Voting CSI Chart Integrating into The Best #club5050 - #club75 - #club100 SteemFoods Posts Of The Day... 🆕 ⭐️

in SteemFoods2 years ago

Voting CSI Chart Integrating into The Best #club5050 - #club75 - #club100 SteemFoods Posts Of The Day....png

Hello Everyone:

Today I will give you detailed information about the integration of the Voting CSI table into The Best #club5050 - #club75 - #club100 SteemFoods Posts.

As you know, I integrated the #club5050 - #club75 and #club100 tagged project initiated by the steemit team into the SteemFoods Community in a very short time and completed the integration of these tags to the "Best SteemFoods Posts of the Day" that I shared on our steemitfoods account.

I am adding the information of the wallet activities of our users whose post I selected and the table of the club tag provided by them. I shared this development with you 3 months ago. I do this by checking the wallet activity of the authors of the posts I choose every day, in the form of a table like in the photo below, on and adding the information.


It was very positive that the steemcurator team could curate the posts more easily with the category and wallet activity information. In addition, all our users selected in this way can also see the tag they provide. You can see the detailed announcement about it below.

#club75 & #club100 Added to The Best OF SteemFoods Posts! | Category and Wallet Activity Plugin 🆕

Voting CSI Chart Integrating into The Best #club5050 - #club75 - #club100 SteemFoods Posts Of The Day...

3 days ago, on my steemitfoods account, I shared an announcement about ✅ that you should not vote for your own posts with your own voting power ❌, instead you should vote for the content of different + quality content producers ✅.

Steemcurator01 checks the Voting CSI of all its users, and users with a high percentage of self-votes have much less chance of voting their posts. So if you want to increase your chances of getting vote support by steemcurator01, you should pay attention to your Voting CSI.

I also think this integration will be successful to increase the chances of our users to get vote support, to facilitate the curation of the steemcurator team by checking the posts in the Community more easily + for our users to pay attention to Voting CSI from now on..

That's why I'm integrating the Voting CSI information of each user I choose from today into the "Today's Best club5050- club75-club100 SteemFoods Posts" with the table. I will do this as follows. You will now see both the wallet activity plugin and the Voting CSI plugin. As follows...

Voting CSI% selfUpvotesAccounts
13.30.00 %16466

You can see your Voting CSI on and Voting CSI includes your voting support for the last 7 days. Here you can see your self-vote percentage, how many times you voted per week, and how many different accounts you voted for. All this information will be included in our table.

voting-csi-table .png

NOTE: Our expectation from each of our users is to vote for different content producers 70 times a week in total. (You can vote 10 times a day with 100% voting power, 10 x 7: 70, if you decrease the percentage of your voting power, you can increase the amount of your vote.) As an extra, we would like to see the self-vote percentage of each of our users as 0.00%. Please do not vote for your own posts with your own voting power.

  • We will see Voting CSI integration for the first time together in ''Best club5050-club75-club100 SteemFoods Posts of the Day'' on 08.02.2022. I hope that with this integration, our users will be able to curate better and the chance of active content producers to receive votes from our users who produce content will increase. This will help us maximize engagement...

To Join SteemFoods #club5050 Telegram Group:

By joining the SteemFoodsXClub5050 Telegram Group, you can ask your questions. I will help you as fast as possible...



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 2 years ago 

thank you so much for the i fo sir... it would indeed help us a lot. Gid bless

 2 years ago 

Thank you for this informative post. I will try to follow this but I have already joined curation trail of 3 communities. So, I vote more than 10 times in a day.

 2 years ago 

Hi : @ashkhan

If your vote percentage is 100% while voting, you can use it 10-11 times a day at most. As you lower your vote percentage, you can vote for more content. For example, if you vote for content between 20-22 with 50% vote support, your voting power will be full within 24 hours.

Additionally, it is never right to participate in the curation trailer, every steemit user should use the manual vote support. I think the communities or users that started the curation trailer are doing it wrong. When the content is voted manually, the interaction increases and you can choose the right content producer only with the support of manual votes. :) ✅

These are my thoughts, thanks for the comment. 🙂

Que buena noticia que agreguen CSI comoinformación, así se evita a apoyar a usuarios que abusan del autovoto. Aplausos @steemitfoods y steemcurator01.

Es muy importante masificar los votos, en estos momentos están muy centralizados.

What good news that they add CSI as information, thus avoiding supporting users who abuse self-voting. Applause @steemitfoods and steemcurator01.

It is very important to massify the votes, at the moment they are very centralized.

 2 years ago 

Most times i don't vote my post when the curation account is used vote, automatically i equally participated in the voting activity. With this measure, am I on the right track?

 2 years ago 

Hi : @benson6

In my opinion what you are doing is not correct.

You can curate by using manual voting support and without voting yourself without participating in any trailer. As a result, when you participate in the trailer, you cannot control which users you vote for and the quality of the post you vote for.

In my opinion, whichever community or person launches the trailer is making one of the biggest mistakes. As a result, if you give manual vote support, your interaction with users will increase.

 2 years ago 

You have a point here and some like me, I have joined more than curation trail. So what is your advice to me because I can not remember the last time i voted myself but the curation trail has doing that on my behalf.

 2 years ago 

Hola haces un excelente trabajo, gracias por usar mi cuenta como ejemplo, no estoy de acuerdo con el auto voto, hay muchos steemians que hacen un gran trabajo en esta plataforma y merecen ser apoyados. Saludos 🤗

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the useful information

 2 years ago 

Hola @alikoc07, gracias por tu información la cual comparto. Considero que el voto es para apoyar a los demás al igual como lo hicieron con uno al principio. Votar estimula a los demás a seguir haciendo contenido. En lo personal hay muchas publicaciones muy buenas que apenas quedan con un voto mínimo que no se cobra, es allí donde voy más rápido.
De lo contrario todo lo que se escribe cuando hacen el powerup ( ser visibles y ayudar a los demás sería una premisa falsa)
Así que estoy de acuerdo contigo sobre el evitar el autovoto.

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