in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

@ijebest & her newbies at the promotion ground.

Hello everyone 👏👏
I'm very excited for being here in this contest again, it's a beautiful thing that this steemit challenge engagement is already at the 4th week, just the other day it started, we are moving forward and all of us expect to win, by the grace of God we will keep steeming high and higher and keep winning.


Steemit platform is a beautiful platform that is known world over engaging in up to three magnificent activities which includes:
** Blockchain digital technology
** Social Media interactions
** Cryptocurrency.
Steemit platform also is formed in communities where users are permitted to create original contents that will be curated and rewarded in 3 main currencies, steem power, steem dollars (SBD)and Tron. This is a platform that is based on the creation of original contents that are rewarded to the users and the content creators and curators too. Steemit has separated and honoured itself from many other social medias by being able to give rewards to it's users. Steemit is a decentralized platform that has not allowed the executives to be in control of affairs, Power is in the hands of the users in this platform. Amazing!!!!!, Steemit rewards it's members with Steem, cryptocurrency for their posting, commenting and up voting of contents in their different communities. This platform has numerous members and numerous communities all around the globe and we still need more people to sign up and become steemians. Come on and join us today!!!!.


In my country Nigeria, steemit has not been well known for so many reasons. The citizens here know and are using other social medias like Facebook, Instagram, Scoop, Twitter, TikTok and so many of them even new ones that are just coming up. Reasons include that the

Nigerian government frowns at cryptocurrency, government of the day has refused to legalize the currency

Some times ago the Central Bank Of Nigeria governor by name Godwin Emefiele announced the freezing of the accounts of any cryptocurrency users reason being that it's not legal according to them. Even the Senate decided on a law against cryptocurrency. Lots of young people that are into the business are hiding themselves not to be arrested. During the end SARS protest in the country, some cryptocurrency accounts of many youths were frozen like the popular musicians, the twin brothers peter and Paul okoye, "the psq" after a very long interrogations their accounts were released. Some were detained in cells, a lady by name Dj Switch, she is really a Dj because of the government order, she ran out of this country and is now living in Canada because the government were after her. So it has not really gained ground in my country, Nigeria. As of now because of the government disturbances to the citizens, about cryptocurrency, people are afraid to boldly join, but we with our love to this platform and special wisdom, we have been moving forward convincing people to join.
Yet, steemit platform is promoted by us and it's known by very few, you know Nigeria is a populous country of about 200, million people as at census conducted at 2016. With many ethnicity and diverse languages and tribes and dialects. When steemit will gain full ground in my country, it will be a total harvest of members/ steemians, Nigerians love using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the sky will just be our starting point in leaps and bounds in steemit, if Nigerians fully embrace it, wow!!.

**Another reason it's not too known is because of the low exchange rate, it's now an excuse for some people not to join, when you tell them about cryptocurrency, digital money, they will make you know that they know that the exchange rate is very low now and it's discouraging to us. we still know it's a general thing to all the digital transactions, but it's very discouraging to those yet to sign up to the platform. The low rate is discouraging really.

**Another factor is fear, people are very afraid that steemit may one day fold up like all the ponzy schemes all around tormenting people, after they may have invested huge amount of money, these unrealistic companies will fold up suddenly,so many people assume that steemit is one of those. I have kept explaining to newbies that you can't spend a dime signing up rather they will reward you for publishing original contents. Many though have believed me and signed up some are still the "doubting Thomas" Which is lack of knowledge and it's not helping them at all.

**Some have the expectations that they will be rewarded with traveling abroad, car awards, all expenses paid tour trip to the steemitblog head quarters abroad. When you now tell them just writing original contents can pay you, many will decline by thinking it's a waste of time. They will become very lazy to just write and earn in dollars which is the real truth in steemit platform. I'm not discouraged because steemit has come to stay and to become a house hold name on the lips of every Nigerian that's my faith, after all steemit platform was just introduced into Nigeria for the first time in the year 2020 by our one and only founder, @focusnow but see how the fire is ravaging the whole country, many of us heard on the radio and joined, some were signed up during our regular roadshows, don't worry, steemit platform will take over Nigeria soonest.

There are needs for publicity about steemit platform, and this brings in our numerous efforts we have made to see steemit become known as a house hold name in this country Nigeria.


*** I think the steemitblog can go all ahead to have a television station of their own by name 'STEEMIT SOCIAL MEDIA BLOCKCHAIN/ CRYPTOCURRENCY TELEVISION STATION CHINA'
With the head quarters in China, but can be trancemiting the news and connecting to people from all around the globe like CNN television we are viewing all around the globe today. In different languages & dialects for people to know and understand more about steemit. In these stations the only thing that will be presented on 24 hours bases will be talks, trainings & teachings about steemit platform and all that we represent and some steemians will be signing people online right there as the program goes on.

** Better still our steemit platform team I mean the steemitblog team can grant interviews in CNN television stations to talk about, training and teaching the masses about steemit platform and the huge benefits of signing up to become steemians and rewards that we will give to people.
** Remember signing up in steemit platform is a huge relief to many unemployed youths, it's a complete employment to many, many lives have changed. Many poor youths in Africa will embrace it whole heartdly that will change their lives for the best.

** Steemitblog platform can increase their work of charity in so many hunger, poverty and war ravaged countries of the world through trainings and presentations in CNN, BBC, STARTIMES, Gotv television stations, better still through E station in any of the television stations, reaching larger audience to know and sign many up to become permanent steemians by giving food items as we are already doing in @steemalive community in Nigeria. It's possible, please.

** We can create our own a Facebook platform by name 'STEEMIT FACEBOOK' that will only be showcasing the beauties in steemit platform. Steemians can as well be coming there to share testimonies of the benefits we have been getting since we joined steemit platform. From these suggestions of mine and a great more, steemit platform can become a huge success and a house hold name all around the globe.


Yes, yes, reasons being that Nigerians love watching programs, like all those football leagues and matches they can even bet money Who will win in advance before watching those, the also love watching boxing, listening to news from the radios & televisions. Many Nigerian families pay regularly monthly subscriptions to Gotv, BBC, Aljezira, Startimes, and so many others just not to miss any event of their Choices which are also their favorites. The same way they will cling to 'STEEMIT SOCIAL MEDIA BLOCKCHAIN DIGITAL/ CRYPTOCURRENCY TELEVISION STATION CHINA'. If opened.😂😂.


My promotional activities include:

** Road shows:
** Food for thought program
** Sell more with Steem.
** Steemit meet ups to strategies how best to move steemit platform forward.
** I have joined a club status of #club5050.
** I have been powering up and never powered down, it's also my way of promoting steemit.
** I have been attending our meet ups and our promotional activities. Some times I speak to people around me about steemit on my own all alone with the fliers.
** I have some fliers at home for my personal training to my family members, friends and neighbors on my own spare times at home.
** I have been able to sign up many people including two people living in different cities from where I reside. All these and more

@Ijebest talking to Abia Polytechnic students in their premises to sign up with steemit platform during one of our roadshows 2021.

through out last year 2021, I joined up in steemit platform, we have been going out on roadshow activities every Tuesdays and Fridays by 9:00am and close up by 2:00pm, that is twice in one week without fail. We gather together @steemalive center by 9: 00 am collect our fliers and our scroll banners and go out to a particular location telling people about steemit and signing them up. Most times we go to Abia Polytechnic in Aba, through this, many students have become steady steemians till today. As time went on we have to be divided into teams. We had team winners and team pacesetters. Led by @kingrichy and @peterabagi. Our team members were having healthy competitions which team will sign up more newbies. We had a steemalive Whatsapp group where we showcase our activities on daily basis and another Whatsapp group where we train our newbies on certain days.
** The materials we use are our fliers, our face caps, our T-shirts, our scrolling banners and the words of our mouth.

Our team winners, talking to youth corpers members in their camp to sign up with steemit platform.many signed up before passing out from the Thier camps.

scrolling banners and everyone of us wearing his or her branded steemit T shirt and face caps. We look very attractive, some people can even come and sign up on their own accord after looking at us from a distance. It's fun.

**Another of my efforts to promote steemit is our food for thought program initiated by our leader @focudnow this last April 2022.

@ijebest, @luchyl and @marajah at our food for thought meet up in our steemit center.

During our sell more with Steem meet up at our Aba center. @ijelady, @ijebest,@marajah, @empress jay

At sell more with Steem meet up in Aba center.

Still at the meeting for sell more meet up.

@ijebest , at Aba center for sell more with Steem meet up team members.

@ijebest, @samuel20, @norma12 at a road near Kilimanjaro eatery in Aba, using our fliers and word of mouth to talk to passersby on the road.

@ijebest at the meet up held just last Saturday, 26/06/2022, at Aba center on how to talk to the business owners to sign up with our sell more with Steem agenda, that will kick off in July, 2022.

@focusnow, @ijebest, @marajah and a newbie at the Steemit center Aba, strategizing on how to go to markets in Aba, to sign up business owners and their businesses into our sell more with Steem project on google for greater viewers and buyers.
Conclusion, with these points of mine and many more not mentioned, steemit platform and it's activities will be on 🔥🔥 fire, on every lips and it will be fully engaged like Facebook Instagram Scoop, Twitter and TikTok and Whatsapp in my country, Nigeria. I'm sure of this, Nigerians love good opportunities, and steemit platform is it.

Thank you everyone for finding time to come around my post, I'm excited.
I invite @focusnow, @chiabertrand @patjwell @gunthertopp, @chant, @eliany, @samuel20, @whitestallion, @wase123, @rmm31 and @ishayachris.
Thank you for reading my post once again,
❤️ You all from,

 2 years ago 

Congratulations, your post has been supported by @steem4nigeria. This is the official community account of Nigerians on Steemit. You can reach us here on our community account.

Manual Curator : @Reminiscence01

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Thanks very much for such an encouraging remarks, I'm excited to be here.😂❤️

I must say ma'am you have really been a tool in the promotion of the platform, the need to promote Steemit is necessary so as reach a wide range of citizen in need of jobs.
.thanks for your wonderful publication

Wow, thanks very much @olabillions for the encouragement, I appreciate.

You are welcome

I appreciate you, thank you

You are welcome

 2 years ago 

You have been doing great already in terms of steem promotion. I think you have a point about social media promotions. With all that you have suggested, Nigeria will boom with steemians. I agree that a whole lot of persons still need to know about steem in Nigeria. Hopefully, we can join hands to promote steem as never before

Wow thank you my mama, I'm excited on your comments,. Thanks.

 2 years ago 

Woow , you have actually been doing well when it's comes to steem promotion and I most recommend you for that ma. Indeed our government are not in support of the cryptocurrency but I'm sure with due time they will accept it weather they like it or not😁😁😁 because it has come to stay for good.

You have written an excellent article on this topic and all your suggestions on how to promote are grate idea. Best of luck ma.

In my country Nigeria, steemit has not been well known for so many reasons. The citizens here know and are using other social medias like Facebook, Instagram, Scoop, Twitter, TikTok

I think when you put it in this way steemit is not really known in Nigeria. When we comapre it with other social media platforms then steemit is not doing well in many places as well.

The Nigerian government declaiming cryptocurrency as being illegal has really played a part in taming steemit. It seems after that announcement users are not able to promote steemit as well as they used to do.

Some times ago the Central Bank Of Nigeria governor by name Godwin Emefiele announced the freezing of the accounts of any cryptocurrency users reason being that it's not legal according to them

I was just wondering🤔. After freezing the accounts have they been unfrozen for users to take out their funds or it’s still that way.

The moment I saw your username it rang a bell. I knew I have seen this user name a couple of times and then it clicked my mind that I have seen in pictures a couple of times promoting steemit. Your pictures speak for themselves as you are actually a very lively promoter of steemit.

Thank you, I love steemit platform, I have kept on going out for promotions with others or even myself alone, because steemit has come to stay but gradually it will over take others. Thanks.

 2 years ago 

Seing you with the steemalive team members convinces me that you do a great promotion for steemit, steemalive is a community focused on steemit promotion and they are doing well on that aspect, i commend them. Thank you for being in the team and also making great contributions.

I wish you success in your promotions and in the contest.

Yes, we have been doing great jobs promoting steemit, I know it will soon take over others, we will keep doing our best in that regard, thanks for reaching out to my post.

In my country Nigeria, steemit has not been well known for so many reasons. The citizens here know and are using other social medias like Facebook, Instagram, Scoop, Twitter, TikTok and so many of them even new ones that are just coming up.

Yes, Tiktok Facebook and other popular social media platforms are a big obstacle in the development of our steemit platform. Because people like to live free and watch videos on it to pass their time.

Road shows:
** Food for thought program
** Sell more with Steem.
** Steemit meet ups to strategies how best to move steemit platform forward.
** I have joined a club status of #club5050.
** I have been powering up and never powered down, it's also my way of promoting steemit.

You have done a lot of pormotional activities that can be clearly seen in your post. Your work is really great I appriciate it. Thanks for sharing with us... At last, I request you to come and visit my post also. So we can engage with each other. I am waiting for u.

Greetings 🇵🇰

 2 years ago 

You are so right, people fear the unknown. We are in our comfort zone. As for Nigeria, you guys are doing an excellent job! Steem on!
Wishing tgat all your suggestions will come true🤞🏻
Good luck for the contest!

 2 years ago (edited)

Wow my leader and friend, thanks for such an encouraging remarks, I appreciate you.

 2 years ago 

I can see your effort. Sell more with steem will be another platform of promoting Steemit. I can see you have try your best to bring in your friends to be part of Steemit Blockchain

Thank you my friend and keep steeming and keep signing up many, steemit platform has come to stay, we are blessed.

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