Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 19: The boarding school effect on children

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago


Hello great friends. Trust you all are doing fine. One of the highly debated issues among parents is whether it is better to send their wards to a boarding school or to be a day student.

This issue is what this contest is all about in @steem4nigeria community. The title is The boarding school effect on children.

The contest tips will provide a guide for us as will explain on this.


Have you or someone close to you experienced life in a boarding school? Would you like to share the experience?

Yes, while growing up, I had some friends whose parents took them out from the school we all were attending and sent to them to boarding school. The reason they gave for such withdrawal was that the school taught better than the government school we were attending then.

Whenever my friends come back home. They will loose weight and not be looking healthy. They will lament so much about the ill treatment they are subjected to in the school. In fact, they are usually demoralized whenever school wants to reopen.

I also noticed their change in character, this time on the negative side. They claimed to be more matured because they knew the wrong things that should not be done. They started hiding a lot of things from their parents. In fact there were so many things their parents do not know about them since they pretended to be good children.

It was not until they left home for university education that the parents realized whom they actually are and what they were capable of doing.


Will you love to send your kids to a boarding school? Please give your reasons.

I have several reasons not to do so. The experience I related above is just of the ones that I have witnessed.

Parents are entrusted with the primary responsibility of training their children. So sending them to a boarding school is like shying away from their responsibility.

Children leave for boarding school at a very tender age. An age in which they are so vulnerable and susceptible to manipulation. An age when they do not know what is good and bad, right and wrong.

So it will now be other people's duty to teach them what is right and wrong. That is very wrong.

I have heard parents saying that if their children attend school from home, they will not learn how to do house chores and know basic things in life. I disagree with them. That simply means that they are shying away from teaching their children.

It gives room for your child to be taught another person's standard of morality, no wonder we have grown ups who believe that sexuality is a personal thing.

The age at which a child leaves home for a boarding school is the time to mold him his personality rather than allowing others do that for us.


What have been the experience trying to relate, to bond or to adjust a kid after spending years in a boarding facility.

Personally, I did not send my children to leave in a boarding school. They have been attending from home. This makes it easier for me to bond with them and know when they are worried or have something to share with me.

For some parents that I have come in contact with, the filial bond bond disappears over time. The child starts being independent from their parents but rather depend on their friends, peers and teachers as the best advisers they have.

So it takes quite a time for parents to revive that affection and bond that exist when the child comes back from boarding school.


Do boarding school really produce people who are ready and able to cope with the reality of life without the traditional parental guidance?

Traditional parental guidance is a requirement for proper training of a child. While I would not say that all children schooling from home are the best, but there are a lot a child can learn by schooling from home. The child will be able to experience first hand, how the parents struggle to provide for him and still make out time to care for his emotional needs. These basic life lessons cannot be taught in the boarding school.


Can the discipline obtained from such institution equal that of the parents at home? What can't be learnt in a boarding facility? Do you think they are missing out of any important aspect of their development?

The discipline from a boarding school can never be equal to that given by parents at home. That given at home by parents is always the best.

What can't be learnt in a boarding facility

Showing love to members of your family and emotionally bonding with them cannot be learnt from a boarding facility.

Family values and way of life cannot also be learnt in a boarding facility.

Do you think they are missing out of any important aspect of their development?

Yes the children in boarding school are really missing a lot. They suffer from emotional support and development, which should have been provided by their parents. Hence, they would carry this lack of emotional support over to their own families when they marry and treat them in such a way too.

Honesty is a quality that is not appreciated by many. In most boarding schools, being dishonest is like being a smart and sharp person. Thence, when you are not caught in the act, you can find your way around any issue. This idea is prevalent in boarding schools, but these moral developments are qualities that are taught on the home front by the parents.


I am inviting @bossj23, @adylinah and @fortwis09 to participate in this contest.


@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.


Home is the best place to stay. Leaving our parents to stay with strangers isn't easy. I also had the same issues anytime I'm back from school domitory to the house, i always look thin, my provisions were enough but my roommates couldn't manage it. Life in a boarding school isn't bro bro. I love your writing, it's interesting.

Sir, it is true that a child should learn the parents lifestyle when they are young. Enrolling them in a boarding school might cut that link. Then, they might end up learning code of conduct contrary to their parent's own. I think that day school is the best.

Thanks bro for going thru. That is my position as well.

It's my honour Sir

 9 months ago 

You are right that when children go to boarding school they become mature and they know what is right and what is wrong for them.Its sad that the children's try to hide things from their parents.

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