The Green spotlight #2: “Think like a billionaire, become a billionaire’’

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago (edited)

Hello friend

Welcome to the second edition of the green spotlight; good to have you here.


The green spot light is a weekly review of inspiring books which is meant to motivate you to becoming an ardent reader because readers are leaders and hence carving a pathway to success.

If you missed our maiden edition, do well to have a glimpse of it here

Unto the review for the week

For Our review today, we are looking at a book tittled; THINK LIKE A BILLIONAIRE, BECOME A BILLIONAIRE

  • Author : Scot Anderson
  • Year published: 2012
  • Number of chapters: 29
  • Number of pages: 352
  • Published by : Harrison House Publishers, Inc.

My opinion about the book


Today we are looking at a very interesting and inspiring book which is a must read for us all. This book lays its foundation on the fact that as a man thinks so he is.

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Every action we take bothers on our thoughts. Our thoughts pattern affects us. If you want to change a man, change the way he thinks and what he thinks on and the man is on his way to a change.

If you want to become a billionaire, then you must think like a billionaire. The way billionaires think is different from the average man and hence the difference.

Let’s get down on these and see the ways billionaires reason and see things that are different from everyone else and that’s what makes the difference.

Key points from the chapters.

Having perused the pages of this amazing book, I drafter out some major keys points from this book. This is just to joggle your mind and get you running to read the pages and see things yourself.

Since the emphasis of the book is on thinking, let’s look at how billionaires think about certain things;

  • Money: The average man on the street looks at money as a thing to be spent, we look for and think of ways to spend money, billionaires think of ways to invest money. How have you been seeing your money lately? As a thing to be spent or invested?

  • Investing: We feel we should make money, spend it on taking care of ourselves and then try to invest little. Billionaires think that investment is the key to having abundance.

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  • Job: The average man would do anything to get and retain a job thinking jobs will make them wealthy but the billionaire knows that investments will make them wealthy.

Do you care to know how job leads to poverty? Read the book.

  • Risks. Normal people feel they should stay away from risks, because risks might make them fail but billionaires knows that they’ve already failed if they don’t take risks.

How do you view risks? I think you risk mindset needs to change. Why not see for yourself in the pages of this great book.

  • Problems: What do you do when problems comes to you? We try to avoid of them right? Do you know that billionaires see problems as a means to make them wealthy.

  • Preparation: How prepared are you for opportunities? Billionaires prepare for tomorrow today why others prepare just for today. Are you prepared for that big open door?

Why not check out how you can get yourself prepared. You never know when the goddess of goodluck will come knocking. One of the ways to prepare is by reading this book. What are you waiting for?

  • Time: How do you manage your time? The poor wastes their time while billionaires sees their time as one of the greatest assets they have. You would be wasting Time if you don’t get to read this book now.

My rating of the book

Think like a billionaire, become a billionaire is one of the books that changes you by changing the way you think and see things.

It worked on my mindset and I began to see things from a different light. I give it 8.5/10. It’s a beautiful book that works on all aspect of your life.


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Think like a billionaire, become a billionaire is just as the name implies. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Do you want a change of your financial status? Are you tired of being like every other person on the streets?

Then this book is for you. Change you by changing the way you think and that change starts by taking a right action to get this book and start reading now.

In the pages are life and mind changing words and you would be glad you followed me on this journey. Thank you for coming down this beautiful lane with me.

Feel free to notify me on anything that you would want me to add to improve this blog and on any book you would want me to review.

I ask my friends @ruthjoe, @ninapenda, @ngozi996, @jovita30, @divinelife, @juliusinimotimi, @saintkelvin to drop their thoughts on this great book. Thanks

Cc: @ubongudofot

 3 months ago 

I definitely know that from the title of this book it will be a booster for me. I want to be a billionaire now I know what has been stopping me. I have not been thinking like a billionaire.

Our thought pattern is so important even for survival right now in the country.

I appreciate you for the green spotlight this week. I enjoyed it..

And now our eyes are opened. Am glad you find the book inspiring. You should add it to your must read and you won’t regret it. Thanks for stopping by ma’am. See you on our next edition

 3 months ago 

The green spotlight at it this week! Think like a billionaire. Do you know that after reading this, I realized that I have not been thinking like a billionaire. Unprepared mind can set one in a poverty state for life. Billionaires prepare for tomorrow today! I won't for get this. It's amazing riding with you on the gren spotlight this week. Your rating isn't so bad after all. Kudos!

Thanks ma’am. You have said it all. Our mindset goes along way to affect all about us. Thanks for coming on this ride with me. Greetings

 3 months ago 


I wouldn't justify my thoughts, but I think investment is one of my key assets in life.

And my thoughts are always guided against negativity even though sometimes, it flashes.., but then, it all starts from our mindset.

But one thing..., sometimes one do think a whole bunch of positive things...but it still didn't happen...(this statement is not to discourage anyone of thinking positively)

The book seems to be a very interesting one. Perhaps, I would lay hands on it soon.

This is another interesting review and another interesting book worth checking.

PS: Maybe, as a could attach the previous edition at the end of each week reviews...

@ruthjoe.., maybe you can help her with that (the markdown)..

 3 months ago 

Ok sir I will..

Thanks you sir for sharing your thoughts on this week edition of green spot light.

The link to the previous edition is stated at the beginning, will bring it down as you suggested from subsequent editions. Thanks.

Keep up with this great content 👌

Thank you sir🙏

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