The Impacts of Quantum Computing on Cryptographic Algorithms

in Steem Alliance2 months ago

Hello everyone, How are you doing, I welcome you again to my blog in the Steem Alliance community.

Today, we will discuss an interesting topic on the platform which will be: The Impacts of Quantum Computing on Cryptographic Algorithms

  • Introduction

Quantum computing/computers are significant technological tools with the possibility to transform several tech industries, including encryption.

The introduction of quantum computers may bring serious difficulties to cryptographic processes that protect our data and transactions.


In this article, we will discuss how quantum computing may affect some cryptography processes, including the risks and steps to design quantum-resistant solutions.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing processes information faster in ways that regular computers cannot, regular computers use bits (0s and 1s) to process data, but quantum computers operate using quantum bits, or qubits.

Due to their superposition power, quantum computers can operate in many situations at the same time, this means quantum computers can solve specific problems in the right amount of time,

For example, Shor's algorithm, which is a quantum algorithm, can efficiently factor in big numbers, putting cryptographic systems that rely on factoring difficulty at risk.

Cryptographic Algorithms are at Risk

1 . RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman)

RSA is a popular encryption crypto technology that protects data based on the difficulty of factoring huge integers, quantum computers using Shor's method has the possibility to crack RSA encryption, making it unsecured any longer.

2 . Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)

ECC encrypts data by solving complicated mathematical problems using elliptic curves, Shor's algorithm can also solve these issues, threatening ECC's security.

Developing Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

Researchers and developers are now developing new cryptography algorithms that can withstand quantum attacks. Here are some good approaches as have read so far:

1). Code-Based Cryptography

Code-based methods, such as the McEliece cryptosystem, are the eco-system that rely heavily on the difficulty of decoding specific sorts of codes, and they are considered as robust to any quantum attacks.

2). Hash-Based Cryptography

These sorts of algorithms use hash functions to generate safe digital signatures, Examples are the Merkle signature schemes.

3). Multivariate Quadratic Equations.

These methods are centered on solving systems of quadratic equations, which are difficult problems even for quantum computers.


Preparing for Quantum-resistant Cryptography

The move to quantum-resistant cryptography consists of multiple steps:

1 . Implementation

Current systems must be updated to embrace quantum-resistant algorithms, which require changes to both software and hardware.

2 . Education & Awareness

Educating developers, IT workers, and users on quantum-resistant cryptography is necessary, some training programs and tools will also help in a smooth transition.

Timeline of Quantum Threats

Although quantum computers capable of cracking current encryption algorithms are still many years away, it is necessary for us to prepare today.


The cryptographic community is actively developing and implementing quantum-resistant solutions to safeguard the security of digital communications in the future.


Quantum computing brings significant threats to existing cryptography security procedures such as RSA, and ECC.

Researchers and developers are working on new quantum-resistant algorithms to safeguard our data and transactions.

By planning today, we can protect our digital communications from future quantum threats, thanks for reading through...

' NB: This post concerns education, not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your research and consult a financial advisor



Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 2 months ago 

Nice Topic

Thanks ser, glad you could relate to the topic, not many here have experience on such..

 2 months ago 
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