Was It Hate or Manipulation???

in GEMS4 years ago

I was pretty much confused from the morning thinking about what to write. This type of feeling became a habit nowadays. It doesn't mean I am out of topics or pictures, I have so many travel posts pending, some specific topics which I want to share but I am out of words...

Simple Questions always plays in my mind...

" What to write? "

For the past month, I have been gone through so much. I wish I could have explained or express publicly what exactly happened with me, but honestly, it was one of the worst feelings I have ever had. Not only I lost the confidence of writing contents but also my mind is completely fucked...

Sorry for the inconvenient word, but the truth is the truth...

I guess I have to learn How to Handle Dramas which you can't avoid...

My mistakes are:

  • I couldn't raise my voice.
  • I kept the entire matter inside me.
  • I couldn't handle the situation.
  • Instead, I fucked my mind by keeping everything inside...


I felt stupid, weak, and moreover worthless because I had answers but I didn't find the appropriate words to answer. Just like Boss is always right whether they are right or wrong and I felt like a loser employee knowing what is right and wrong...

The contents I have made on this platform were all from my heart. I was started my journey writing true stories of my life and still, I do the same. I can say proudly that I write from my heart, my feelings and I don't pretend. Whenever I felt that I don't want to show the exact reality or don't want to express directly the reality of my life, I have chosen a pen and paper or my laptop to write...

Does this make any sense?? I don't think so...

Anyway, there is no meaning of explaining things, it already happened and I felt like a loser who just accepted things, the certain accusations without any specific logic. Instead of becoming a logical person, I accepted everything without any further questions, and later I felt like a dumb. I mean how could I do that...

I have mentioned before that staying in quarantine for 3 months really effected my mind, I became more silent and introvert and somehow I became weak inside.


The Reason of this Shit post :

You might be thinking why I am writing this after a long time, it doesn't make any sense now. As I have mentioned that whatever happened, happened, nothing can be changed so why now?

The reason is very simple, I want to leave a lesson or words for everyone...

We often feel overwhelmed and rational because of certain situations. We are human and sometimes we can't control our anger but because of power, situations we keep silent and grasp wrong things knowing the situation is wrong...

We lose our voice because sometimes we are not ready for the situation and it just happens. Instead of thinking from the brain, we just go with the flow and accept things that others are showing to us. Later, when we calm down, we just regret and understand what we have done... It just the inability to handle a situation properly...

Not everyone is ready to give you exact value which you actually deserve but it's okay. But that doesn't mean your inability proves you a loser. Yes, this world is not for emotional people, if you start thinking emotionally, you will be fucked mentally. But if you start thinking from the brain, you will be strong and will gain the ability to handle a situation...


I personally feel that there is no place for weak, emotional people in this world. If you start showing emotions, people will think you weak, consider you stupid and start manipulating you. They will show you the way where you will only notice your weakness, inability, and hear one voice "You are a loser". I have seen how people play with minds and break trust. Some are worst than this, they will show you sympathy, act like your friend, and...

One thing I can tell you, this world is way more critical then it seems.

This is it for today, see you on my next post....


Explore Life with Priyan...




"I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."

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Original post written by @priyanarc




I really understand you, I've been through something like that not long ago and I agree with you when you say that the more emotional you are, the more other people will manipulate and screw you. It's actually pretty sad that things like that get to happen.

But you know what? That situation led me to understand that being emotional and feeling vulnerable is nowhere near a disadvantage, we're in touch with our own soul and feelings and that's way too much for some people to handle. I'm really sorry that you had to go through that, I understand your pain, but this is a great opportunity to learn about boundaries, how to manage certain situations and how to be wiser whenever trusting someone.

We're all here to learn and sometimes that means getting in our paths with people that will wreck us all the way. Pain and change are always uncomfortable, now is the time to pick up your broken pieces and fix your soul. Don't allow this to drag you down over and over again, you're way too precious and valuable for that and, whenever it comes to standing on your feet again, forgiveness is key. Not only for the other person (which sometimes is pretty hard) but also for yourself. You were doing the best you could at those extreme situations, and here you are, on your way to being a better you!!

Thank you for your words, it's not an easy topic to write about and you made your point totally clear.
Lots of love! 💜💜💜💜

I really tried to express the exact feelings and how it seems when someone goes through certain pain. There are a lot of people who are consuming their pain silently, they don't have any medium to express. I think that's why many people write diaries, biography. Human nature is different, the more I expect, the more I will get hurt.
The fact is, in the end, the only thing that matters is who I am and what I have done with my life. Because in the end, it's my life and what I have chosen for my life...
Thanks for this wonderful feedback, really appreciate it...

I have a friend with a similar experience and after everything happened he became cold and silent, I would have wanted him to speak and defend himself but his close friends whom he had brought to the platform made matters worse by hunting him.

I really do not know if his silence was golden because up till date people see him as a fraud and wicked person without fully understanding the real story.

I know certainly there must be some sort of vindication from an angle because after he left, the strong Nigeria community on steemit collapsed and the effect of the work he was single handedly doing left a huge gap which no one has been able to fill.

I can understand his situation but sometimes I personally feel silence is not the answer, you have to speak out when there is something called accusations. I really hate when people judge someone else and forced them to accept the drama, to avoid drama we just become silent and walk away instead of speaking out. Situations force us sometimes to accept the fake things which are not true. Sadly, we have missed a lot of potential people because of this mentality...

It is sad but we will continue to thrive, take care beautiful.

Hi @oluwatobiloba may I know who is this friend of yours you're talking about? I would love to connect with him. Thanks 😊

We, women, are the manifestation of moon energy and usually emotional by nature. Men, on the other hand, are more mentally strong as they are a manifestation of Sun energy. Yin and Yang energy in us that we have to constantly strive to balance or else we will drag too much in our natural emotional state and will harm us in the long run. Speak up your mind but be mindfully careful too not to get into trouble because of it. More of try our best to speak up in a diplomatic matured way. Stay strong and live your life to its full potential. x.

Yes, completely agree with you, sometimes because of emotions, we become overwhelmed and do mistakes. I also think balance is compulsory like you have mentioned. Thank you for this humble feedback. I truly appreciate it...

Priyanarc... same like steemit...

waiting for next post

:) Thanks for reading...

Wonderful article! Really appreciable.

Thank you...

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Wow... por fin se puede leer algo calido... de verdad... original... lo mejor de un ser humano... Gracias y sigue asi...

Thanks... :)

Ninguna de las dos... Fue una observacion sincera... Es dificil encontrar a alguien que escriba desde sus sentimientos... por eso me dio tanto gusto leer tu post

Estoy muy contento de que te guste mi publicación, siempre comparto lo que siento, sea bueno o malo. Escribir una publicación es un medio para compartir mis emociones, lo que estoy pasando y lo que siento. Gracias por compartir sus comentarios y apoyarme.

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