Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3 : Smoking Kills

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago

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Smoking Kills

Rokok merupakan hasil olahan dari daun tembakau dan dicampur dengan beberapa zat lainnya. Kandungan-kandungan ini kemudia di digulung menggunakan kertas khsusu dengan bentuk yang bulat memanjang, olahan daun tembakau ini dijual dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat tertentu yang disebut dengan rokok. Dalam sejarahnya rokok sudah sejak lama ada dan dikenal di kalangan masyarakat, dan hampir sebagian orang telah mengkonsumsinya. Hal ini di sebabkan rokok memiliki rasa yang mendorong orang kecanduan yang disebabkan dari bahan-bahan dalam daun tembakau dan campuran zat-zat yang di dalam rokok.

Cigarettes are processed from tobacco leaves and mixed with several other substances. These contents are then rolled using special milk paper with an elongated round shape, and processed tobacco leaves are sold and consumed by certain people called cigarettes. In the history of cigarettes have long existed and are known among people, and almost some people have consumed them. This is because cigarettes have a taste that drives people addicted caused of the ingredients in tobacco leaves and a mixture of substances in cigarettes.

Campuran daun tembakau dan zat-zat lainnya ini, memiliki sifat yang sangat berbahaya. Setidaknya ada tiga sifat utama yang merusak yang terdapat dalam rokok, Kandungan zat-zat antara lain adalah karbon monoksida, nikotin dan juga Tar.
This mixture of tobacco leaves and other substances has very harmful properties. There are at least three main damaging properties contained in cigarettes, the content of substances including carbon monoxide, nicotine, and Tar.

Source image illustration comes from Pixabay

Karbon monoksida sendiri adalah kandungan gas beracun yang tidak memiliki rasa serta tidak memiliki bau, efek dari penggunaan Karbon monoksida dalam rokok menyebabkan sel darah merah lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan oksigen yang terdapat di dalam tubuh. Kemudian adalah Tar yang merupakan sifat berbahaya yang terkandung dalam rokok, yang menyebabkan orang yang mengkonsumsinya akan merasakan sesak pada paru-parunya, namun memiliki waktu untuk merasakannya, karena kandungan zat ini akan menempel pada paru-paru manusia. Sedangkan efek kecanduan yang terdapat dalam rokok disebabkan oleh Nikotin, rasa menyenangkan dan menenangkan dalam Nikotin akan di kirim ke dalam sel otak atau saraf sistem otak manusia sehingga selalu memerlukan asupan nikotin.
Carbon monoxide itself is a toxic gas that has no taste and no smell, the effects of the use of carbon monoxide in cigarettes cause more red blood cells than the oxygen contained in the body. Then is Tar that is a harmful property contained in cigarettes, due to which the person who consumes it will feel tightness in his lungs, but have time to feel it, because the content of this substance will stick to the human lungs. While the addictive effects contained in cigarettes are caused by nicotine, the pleasant and soothing taste in nicotine will be sent into the brain cells or the nervous system of the human brain so that it always requires nicotine intake.

Sifat nikotin dalam rokok inilah yang menjadi alasan utama Mengapa orang memiliki kecanduan kepada rokok, rasa tidak nyaman saat nikotin tidak masuk ke dalam tubuh disebabkan oleh kecanduan tersebut, sehingga membuat sebagian orang mengalami ketidaktenangan serta hilang kesenangan dibandingkan saat dia mengkonsumsi rokok. Itulah mengapa alasan nikotin berperan besar yang menyebabkan banyaknya orang kecanduan kepada rokok.
The nature of nicotine in cigarettes is the main reason why people have an addiction to cigarettes, discomfort when nicotine does not enter the body is caused by the addiction, thus making some people experience discomfort and loss of pleasure compared to when he consumes cigarettes. That is why nicotine plays a big role in causing many people to become addicted to cigarettes.

Pada akhirnya ketika zat yang sering dikonsumsi oleh perokok ini masuk ke tubuh, maka akan menyebabkan berbagai macam efek penyakit menghampiri, mulai dari sesak nafas, batuk, serangan jantung hingga memicu kematian. Dan ungkapan bahwa rokok akan membunuhmu adalah benar adanya, walau efek sampingnya akan dirasakan seiring waktu berjalan.
In the end, when substances that are often consumed by smokers enter the body, it will cause various kinds of disease effects, ranging from shortness of breath, cough, and heart attack to trigger death. And the phrase that cigarettes will kill you is true, although the side effects will be felt over time.

Oleh sebab dampak yang buruk yang dihasilkan oleh rokok, maka, baik perokok ataupun yang memiliki hubungan kedekatan kepada mereka yang merokok, lebih baik menghindari dan menjauhi para perokok. Hal ini disebabkan efek samping dari perokok aktif yang langsung mengkonsumsi rokok tersebut dengan mereka yang terpapar oleh asap rokok atau disebut dengan Perokok pasif memiliki resiko yang sama besar.
Because of the bad effects produced by cigarettes, then, either smokers or those who have a close relationship with those who smoke, it is better to avoid and stay away from smokers. This is due to the side effects of active smokers who directly consume cigarettes with those exposed to cigarette smoke or so-called passive smokers have the same risk.

Source image illustration comes from Pixabay

Bagi mereka pecandu rokok kebiasaan ini harus benar-benar dihindari dengan membiasakan pola hidup sehat, olahraga dan juga mengkonsumsi makanan-makanan sehat bisa menjadi pola untuk menghilangkan kecanduan pada rokok. Permen juga dipercaya dapat menghilangkan kecanduan pada rokok, mengalihkan kebiasaan merokok dengan mengkonsumsi permen dapat menghindari penggunaan rokok dan menghilangkan kebiasaan merokok pada pecandu rokok.
For those addicted to cigarettes this habit must be completely avoided by getting used to a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and also consume healthy foods can be a pattern to eliminate addiction to cigarettes. Candy is also believed to eliminate addiction to cigarettes, divert smoking habits by consuming candy can avoid the use of cigarettes and eliminate smoking cigarette addicts.

Walau pada kenyataannya bagi mereka yang akan menghindari dan membuang rokok disebabkan kebiasaan mengkonsumsinya, akan mengalami efek samping yang dirasakan oleh tubuh. Seperti mual, hilangnya konsentrasi atau tidak terfokus merupakan efek awal bagi perokok saat mereka berhenti dan menjauhi kebiasaan untuk merokok.
Although those who will avoid and discard cigarettes due to the habit of consuming them will experience side effects felt the body. Nausea, loss of concentration or not focusing is an early effects for smokers when they quit and stay away from the habit to smoke.

Sekian postingan saya di minggu ke 3 ini, semoga bermanfaat. Saya juga mengundang @ahyaoja @yaumilahya dan @sahar78 untuk berpartisipasi, semoga beruntung.
That's all my posts in this 3rd week, hopefully useful. I also invite @ahyaoja @yaumilahya and @@@sahar78 to participate, good luck.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you so much sir for your invitation!!

Smoking is very injurious to our health we have listened it many times and also at the covering of cigarette this thing is also written already but I don't know why people don't take it serious and show their negligence towards this thing and In response they have to pass out from the very serious circumstances because cigarette contains a lot of harmful chemicals like tobacco leaves as you have also talked that cigarettes is composed of tobacco as well as the harmful chemicals.

We should avoid cigarettes as we can. I like your advice that you give to the smokers if they have an addiction towards the smoking than they should first bring plenty of water then they should change their diet also and and healthy fruits vegetables and meat in their diet and exercise also because exercises is very essential component if you want to keep yourself healthy.

Nowadays the teenagers especially moving towards the smoking and the take this thing as a fun it doesn't mean that they don't have any awareness they have all things in their mind but they just have an ignorance in them regarding the medical issues.

I wish that you win this contest you participating very well.

¡Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through -steemcurator06.
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Curated by :@afrizalbinalka

 2 years ago 

Thank you @afrizalbinalka for your support

 2 years ago 

Yes, the best way to avoid or quit smoking is by adopting a healthy lifestyle, by eating healthy food, staying in the company of good people, and chewing gum instead of doing smoking. I have seen one of my relative who quit smoking easily, it's upto us and our strength, people can quit smoking easily just think about your family and friends as we know people will die earlier who are smokers so, they all have still time to save their lives. Thank you for sharing your participation. Best of luck.

Thank you very much for the invitation sir but a little afraid of the title

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