|steemfoods-greengrocer Contest Results | $700+ Vote Support- | What's Next?steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemFoods4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone:

Today I will announce the results of the contest I organized with the -steemfoods-greengrocer tag. First of all, I would like to thank all our participants who participated in the competition. With this competition, we have seen fruit and vegetable prices in many different countries and wonderfully designed greengrocers. With this contest, we tried to help pay your weekly fruit and vegetable purchases by giving maximum voting support. Make sure your posts in the SteemFoods Community are steem-exclusive only and produce quality content. We check all posts and try to support voting. I will now announce the Top 5 Posts of the contest.

Top 5 Posts of the Contest:


Kontes SteemFoods -8- | Promosikan Penjual Makanan Favorit Anda! ~Toko Segar Buah~


My Favorite Greengrocer: Lulu Hypermarket A One-Stop Center for All My Daily Need


Promote Your Favorite Greengrocer! | Arpico Super Centre - Supermarket that has Everything




SteemFoods Contest -8-| Promote Your Favorite Greengrocer! |

Surprise Winner: @elcorrecamino ( Prize: 20% upvote by @steemcurator02 )


SteemFoods Contest -8-| Promote Your Favorite Greengrocer! The King of Fruits

Participants in the Competition:

Award Distribution and Vote Support

For the posts prepared for the contest I organized with the # steemfoods-greengrocer tag, we gave a total of $700+ voting support, including @steemcurator01 , @steemcurator02 and @steemcurator06.
Thank you to all ourparticipants, if you did not get support for the content you shared, you can improve your content a little more, we check all posts. Be patient with voting support, all our work is working to improve the SteemFoods Community. Prepare more interesting content for the next competition and wait. I would like to remind you that all our participants are valuable to us.

  • As an extra, I gave 50% ($ 1.76 +) voting support yesterday for the participants we could not support with the @steemcurator06 account.

What's Next Contest?

I have planned the subject of the new contest and tonight I will share the announcement of the new contest with you. If you want to give me an idea about the topic of the new contest, you can comment under this post.

Quick Delegation Links:

50 SP

100 SP

250 SP

500 SP

1000 SP

2500 SP


Background Photos Source


it was really super contest and we learnt a lot that how all over the world is the green grocer market look, and what is the reason people love any place, so it was v much informative contest , i liked every post and i did try to visit every post, if i got chance to login to my steemit, because i enjoyed to travel every post to see that how world look in shape of green grocery and i also got chance to make decession that what is the different of my market and price and other , thank a lot for this superb contest
many many congratulation to all great writer @khanzia, @fwinanda, @ainie.kashif, @hasini, @wendyth16, y @elcorrecamino

 4 years ago 

hai @yousafharoonkhan . Thankyou so much :) I also agree with you, through this contest at @steemitfoods we like traveling to several countries and seeing the situation in our friendly countries who are also involved in this contest. By the way, I'm waiting for you to go out or shop in my country, Indonesia. precisely in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh province.

 4 years ago 

Terimakasih banyak, aaa senangnya! alhamdulillah bisa menang lagi meskipun turun menjadi pemenang keempat di kontes kali ini, namun saya akan tetap semangat mengikuti kontes @steemitfoods ☺️❤️ selamat buat para pemenang, so proud! @khanzia @ainie.kashif @hasini @wendyth16 dan @elcorrecamino

Felicitaciones @khanzia, @fwinanda, @ainie.kashif, @hasini, @wendyth16, y @elcorrecamino. Me encantaron sus participaciones ver los espacio que visitan es casi como viajar a otros países, conocer los alimentos preferidos es muy interesante.
Estupendo los espacios e ideas @steemitfoods y @alikoc07.

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much. I'm waiting for you to go to my city :) and i hope, one day I can visit your city. @sacra97

It would be wonderful we should not lose hope of traveling and knowing other places. I plan to go to Spain to visit my children there. My city is very touristy with many beautiful beaches @fwinanda

 4 years ago 

Thank you @sacra97 and let's participate in the next one. Wishing you a pleasant day and please stay safe, cheers, ainie

I love the space to participate. Also keep one safe. To enjoy the Christmas holidays @ainie.kashif

 4 years ago 

Luar biasa, ini sungguh diluar prediksi, saya sangat senang sekali bisa terpilih menjadi pemenang pertama dari sekian kontestan hebat yang ada. Terima kasih @steemitfoods @alikoc07, saya akan berusaha keras untuk memposting yang terbaik dan mengikuti dengan penuh semangat setiap kontes yang diadakan. Selamat juga kepada pemenang terhebat, kalian sangat luar biasa @aini.kashif @hasini @fwinanda @wendyth16 dan @elcorrecamino

 4 years ago 

Terima kasih @kanzia dan tahniah juga kerana kamu adalah pemenang utama. Let's participate in the next one. Wishing you a pleasant day and please stay safe, cheers, ainie

Wow I'm so happy 😊 Thank you #steemitfoods

Поздравляю победителей! Всем удачи в следующих темах.

I loved participating in this contest. Congratulations to the winners!

I hope to see more contests

Greetings and blessings :D

Gracias amigos por su apoyo
felicidades a os otros ganadores
son realemente buenas publicación.
saludos desde #venezuela

Felicidades a los ganadores, siempre me divierto compartiendo en esta deliciosa comunidad, estaré atenta para el próximo concurso, saludos...


 4 years ago 

Felicidades a los ganadores, excelente concurso amigo siempre buscando la motivación de cada uno de los participantes... Saludos @alikoc07

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