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RE: Is there absolute friendship between genders?

Which one you activated?
It's not up to me, so far not much result you? I have to be careful where I post, my phone has issues and gets frozen. Do not join the communities steemitblog says to. The boylikesgirl is announced by the other contest overview perhaps therr are more?
I guess these are the korean or chinese communities.

I will write the 3rd episode of The Waterfall today and I hope to write the 3rd episode of the bookstore tomorrow (everyone gone?).

You know notifications -/mentioning/tagging people does not work well.

It's fine with the letter and Julia. His mom he has a daily great contact with did of course not read it and their are plenty of men in the US and the rest of the world who love to read it. It will be on the bookshelves and he'll use a differrnt name (it's always great if you are proud on what you wrote and don't need to hide).

Enjoy yourself. I had a short night (cleaned the houde) and mowed (the weather is fine), the birds are loud, now I will fry some chicken and wash the strawberries.

A great evening to you.
Bye dear friend ❤️🍀


I managed to activate upex by delegating the minimum of 300 SP, which is the maximum I can afford without dropping below 500 (I only have 800 SP), and they guarantee me 0.3 per post per day; the more you delegate, the more they give.

Then, upvotefund to participate in the boylikegirl community as requested, I've delegated to two users, you and another linked to boylikegirl, they also give some UVF but I don't know what those are.

My results are terrible but you're here so it's okay.

I'll stay away from steemitblog.

I've noticed a different interface for Chinese users, I understand less and less. 🤷🏽

I continue to read you even though I can't comment because I'm busy at work. 😅

That letter really distressed me but now that we've cleared things up I feel more at ease.

I'm happy, I think you feel it too.

🍓I like them with lemon.

Good night dear friend ❤️🌻


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