The Green spotlight #3: “Rich dad scams’’

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago
Welcome to the third edition of “The green spotlight’’. Good to have you here.


If you are new here, the green spotlight is a weekly review of interesting and inspiring books.

Over here we believe that reading and receiving insights through great books is synonymous to success if applied and hence serves as a green light.

Unto the review of the week

For Our review today, we are looking at a book tittled; “RICH DAD SCAMS”

  • Author : Robert Kiyosaki
  • Year published: 2013
  • Number of chapters: 8
  • Number of pages: 25
  • Published by : CashFlow Technologies Inc.

My opinion about the book “Rich dad scams’’


Robert Kiyosaki is one of the authors I respect so much when it comes to financial education and how to create wealth.

Have you read his popular book RIch dad poor dad?. I made a post about it sometime ago, you can look up some excerpts from Rich dad poor dad here.

You may need to read up Rich dad poor dad before you can be able to fully grasp what Rich dad scams if all about.

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Meanwhile Rich Dad scams is like a buttress of the points he was trying to put across on Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Here he was trying to put across to us eight scams that has been entrenched so much into us minds as financial wisdoms but is actually scams which have done nothing but keep us poor and not been able to rise to financial wealth.

Let’s look at these scams as key point to take away.

Key points from the chapters

  • Scam 1: The belief that school is equal to success. Get a higher education!

Most of us were made to believe that we would be successful if we go to school. The schools teaches us on how to become good employees.

We believed that we would be successful if we go to school but that’s not really the case because what will make us Successful is financial education; that is learning how money works and we obviously don’t get that in schools.

If you think otherwise, why not get a copy of the book and see yourself, more insights will convince you.

  • Scam 2: Get a job.

We are all encouraged to get a job after school right? I don’t even want to dabble into the question of where are the jobs?

We see hard working people working away their lives for people only to get raises here and there and still spend them without meaningful achievements and the rat race continues and this is one of the rich dad scams.

Instead of getting the job, which is actually a scam, (see more for in the book), why not create the jobs?

  • Scam 3: Work hard.

Haaa they have come again, you must be saying. Am I saying you shouldn’t work hard, no. It all depends on your view.

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Am saying don’t work hard and I totally agree with Robert. We are saying work smart. Working smart is getting others and money to work for you and not the other way round. Does that make sense?

  • Scam 4: Living below your means.

You are told to cut down cost and live below your means but that simply makes you narrow your reasoning. The poor dad says I can’t afford it. The rich dad asks how can I afford it?

That’s two different ways of reasoning. The first makes you think narrowly and do nothing than try to survive through your normal means.

The later makes you think out of the box on how to diversify and make more money to meet your needs. Poor people live below their means while the rich makes more means. Does that make sense?

  • This is getting interesting right? I know you want me to continue with dishing out all the scam. What would I gain from robbing you the enthusiasm to check out the rest for yourself and sharing your thoughts on them with me?

What are you waiting for, dig in already and begin to change your mindset and know those things which we ordinarily embraced as wisdoms but are rather keeping us down financially.

My rating of the book

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I would give rich dad scam 8/10. The author did a great job compressing a whole volume into something readable at a glance. It’s actually a sequel to Rich dad poor dad and these books are worth reading.

You can read through too and give me your feedback on the rating based on your opinion.


I prefer to learn from other experience than have to go through same experience especially when it’s an ugly one. Why not learn from men who have gone ahead and proven some key financial truths and we see these truths visibly playing their lives.

Thank you for coming down this lane with me again. If you missed the last edition of The green spotlight, you can catch up with it here Edition#2

I would love to invite my friends @ruthjoe, @ninapenda @jovita30, @ngozi996, @divinelife to share their thoughts on this week edition of the green spotlight.

If you have something you would want me to imbibe to improve this blog, please do well to share and if you have a book you would recommend me to review, do well to mention. See you on our next edition.


 3 months ago 

Rich dad scam! I've seen this book but haven't read it. I am getting to understand how money works and how making money operates, your books are beginning to change my thinking about everything around. Just like you said, I will start from the root which is rich dad, poor dad to get the detail. The green spotlight this week is interesting. I love it ma. Thank you!

It’s my my pleasure you find the green spotlight interesting.
Thanks for the encouraging remarks. Do hope to always bring value to us. I bet you would love the books. Thanks for stopping by.

 3 months ago 

Today's edition is very interesting, I would look for the book and read. From your review, there is a lot of financial wisdom to get from this book. Indeed education is not the only gate way to succeed. Thank you for sharing, looking forward to the next edition.

Thanks ma’am. Looking forward to having you too. Do have a great day.


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