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RE: Was It Hate or Manipulation???

in GEMS4 years ago

I really understand you, I've been through something like that not long ago and I agree with you when you say that the more emotional you are, the more other people will manipulate and screw you. It's actually pretty sad that things like that get to happen.

But you know what? That situation led me to understand that being emotional and feeling vulnerable is nowhere near a disadvantage, we're in touch with our own soul and feelings and that's way too much for some people to handle. I'm really sorry that you had to go through that, I understand your pain, but this is a great opportunity to learn about boundaries, how to manage certain situations and how to be wiser whenever trusting someone.

We're all here to learn and sometimes that means getting in our paths with people that will wreck us all the way. Pain and change are always uncomfortable, now is the time to pick up your broken pieces and fix your soul. Don't allow this to drag you down over and over again, you're way too precious and valuable for that and, whenever it comes to standing on your feet again, forgiveness is key. Not only for the other person (which sometimes is pretty hard) but also for yourself. You were doing the best you could at those extreme situations, and here you are, on your way to being a better you!!

Thank you for your words, it's not an easy topic to write about and you made your point totally clear.
Lots of love! 💜💜💜💜


I really tried to express the exact feelings and how it seems when someone goes through certain pain. There are a lot of people who are consuming their pain silently, they don't have any medium to express. I think that's why many people write diaries, biography. Human nature is different, the more I expect, the more I will get hurt.
The fact is, in the end, the only thing that matters is who I am and what I have done with my life. Because in the end, it's my life and what I have chosen for my life...
Thanks for this wonderful feedback, really appreciate it...

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