My thoughts about microblogging

Greetings dear friends of the Steem Alliance community, it is a great pleasure to be here again, to bring a new publication.

Today I bring you my participation in the contest proposed by @steem-seven entitled "my thoughts on microblogging." I invite @vivgibelis, @inspiracion and @soywilfredg to participate.

Image created in the app Lumii for this post.

Microblogging is an interesting way to create content, as it is a minimalist way of reaching more people with less material. It is a way of getting your ideas and knowledge to more people, in the midst of a train of life where there is less and less time to read and watch long videos.

The idea of ​​this is to create specific content, without extensively addressing topics, which may be interesting, but whose content may be tedious to the viewer in a single installment. Hence, short blogs of two or three paragraphs are more popular with people, as are videos of one to three minutes.

Have you used a microblogging platform like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.? Tell us your opinion about this type of platform.

The advantage of this type of platform is that since the content is short or not very extensive, it gives you the opportunity to extend yourself and create multiple continuous publications delving into a single topic. You can also create what are called "threads" on Twitter, which allow you to develop the same topic through multiple continuous publications, making the reading public or the audience, in the case of videos, stay on the platform and comment. on the progress.

The interesting thing about this type of strategy is that it always leaves the viewer hungry for more content, making them stay within the platform of their choice, in addition to allowing them to navigate in search of more information or similar content.

In the same way, it allows the variety of content, making content such as comedy, as well as other forms of entertainment, can be introduced on this type of platform and accessible to people, in any given period of time due to its short duration.

Would you like to have a new Steem-based microblogging platform? How could you take advantage of this?

I would develop it as an application within the platform, so that the content creator has both options when wanting to develop an idea. It would also be great to be able to use this app to drive your audience to broader content, through a series of microposts.

For steem it would be great, because each publication would be an additional block to the chain and it is possible that each user could generate up to a minimum of three to ten daily blocks, between written publications, of photographic content, just like Instagram does. Not counting the votes and comments that each one would get.

A few things that I like of the apps of microblogging.

What things do you like and dislike about microblogging?

I like it because:

The door is opened to create simple content, such as reflections, curiosities, chronicles, which can be created with few words, highlighting the creativity of the writer to transmit them.

It opens the opportunity to open more spaces to another class of creators, such as artists, photographers, singers, to show content quickly and not have to create a flashy post for it. It focuses more on the content than on the presentation, in addition to being able to be easily managed by mobile devices.

In the case of "The Diary Game" you could make several publications a day to tell interesting things that are happening to you and not wait for the end of the day to tell them. You can post right away.

I think its disadvantages would be:

It lends itself to questionable content and communities, curators and moderators would find it quite a chore to verify the number of posts that could be submitted in just one day, which will require expanded content verification structures.

The existence of a microblogging blockchain platform will displace the current blogging platforms, because most users would rather create short posts with "anything" than create a good post.


Smile at life, in the end she will always give you that smile back!

If you want to know who I am, here is my Achievement 1.

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Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

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Tienes razón, el microblogging requerirá una nueva oleada de moderación intensiva y reestructurada, pero abriría muchas puertas para la creación de iniciativas… gracias por compartir, rrcuerda dejar tu entrada en el post del concurso

Gracias! Toda nueva oportunidad debe estar lista para todos los cambios que va a ofrecer, desde la creacion de nuevas estructuras de moderacion como parametros para calificar contenidos. Es algo excelente porque nos permite "sacarle punta" a muchos temas que podrian abordarse de forma sencilla y en varias entregas.
El enlace esta en el post del concurso:

Muchas Gracias @alejos7ven

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