"Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3: Smoking Kills"

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago


Hello Steemians,
Greetings to you, and I trust you are doing fine with your loved ones. Today in this post I have discussed on the topic: Smoking Kills. When you take a look at a cigarette cartoon you will see a word that is written, Smoker are liable to die Young. Let's find out what I have said.

Give your views about the phrase "Smoking Kills!".

The phrase "Smoking Kills is simply a direct message to every smoker or anyone who intend to smoke to know that the danger or harmfulness of smoking is more than benefits that one will get from smoking. In my country, Nigeria it is boldly written on the cartoon of cigarettes that "smoker are liable to die young.

What I understand about the phrase "Smoking Kills" is a message that describes the negative impacts of smoking and the benefits of why a smoker should quit smoking. It also a phrase that informed the society that the best thing one can do for him or herself is to improve his or her health, finances and wellbeing in general by quitting smoking. Smoking is 80 percent of the leading cause of preventable death, illness and disability in the word, which the phrase is trying to stop.

What are the main reasons why people become addicted to smoking?

There are a lot of reasons why people become addicted to smoking and to such people they take smoking as a most likely habit during when their start smoking because of how cheap cigarettes are being sold. The simple ideology of why people become addicted to smoking is that they started smoking when there were young, and such is the most likely there will be addicted to smoking.


Another reason why people become addicted to smoking is peer group. As a smoker, it would be very hard for you to quit smoking if your friends are equally smoking. The more you see your friends smoking is, the more you will become addicted to smoking. Finally, to this it is because 90% of smokers see smoking as a way of feeling high.i.e avoiding depression, and making them deal with stress since is a source of motivation.

Are you addicted to smoking, or someone you may know have addicted to smoking? What changing have you seen after addiction?

No ooh I not a smoker, smoking is not my calling, and I don't wish for it to my way. Despite the fact that am not a smoker, I know of someone that is addicted to smoking which have properly change small. This is my friend begin smoking at tertiary institution due to the kind of relationship that he make in school and some point in his life he cannot stay a day without smoking 8 stick of cigarettes on every blessed day.

Sometimes he will not have the money to buy cigarettes he will go and collect for credit or once you lend him money when will used it for smoking which he believes it is the smoking that do energized him until one day that he fell sick and was rush to hospital which the doctor advised him to stop before he completely damages his heart. It was the doctor advised and the danger to his heart that makes him to minimize his rate of smoking 8 sticks of cigarettes daily to 1 stick.

What should we do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction?

What we can do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction is avoided friends that are smoker and any smoking joints and seek behavioral support. To reduce the rate of smoking, one need to tackle dependence which means we need to seek for the support of counselling, and medical services.

I am inviting @simonnwigwe, @goodybest and @Ihorgic

Thank you for stopping by....

 2 years ago 

Hello dear friend, thank you very much for your entry, it is certainly a strong phrase, but with little meaning for many people, currently it does not help much, because addicts ignore this and it is sad, but each person must assume the consequences of their decisions and face them.

I comment you that the source of your image takes me to a main page, it is necessary to place the link of the photograph specifically. And the first image has no source.

Greetings, have a nice day, thank you for participating!!

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 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

Hola amigo.

Espero que tu amigo algún día deje de fumar por completo, porque de igual forma aunque haya reducido sigue fumando, y sigue dañando su cuerpo. El cigarro mata porque a consecuencia del cigarrillo dan muchas enfermedades.

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 2 years ago 

Hola amigo 👋
Exacto la frase les deja claro a los fumadores que están siendo ellos mismos los que acaban con sus vidas al fumar .

Que lamentable el caso de su amigo y más deprimente aún que su adicción lo lleve a pedir crédito para obtener el vicio, espero que ahora de 1 cigarrillo diario pase a no fumar ninguno.

Le deseo mucho éxito en su participación.

 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

Hola amigo me alegra saber hay pocos fumadores en la plataforma, es lamentable que tu amigo se fume 8 cigarrillos al dia, poco a poco desgasta sus pulmones.
Saludos y suerte en el concurso.

 2 years ago 

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