Steemit Engagement Challenge "Season 8 Week 4" Mental Health Of A Content CreatorsteemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year
Greetings from me to all the members I'm fine Allhamdulillah and i hope all are well and doing well work.Today's i'm here to took part in engagement contest about the mental health of a content creator.That's very good contest because different peoples from the different parts of world are working on steemit platform and all are content creator so it's very important to know about their mental health.For that today's i'm taking part in this contest and i will share my experience and i hope it will be good.


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How do you feel when creating content? Is it a pleasant experience for you or, on the contrary, does it generate anxiety and discouragement?
First of all we know that steemit is a blogging website and many users are working on steemit platform and share thier content with other users.I'm working on this platform from almost last two years and i worked in different communities and also write different types of content on this platform.Basically i'm content writer and that's my passion also and i loved to write about many things.As we all know if we love any work or if any work is our passion then we did the work full with full focus and we feel very comfortable when doing our passionate work.So writing content is my passion and i feel very comfortable and very proud when i write any content.We can perform any work very well when we love the work because if we don't work with courage then we can't able to work proper.My feeling about the time when i write any content are very excited and comfortable.I made some proper routine and time for doing my work because if we made an proper timetable for our work with a proper routine then we can perform the work very work.Writing content is a an art and passion and if anyone interested in this work then this work made his life very comfortable because if we love any work then we did the work very well rather it's so difficult or so easy and if we don't love the work then we can't do this work rather easy or not.


I don't feel any type of anxiety when i wrote any content because as i mentioned earlier it's my passion and i love to do this work and we all know if we love the work then the work make us comfortable.A person can feel anxiety in any work when the person has no interest doing the work because if we have a intreset in any work then we can't feel any type of anxiety and we feel comfortable when doing the work.As i earlier mentioned i'm working on steemit platform from almost last two years and i also mentioned it's my passion it's my intreset so i never feel any type of anxiety when writing the content.Steemit is a very entertaining and very informational website and working on steemit platform is really enjoyable so this platform and working on steemit platform make me happy and comfortable and i didn't feel any anxiety or depression when writing the content.

Have you ever felt mentally exhausted by generating content on a daily basis? Tell us about your experience!
This question is very good and my answer is clearly no because i don't feel any mentally exhausted while generating content on daily basis.As i mentioned before it's my passion and i'm doing this work from almost last two years so my passion don't give me any mentally exhausted when generating content on daily basis.When i started working on steemit platform i started doing work on steemit platform for very less time because firstly i serached about this platform because it's important to search about that the work we are going to start because if search about the work then we can perform the work very easily.So when i started doing work on steemit platform i worked only for one or two hours while generating content on daily basis but i spent most of my time on searching about this platform.


So my start up was a bit difficult because thier is no one around me for guiding me about this platform so i did all these things on my own search for that in the start sometime i felt mentally exhausted when doing work and as i searched about this platform and i found this platform very interesting and very well i started increase my time on generating content and i faced so many difficulties but I can't leave the work and i did different exercise along with work to keep mind away from any type of anxiety and exhausted.

As the time passed i felt that that's my passion and i can achieve so many things on this platform with writing content on this platform.So i made my proper routine for work and for other activities and this thing helped me alot to stay away me from any mentally exhausted.As i did regular work from last year now it's my routine to did work on daily basis and i'm working regularly and i'm generating different types of content on daily basis and i don't feel any type of mentally exhausted while generating content on daily basis.

What do you feel when your content is not valued as you expect it to be? Does this affect you mentally?
As we all know steemit is a blogging website and many users from the different parts of the world are working on steemit platform and we know that vote are not gurranted on this platform and getting value or vote on this platform depends upon on our quality of content and our engagement with this platform.Getting not value on my content does not hurt or effect my mind because this platform doesn't did any did any scam and the team support the quality content.Whenever I don't generate quality content my content can't get any support or my content doesn't not have any value and if i work or generate quality content i will definitely get value on my content.

Getting no value on my content doesn't effect my mind because i'm working on steemit platform and generate content according to the rules of this platform and however i don't get value on my content then i checked my content that what mistakes i did because i can't get value or vote and after that i found my mistake and try to improve my mistake to get value on my content and this thing helped me alot to keep my mind away from bad feelings because steemit platform surely give value to the quality content and if any users generate and provide quality content then this platform definitely gave values to the content of the user.


Our mind effect or feel bad feelings when we can't get value on quality content because if we generate quality content and then if we don't get value then it will definitely effect our mind and this platform has insure that we will support and give value to quality content and it's my options to all the users if they feel bad when they can't get value on their content they have to searched about the things or content and find mistakes in this content that they can't get value and next time don't make same mistake and if they did that they will definitely get value on content that they generate very well and so it's my answer it doesn't effect my mind whenever i can't get value on my content.

What would be your recommendations for a content creator to keep a healthy mind?
The life of a content creator is very enjoyable if the content creator has passion to generate the content of if the content creator love this work because the content creator think different ideas and then create any type of content and searching about many things in content creating is very important and the other important thing is that the content creator has to take care of his mentally and physically health.Because if the content creator keep his/her self healthy physically and mentally then the content creator can work properly.My main suggestions to the content creator for keeping his mind healthy and active is to eat healthy food and also sleep properly and also did meet up with friends and family so these are some important things that can give relaxation to our mind.Below i'm going to share some proper suggestions to all the content creators for keeping thier mind healthy.


Take Healthy Diet

My first recommendation to all the content creators for keep their mind healthy is to take health diet.Because mind or our brain is the main part of our body and our mind perform specific and main work so it's necessary to keep our mind healthy and when a content creator generate content some time his/her mind feel anxiety and boring so it's important to keep the mind healthy so taking healthy diet can keep our mind healthy because our mind observe energy from the body and if our body take healthy diet then it will give highly energy to our mind so that's the first way that the content creator can keep his/her mind healthy.

Sleep Well

My second and most important recommendation to all the content creators to keep their mind healthy is to sleep well because i we sleep well or sleep for proper time then our mind feel fully relaxation and we all know all the content creators generate content on daily basis and they have to thought different things on daily basis and if the content creator sleep well then definitely his/her mind generate new ideas and these ideas can help alot to content creator for generating content and the other important thing is that if we sleep well then we feel comfortable and this thing can help all the content creators to keep their mind healthy.

Meetup With Family/Friends

My next recommendation to all the content creators for keep their mind healthy is to meet up for with faimly or friends because while generating content the content creator face different types of problems and then their mind feel a bit anxiety and friends and family are the best way to keep the content creator mind healthy and if we did meet up with friends and family we feel very comfortable because we laugh and talk on different topics.So these are my recommendations for all the content creator to keep their mind healthy.


In this post i have shared about the life of a content creator and i hope i fulfilled all the requirements of this content and i covered all the aspects of the life of content creator and this content helped me alot for searching about new things.I would like to invite @faran-nabeel & @fabiha & @sualeha to took part in this amazing contest.

Thanks For Visiting My Post

 last year 

Good to know how good you feel whenever you create a content. Though it might be exhausting sometimes that is when rest is needed.

Thanks you dear @chiomzy810 for reading my blog and thanks alot for appreciating me.Yes you are right sometimes it could be exhausted but we can do some other activities when feel like that.

 last year 

Hello dear friend, thank you very much for your entry to the challenge, I am glad to know that you like to create content and that you do not feel stress about it, all of us who make life in steemit are there because we really like it, in my case I have 5 years on the platform and I have really learned to love my job and each of my responsibilities.

I recommend you not to place so long paragraphs in your posts, that saturates the publication and detracts from its quality, plus the reader can get fatigued. A maximum of 7 lines per paragraph is fine.

Thanks for participating and for your recommendations, greetings!

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Meeting up with family and friends can help you discuss different idea entirely and at that moment your brain will be settle to the extent that you will enjoy yourself to the fullest. Best of luck

Yes dear friend @akareen meet up faimly and friends can able to feel us happy and relax and our brain feel better and thanks alot for reading my blog.

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