Interview with a writer (me) | Part 1

in Ukraine on Steem8 months ago


Have a wonderful day, friends!
Recently I've been interviewed by the Knigoland book shops chain – for their blog. I decided to translate that interview into English to spread a word about... myself worldwide😁 In English – exclusively for Steemit. I devided that interview into a few parts. Here's Part 1.

Yuliya Vrotna is mainly a poet and author of fairy tales, but sometimes she also dabbles in being a prose writer and translator.
The laureate of the 2nd Smoloskyp Prize 2021 for a collection of poems, the winner of the Children's Coronation of Words 2021, a participant in poetry and video poetry contests, forums and festivals.
She wrote and published: "Wobler"poetry collection (2016), "Pussy Sausage-juicy" fairytale for the collection "Fountain of Fairy Tales. Modern Ukrainian Fairy Tales", (2019), "The Diary of a Yellow Dog" children's book (2021), "Dragon Babies" children's book (2023). Also, her texts and translations were published in the "The Rock Book" almanac (2018), "For Invincible" poetry collection (2023), "The Dictionary of War" prose book (2023), several poetry anthologies.

Mrs. Yuliya, please tell us a little about your first fairy tales. What were they like for you?

My interest in children's literature arose spontaneously in 2016. Already now I understand that it was a kind of escapism from reality. Then I wrote the first short poems. They have not yet been published anywhere, but someday, perhaps, they will be.
My first fairy tale in verse was "Comrade Maggot". It was almost published by the publishing house "Fountain of Fairy Tales" in the collection of the same name. But just before signing the layout for printing, the director banned this find of the editor (in his opinion, the main character was disgusting and would fail the sales of the book). So we agreed to replace the fairy tale.
Recently, for fun, I've read my first, still unpublished poems ("Comrade Maggot", "Backward Fairytale" and "Dental Drill") at a poetry duel, and thanks to them I passed to the finals. So such texts are definitely suitable for an adult audience:) I think children will also like them. I will look for ways to publish these pearls after all, because I still like them, after so many years.

Do you like to reread your old texts? Why?

Sometimes I reread my texts for children, especially unpublished ones — to understand whether they are still up to date and do not violate new social norms. For example, I recently applied for a grant to print a collection of inclusive children's poems, so I reread each line. I carefully rewrote everything where there was outdated vocabulary (for example, I replaced a "cart" with a "wheelchair", said goodbye to the words "tolerance" and "tolerant" in favor of "inclusiveness", added feminitives).
Also recently I've reread my unfinished short story called "No plastic — it's fantastic!", and also put it in the queue for hard editing, since the realities of handling recyclables have changed in our society.
I do not reread poetry for adults written before 2016, it is a turned page.

Among your portfolio is the fairy tale called "Pussy Sausage-juicy". Tell me, please, how did you come up with such an unusual name?

"Pussy Sausage-juicy" is exactly the text that replaced "Comrade Maggot" in the "Fountain of Fairy Tales. Modern Ukrainian fairy tales" collection.
I remember looking at our cat Markiza sniffing a sausage sandwich, and the pun "kitty-sausage-juicy" popped into my head (in Ukrainian language it makes some sense while in English, unfortunately, not — Yuliya). It was a pidgin version of 2 languages. But I liked it, so I Ukrainianized & literaryized this phrase, and decided to use it in a poem for children.
In a similar way, I came up with the name of the children's story "Korovai Who Shared WiFi" (and then the whole story started from this name): one of my colleagues brought a huge korovai loaf to the office and placed it next to the router. I just got hooked on this image with my eyes: it didn't let me go for a long time, and then I realized that "korovai" rhymes with "wifi". By the way, this fantastic novel with elements of techno should be published by the publishing house "NK - Bohdan" in 2024. Ivan Andrusiak (the editor and very famous Ukrainian writer — Yuliya) called the text absolutely crazy in the good sense of the word, and I agree with him.

If you liked reading this interview, come to my page in a few days to read the Part 2😁 Thank you!

 8 months ago 

Чекаємо на другу частину інтерв'ю ☺️

 8 months ago 

я старалася перекласти без ляпів, але ти краще все одно читай українською)))) лінк на початку поста є)

 8 months ago 

Мій телефон без ляпів перекладає😁, можливо. Я зрозуміла все.

 8 months ago 

Hello, Yulia! At first I admired the photo - a confident, wise and beautiful girl looked at me! And in the interview I heard notes of an independent, unusually smart and talented master of words. I'm happy to move on to the second part)

Привіт, Юліє! Спочатку милувалася фото – на мене дивилася впевнена у собі, мудра та красива дівчина! І в інтерв'ю я почула нотки самостійного надзвичайно розумного та талановитого майстра слова. З радістю переходжу до другої частини) ✋🌹

 8 months ago 

дякую, дорога Ольго.
давно не бувала у Вас, вирушаю у Ваші пости..🌟

 8 months ago 

Чудове інтерв'ю! Класно займатися тим, що справді любиш, нехай ця любов і не розкривається зразу і приходить пізніше)). Писати дитячі книжки - це хвилююче і дуже відповідально, адже формувати світогляд наймолодших читачів треба дуже обережно і розумно, але я певен, що ва це під силу).

 8 months ago 

дякую) я раджуся то з дитячими психологами, то з батьками малюків, то з більш досвідченими письменниками — щоб бути певною, що текст не містить якось неоднозначних штук.
хоча, раніше казкарі не переймалися цим, брати Андерсен особливо)))))

 8 months ago 

Цікаво 😁 Чекаємо на другу частину!)
Успіхів тобі 🍀

 8 months ago 

Дякусики! Завтра спробую доперекладати)

 8 months ago 

Цікаво, як то писати/читати про себе в якості "творця". Якщо волося все ще стає дибки - напевно Ви на правильному шляху.

Дуже радий за Вас! Ви молодець. Дякую, що поділились інтерв'ю - воно надихає!

 8 months ago 

Дякую)) поки хочеться ще, але чи буде так й далі - хз)

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 8 months ago 


 8 months ago 

Як цікаво, Юленько! Ти - справжній талант! Бажаю тобі натхнення повсякчасного і здійснення всіх твоїх мрій! Колись ти будеш знаменитою на увесь світ!

 8 months ago 

Взаємно, дорога Валентиночко!😍 творити і отримувати від цього насолоду☀️
На весь світ не треба, а на Батьківщині можна)))))

 8 months ago 

Як це класно! Які креативні й талановиті наші жінки ! А які гарні😉

 8 months ago 

Дякую, дорога Ольго!🥰 Абсолютно взаємне відчуваю: красива, мудра, і з величезним серцем – ви варті захоплення✨️😍

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