Stale Block in Blockchain Technology.

in Steem Alliance3 months ago

Hi guys! It feels good to be back in your faces again this week. Welcome to my blog. I trust you're ready to get loads of value from this space today. So tell me, how did you find my last publication? Interesting right? Smiles...

Well we have something interesting to touch on today as well. It's titled Stale Block. Am not sure many of us here are familiar with what this term is all about but trust me, I would be taking you on this journey of absolutely enlightenment if you would tag along. You would really find it interesting even as I make it as simple and comprehensive...just for you.


Transmission of data from one computer or Blockchain node is actually quick but not instantaneous. The rate and speed at which information from one computer gets to the other depends largely on the distance between these computers.

It therefore means a computer that is very far from it receiving end would definitely not get timely information compared to a computer closer to it receiving source. This singular transmission of communication lags is what gave birth to what we call stale Block on a blockchain network.

Now I want you to understand the context of our discussion, we are discussing blockchain and it operation.
At this point I would really want us to explore what stale blocks are and of course dig deeper into it cause on a blockchain. Let's get right into it.

What are Stale Blocks

A stale Block was once a fresh successfully mined block that ended up not included on the current longest Blockchain and the reason is usually because a replica of such block was mined almost at the same time and added to the chain before it was. Since the two cannot be added at the same time, it has to be dropped and then regarded to as a stale Block.

Network latency is usually one of the major cause of having stale Block on the chain. The effect of this is that two competing chains are produced seeking approval and validation from the nodes on the chain and the only way to solve the rift between the two competing chain is that miner would have to continue to mine on the chain they consider as the true chain.


On of the chain eventually becomes longer because of the ongoing mining operations by the miners and the rules of the blockchain is such that the longer of the chain is adopted while the other is dropped. The block mined on the rejected chain then becomes stale and the reward for mining it also becomes invalid, meaning it can't be spent.

A practical approach to how Stale blocks are formed

Now we understand that the proximity between Location A and B is more than that of A and Z. Meaning B is the closest neighbor to A. Which literally means B gets to receive from A before Z if data is to be passed chronologically.

Let now relate this with the topic of discussion. Now let's assume A successfully mined the next block in a Blockchain and the E from another location also mined his next block about the same time with the same block height, there is already a conflicting problem.

"A" would communicate what he has found to the letter (nodes) close to it, so also is "E". At this point, the networks now has two splitted chains referred to as Version of truth because they are both valid. Now both will struggle to have the next block mined on it. Let's now assume that another miner C who is next or the third person in this equation then mines the next block after receiving the data of the block mined by A.


What happens afterwards is that "C" announces his newly mined block on the same chain as A which eventually gets to the other nodes on the network that got both the data from E and A and then at this point they would have to decide who to go with, and of course the longer of the two chain is their sure bet... Which is the A&C chain.
At this point, all miners align on the same chain and keeps mining till there is another occurrence of chain split

Bottom Line

Stale blocks are actually successfully mined blocks that failed to be added to the chain due to network latency or lag in timeframe. So in order to ensure that we do not run on a splitted chain, the block in one of the splitted chain will have to be annulled and the reward disapprove.

I believe by now you have a very good idea about our topic of discussion. You have just been equipped once again with knowledge. Make good use of it.

I trust you've gotten so much from this piece. As my usual custom is, I would always encourage that you DYOR to be sure of every financial step you would want to take as I won't be liable for any form of loss encountered by you.

Feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for your time once again. Gracias!

Disclaimer: This post is made as an education and not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your own research and consult a financial advisor.




Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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