The Future Of Blockchain In Governance And Public Services

in Steem Alliance2 days ago

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The blockchain technology, with all its innovative features and advancing technologies have facilitated and led to many advancement and growth in the different sectors it has been implemented and if these innovative features like decentralization and cryptographic protocols were applied in public services it is likely to facilitate a revolution in its operations.

The blockchain technology through its features and structures has been known to improve security, privacy, accountability, transparency and efficiency of the networks and systems in which it is being applied or implemented, it will do the same to the governing system and methods of public services.

In this post of mine, I am going to be discussing and explaining some of the potential roles in which the blockchain network is likely to play in the future if applied and implemented in governance and public services and how its likely to improve and advance these areas.


When it comes to governance, and the systems involved in the voting in of these individuals who govern us, the blockchain can be applied to address certain issues like vote manipulation or rigging, stress and congestion at polling booths, with the blockchain technology the voting process can be done completely digitally, transparently and securely.

Additionally, when it comes to counting of votes the voters and aspering candidates can be sure of maximum security and efficient recording of vote, records that are to be made transparent to the general public and are tamper proof.

Further more, the blockchain technology also addresses the issues of low participation in the election processes as a result of stress of coming to polling units to vote, by basically facilitating a secure remote voting system, the blockchain can help increase the trust, confidence and participation of the voters.


When it comes to managing the processes involved in the transportation of goods from the producer to the final consumer, the blockchain technology can be applied and implemented to play the very important role of facilitating a system of management that ensures the safety and authenticity of goods especially food and medicine.


The blockchain can basically achieve this by providing a secure, tamper proof and immutable record of every transaction and movement of goods along the supply chain because if you can still remember one of the primary features of the blockchain technology is transparency.

Additionally, by providing this transparency, in the process of supply chain management there will be improved accountability which prevents the workers or individuals involved or responsible to do certain tasks in the transportation process from stealing goods and altering the original quantity.


The technology of the world we live in is constantly evolving for good and for bad and when it comes to stealing and compromising the identities of many who actively use the provisions of the digital world there technology has also advanced far beyond the security measures and protocols of the traditional identity management systems hence resulting to the constant data breaches.

The blockchain technology can be implemented and applied in this regard to match up and mitigate and methods in which attackers try to steal our identities, the blockchain based digital identities operates typically on decentralization, allowing individuals to control how their personal information is shared or protected.

Additionally, the governmental bodies and institutions can use the blockchain technology to authenticate and verify make it less stressful for citizens to identify as legitimate citizens of whatever country he or she is from or belongs to.


The present method or process of issuing licenses to individuals can be very slow, manipulated and easily censored however, in the future when the blockchain technology is implemented, the efficiency, transparency and security of issuing services will be greatly enhanced and increased.

Basically, the blockchain’s immutable ledger ensures that all records of registered or issued license is immune to any kind of manipulation or forgery, they are authentic and verifiable as a result discouraging any type of fraud or malicious activities.

Additionally, the blockchain’s possesses Smart contracts which can be used to making the process of issuing licenses kinda automatic, while features like decentralization allows for better interoperability among the different states or jurisdiction, ensuring that all licensing systems across the globe.



In conclusion, first I would like to say a very big thank to everyone who made the effort to read and go through this post which I have made, and I hope that you have been able to learn something new as I have explained and discussed the significant future roles in which the blockchain technology is applied.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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