in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

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Hello to you all in this great community. It is another fresh start of a beautiful week, and as such I welcome you all to this week's engagement contest in this community. I will be dropping my entry below as touching to the given engagement contest titled my 3 best characters vs 3 worst characters. So sit tight and I wish you happy reading.

It will not be proper to delve into the given topic without explaining in brief what character implies, so as such I will be defining the term character to give us a guide to the contest topic.




Character can be seen as a natural phenomenon in which an individual exhibit consciously. It is practically the behavior of a person which he or she portrays in the society, his family, and beyond.

Character can also be seen as the attitude which a person showcases as an individual in the community. Character can also be be regarded as a habit because it is seen constantly in a person.

From one's activity, and his behavior towards others, one can tell if a person is good or bad, if a person is polite or rude, if the person has respect or lack respect and so on.

Character speaks so well about who we are in the community and as such, it gives people in the community the exert impression about you and that is why it is often said that charity sure begins at our respective houses.
Character has the tendency of attracting people to us or repelling people from us and it depends on the character we exhibit in the society. with that brings us to the discussion of the day.


According to this question, I will be answering it by telling us all abour my 3(three) best characters and they are as follows.


This is the first on my list. Bring so simple has been my thing for long, and that's what has made me to learn greatly, things that I do not know and I am still learning today.

I do not take age as anything but a number and that has made me to achieve good and benefiting things in this life. I am a calm headed person and as such, it makes me to be teachable and not to be proud.

There are things that I do not know for sure and as the class rep in my class, I go to my subjects and plea with them to help me out, be you old or young and I also give others listening ears should anyone have something to say, I am always available to them.



This is the second on my list. Respect is reciprocal they say, and as such, I give respect to everyone irrespective of your age, size, and height. So it doesn't matter if I am older than you or if your are older than I, everyone get respect from me.


I am a teacher and also a business man, as such, I often come in contact with people of different calibre both old and young. And I have learned from my home to always respect my elders but I was never taught to respect my younger ones truth be told.

But I have learned this in the case of running my business. During my business hours, I always greet the people that come in contact with me to buy an item. Be it young or old, I always greet first to show a sign of respect and in that case, I am subconsciously teaching the younger ones to do the same.
When i got to the institution which is the federal college of education where I finished from, I was trained to be a professional teacher and I know what respect means when given to children. They value it and as such, often pay attention to my class whenever I am teaching.

And that is a good moral upbringing. Teaching them practically to respect both their elder and younger ones is a good character that is embedded in me.

Truth saying

I have come to realize that telling lies is not worth it especially at my age. I always tell the truth no matter what it takes and I don't regret after telling the truth.

There are cases whereby people do confront me on some particular information, probably wanting to know what is going on and then come to me for the truth, without hesitation I will tell the truth even If it will affect me.

If I did a thing and I am being questioned about that particular thing, I always come out plain to tell the truth be it am guilty or not. Just the way it is, in same way will I speak it without adding or subtracting an information from it.

In my place of work, I have seen people coming to work late and then in the staff sign-in book, they always indicate that they came earlier and then sign in by inputting the an earlier time. This is a wrong behavior done by most of the staffs.

But whenever I come, I always indicate the exert time I came in without lying, and as such, most of my colleagues hate me for that act. They always regard me as a man of God who doesn't have a skeleton in his cupboard. But then, I careless about them and do my thing by telling the truth because it's worth it.


Sure I will without hesitation. These attributes are good and they are healthy not just to you but also to the society where you come from, in as much as you have the above characters, then you will sure be loved by many and you will always be used as an example to orgers.

The above characters shows that good people still exists in this world, if you decide to stand out today and be the good person you always want to be, then I tell you, the world will sure be a better place for all to live in.


Just as I have shared my 3 best characters, I will also share my 3 worst characters that I display which I am not proud of and they are as follows.



It is shameful and pathetic to say, but I have to say it. I am quick to anger and this I strongly condemn. Whenever I am wronged or talked carelessly to, I get angry easily and pour out whatsoever that comes out from my heart without considering the person I am talking to and this is a bad character.

Ir does not speak well of a person and that, I have been working on. Ir has been causing a lot of problems between me and my loved ones and that is what I hate. So this is one of my worst characters.


This is another worst character that I have. I do not forgive easily whenever I am hurt intentionally. Don't get me wrong, I do forgive but it not that easily especially when I know that someone offended me on purpose.

I normally take 2 to 3 weeks depending on the magnitude of the offence commited by the individual to me, and U often wait until that person come to apologize. And not just that, I have to see the sincerity in the apology before I can think about letting it go.

I am still trying in working on myself to be a better person because this character also scare people off my track.


Trust issues is also part of my bad character. I hardly trust people because of the things I have seen in life. In fact, this character has become a problem in my relationship with people and my spouse. I hardly trust people because of my experience with people in the past.

This character is so bad that, whenever I travel for either an event or an important thing from my location to another, I often call my spouse to know her whereabouts. So you can all see that it is bad and I am trying to stop it for good.


ofcourse I will like to stop them. These characters are bad and we all know that bad characters only scare people away from us most especially our loved ones. The people around us get affected mostly and are always the victims of our characters, and as such, it will be better to stop them as soon as possible.


Currently, I am starting to trust my spouse even when I am not available. I have been away for like 2 months now and we have been communicating so well and things have been working out well, so that is a plus.

I have also began to let things slide whenever someone make me angry even before they come to me to apologize, for I have realized that holding grudges is not the solution and does not speak well about a person.

Now I am working on my emotions, not allowing things to bother me so well. Looking past other people behavior towards me is the goal presently, for I know with that, I will careless of what anyone do to me from hereafter.

So I have been making judicious use of the above steps mentioned to curtail my worst characters and I know with those, I will finally let go of them for good.


Rhis contest is indeed a beautiful one, I feel so alive when answering the questions. It was as though a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders.

Rhank you so much to all the team members that came up with this topic. I will like to invite @badmus-official, @jueco, and @v-brainer to participate in this beautiful contest too.

 2 years ago 

I think you been a teacher accounts for your simplicity am I right? Well from the picture of you and the students, one can tell that you are really a simple person. Your bad side of quick to anger is really a bad side indeed and am so glad you know that for a fact and willing to make adjustments. I am really happy for this contest topic.

 2 years ago 

You have said well my dear. I appreciate your valuable comment on. My post

 2 years ago 

@solexybaba pls check my response to your comment on my post, it's important

I love the fact that you acknowledged your worst character and am hopeful that you will soon do away with it soonest.

 2 years ago 

You have done well by commenting my friend, thanks.

Well, the simplicity trait is also one of my best traits also, but it does not rank top three for me. But respect comes in between the first two.

Being quick to anger is bad, but it is good that you are working on it.

I also dropped an entry to, Kindly click here to read

What an amazing write up you have here. I love your choices of the best three xters especially, the one about truthfulness. I love honest people. But it is a rare quality seen today. Unfortunately, majority celebrate lying and other dishonest practices.

Thank you for bringing this out.

Kindly do well to comment on my entry

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your response friend.

 2 years ago 

You've written well about the positive and negative characters you possess.

For the negative traits, you can get rid of them by seeing things in a different point of view and also putting yourself in that offensive situation.

Best of luck!

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for stopping by friend.

 2 years ago 

You have a good characters.. and I think you can manage your worst characters so that people feel more comfortable around you. But whatever happens, everyone must have two different sides of the coin.

Good luck for the contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear for your valuable comment.

 2 years ago 

My pleasure .

 2 years ago 

Hey friend,

Trust issues is also part of my bad character. I hardly trust people because of the things I have seen in life. In fact, this character has become a problem in my relationship with people and my spouse.

Hmmm in this current generation, I would suggest you remain like this oo, with a little improvement because no one Is to be trusted especially in a country like Nigeria, where even the government is very wicked and corrupted

Thank you very much for sharing, please you can check my own entry here

wishing you success

 2 years ago 

True my brother, no one can be trusted and as such we have to be careful. Thanks friend

I like your frankness in sharing your negative characteristics. That's great. Yes, I too suffered a lot from overtrying others beyond the limits. I too need to rectify it.

Nice entry from you. Best of luck to my friend.

 2 years ago 

Thank you sir for your good words on my post.

Its my pleasure dear.

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