cada día estoy evoluciono.

 last month 

I noticed the same.. those with power sc01 sc02 the high level are always invited no matter if they like it or have time. There's no way newbies are invited to join a contest or read something. It's easier to mention those whose name we have in mind? Can be but I also scroll through my list with upvotes of 0 (strangers) or copy-paste a name of someone I don't know to bring a bit variety or to point a contest or way of writing out to others. Will it help? I doubt it.

I do mention "invite somone new not a admin, moderator.. but I doubt rules are even read.

 last month 

I like your positive thinking .

In my opinion, mentioning or inviting people who can understand and provide guidance on a specific topic is not a bad thing. Inviting a new user to a relevant post with the intention of guiding them can be beneficial for them. Similarly, inviting users to a good contest according to their taste is also not a problem. All this works (I see it in a positive way).

However, forcing users to follow a rule for mentioning or inviting is not right.

Saludos 🙋🏽‍♀️😻

Hace unos días atrás me puse a ver y al examinar mi blog me di cuenta que lo había descuidado. No tenía mis publicaciones desde 2022. Me había convertido en una valla de publicidad.

Así que desde julio decidí hacer mi publicación de power Up desde mi blog. Incluso me sorprendió que durante la temporada 19, recibí la visita de steemcurador01. Ésto me hizo pensar en retomar mi blog. Ahora me encuentro reorganizando mis actividades. Gracias Kitty, tú has sido un gran faro. Contigo aprendí lo valioso de los comentarios significativos en las publicaciones de otros, y lo estoy practicando.

¡Qué bueno es leer tu comentario, amiga!

Cuando retomé steemit (estaba por otros lares) noté que, cada persona que moderaba en una comunidad, ofrecía concursos, y una de las reglas era (y aún lo sigue siendo) republicar el contenido en nuestro blog, lo que se conoce aquí como resteem.

Comencé a hacerlo porque los demás lo hacían, y la imperiosa necesidad de ser visto, y por supuesto, tener la esperanza de ser votado, llenó mi blog de tanto contenido irrelevante que llegó a convertirse en un pipote de basura o material que solo sirvió por 7 días.

Como conocí la plataforma un año después de ser creada, comencé nuevamente a indagar para qué era el botón de resteem cuando lo agregaron y cuál era su propósito inicial, y al darme cuenta de que, mi blog era como una especie de biblioteca para mi propio uso posterior, y por ende, para cualquiera que lo visita, dejé la mala práctica de colocar cualquier contenido, a menos que me sirviera para un futuro, cercano o lejano.

Hice un post al respecto y lo dejé en el comentario que hice, y esto me trajo algunos mensajes de agradecimiento como de rechazo, jaja.

En fin, tenemos libertad de expresión y tenemos libertad de elegir, y de allí, nació la ida de escribir ese artículo, el cual figura de primero en mi blog... hasta que comparta otro tan interesante como este.

 last month 

Descuidamos fácilmente el blog, pero es lo primero que aparece si hacemos clic en la cuenta de alguien.
Entonces, ¿qué es lo que ve el visitante? ¿Nada? ¿Temas poco interesantes como intenta evitar @oneray? ¿Ve los intereses del autor? ¿Vemos sólo las publicaciones del autor?

Me alegra saber que hoy estás más visible. ¡Te deseo muchos más upvotes!



We easily neglect the blog but it is the first that shows if we click on someone's account.
So what is it the visitor sees? Nothing? Uninteresting topics like @oneray tries to avoid? Does he see the interests of the author? Do we see the posts of the author at all only?

It is good to hear you are more visible today. I wish you many more upvotes!


En primer lugar, quiero agradecer a @wakeupkitty por la invitación. Siempre que lo hace, echo un vistazo porque considero que es algo bueno.

Es un buen tema, del cual, escribí hace unos meses, y por supuesto, con usuarios a favor y otros totalmente en contra, pero, tengo el poder de elegir lo que quiero, independientemente si a otros no les gusta lo que pienso y escribo en esta plataforma.

Usé para aquella publicación, un título diferente Dile NO al resteem irresponsable donde dejaba clara mi postura acerca la regla de republicar un contenido que se haría viejo e innecesario a los 7 días, refiriéndome a los concursos.

Desde que escribí ese artículo, solo doy resteem a los contenidos que, a pesar del tiempo, son útiles para otros usuarios que llegan nuevos a la plataforma, y principalmente para mí, para buscar cada vez que necesite refrescar la información que sé que es importante para mí.

Ahora, estoy de acuerdo en que, cuando de concursos se trata, dejo dentro de mi artículo un enlace para que pueda ser hallado más fácilmente por las personas que invito o que se tropiezan con mi blog.

 last month 

Translation google free

First of all, I want to thank @wakeupkitty for the invitation. Whenever she does it, I always take a look because I consider it to be a good thing.

It's a good topic, which I wrote about a few months ago, and of course, with users in favor and others totally against, but, I have the power to choose what I want, regardless of whether others don't like what I think and write on this platform.

For that post, I used a different title Say NO to irresponsible resteem where I made clear my position about the rule of republishing content that would become old and unnecessary after 7 days, referring to contests.

Since I wrote that article, I only give resteem to content that, despite the time, is useful for other users who are new to the platform, and mainly for me, to look for whenever I need to refresh the information that I know is important to me.

Now, I agree that when it comes to contests, I leave a link inside my article so that it can be found more easily by the people I invite or who stumble upon my blog.


 last month 

Thank you for your reply. Please, add the link to your article to your answer so people can read it!

Leaving the link to a contest in your content is a help. I always do so to make it easier for those invited to join the contest without searching for it but at times I ask myself if I should stop with is. It's extra work.

A great weekend!


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