SEC - S9W6: " My Biggest Challenge-Cope with Grief"



Acrylic painting by @stef1


Hello dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to submit my post for this contest that opens everyone an opportunity to talk about an important challenge in their lives. We all facing challenges every day, some are important and other just ordinary. Therefore, the topic of this challenge opens a door for everyone to express their thoughts. I apologise in advance for posting on last day but unfortunately, due to my commitments of my daily work I had not much time to prepare post and only today I have a chance to write. I would like to thank the RECREATIVE STEEM community for hosting this contest and if there is anyone who still has not noticed it, here is the link:


My Biggest Challenge-Cope with Grief


When I think about the topic and scroll through my life I can find many moments where I would say that this or that event was my biggest challenge. But to be honest none of them can be compared with the biggest challenge in our life that everyone did face or will be facing and this is a loss of someone closest and dear person.

I believe a lot depend on on what stage of our life we face it, the younger we are the more harder it is for our mental health to digest that and to overcome, many can end up with long term depression and even worse.

While we are children we have fun with our siblings of friends, spending endless summer and thinking that this world is created for us only and we together with our families are main character of this life.



"Happy Childhood" by @Stef1


As to my experience, I was only eighteen and just finished school, was happy that one stage of my life was successfully completed and was preparing myself for new stage of becoming a student of Medical University. That summer we received a news, that my father was diagnosed with cancer. I never forget my parents that moment. My father was crying the very first time I ever seen and of course, seeing that my mother cried too. I was helpless because I did not have any medical knowledge and was not able to do anything.

That stage there were many different emotions and many thoughts I did not know that it is normal and everyone in grief experiencing that. But only decades later I understood that.


If you might remember there are fife stages of Grief:


  • Denial:

I remember that very well, I was pretty sure that the diagnosis was wrong, I remember I told my mother that the diagnosis is written Adenocarcinoma and not a Cancer so it could be something different. I also remember how my mother was angry and said that this is another name of Cancer, this is first time I heard that and of course, never forgotten. I started to look through the medical books, without much understanding the nature and treatment. It took my a while till that stage passed.

  • Anger:

This is another stage that I well remember, because I was angry towards everyone around even the people who I did not know, because they were healthy and they had right to live and my father not. I was angry towards the doctors and thought that they do not know their speciality field because they were saying that they can not help him. I was angry about myself, because I did not have knowledge yet to find out what we could do. I wished I was in the last year of my study and not just starting my study.

  • Bargaining:

I do not remember if I went through this stage much. The only thing might be that I thought that I will learn good and will become a good doctor.

  • Depression

The whole world and life became senseless, why we live if we anyway die. Especially that stage became more prominent when my father had surgery and deteriorated quickly. I think I overcome that stage quickly because I had to be strong for my mother and siblings. The same time it helped me too.

  • Acceptance:

Earlier of later when we go through all the stages, at the end we just accept it, we let our dear people go because we do not want them to suffer longer and we accept the fact that all of us have only one golden ticket to live and have to live best we can. The life is too short and people around us are not forever there. Enjoy every moment that you spend with your parents, family, friends.


There will be more of such situation and I wish you all to be strong and hope that there will be good supportive people around you in such hard time.

There are many of Steemians took part int eh contest and I wonder if following would be interested to take part: @emocional-mente, @grisaia-steem, @jollymonoara


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png



 last year 

I can understand what you are saying, I lost my father as an adult, just over a year ago, and when it happened I felt sad and without understanding, almost like a child... a lung disease deteriorated him rapidly and he died.

I think we are never ready to let go of loved ones, but we go through the stages of grief that help ease the pain.

I'm sorry that you lost your father so young, but as you said, you have good memories of him, and we only have a golden ticket for life, we must learn to enjoy it and take advantage of it.

Thank you for sharing this sensitive experience.


Congratulations! Your Comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support good comments anywhere..
Curated by : @stef1

 last year 

Thank you for your nice words and for sharing your experience. It is true so long it is not us we think we will get over loss well, but no matter how old we are and how old our relatives are we are never ready, you are right.

The memories are very precious and nowadays luckily we have an opportunity to record some important moments of our life and to watch them to live those moments again.

It was really nice to be able to share those feeling with you, thank you

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Perder un familia es un golpe irreparable. De hecho, nunca logramos superarlo y, lo que hacemos es aprender a vivir con ello porque, ese dolor y por supuesto, la ausencia nos duele siempre.

El cáncer es una enfermedad terrible, tengo familiares que han fallecido a causa de este mal y, no solo enferma a quien lo padece, sino, a sus familiares porque, ver al enfermo sufrir y no poder hacer mucho para ayudarlos a salir de eso, es doloroso.

Jamás dudaré que, cada experiencia que vivimos en un desafío, nos enseña a ser mejores personas y a fortalecernos con mayor ahínco.

Un fuerte abrazo💚


Congratulations! Your Comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support good comments anywhere..
Curated by : @stef1

 last year 

¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo😊💚!

 last year 

Somehow in such situation we feel guilty that we are healthy and they are not, have you also had such feeling? It is hard to loose people on cancer, that always feel unfair, people did not have a chance to experience the life from all its best sides.

Such experience at least makes us stronger and to be able to support others in such situation, thank you for your nice comment.

 last year 

Wao sin duda es un momento muy doloroso en dónde se experimentan muchos sentimientos, pero aprendemos de cada situación de la vida y leerte me hace sentir que tuviste una gran lección de vida y es disfrutár al máximo a cada uno de tus seres queridos, sabemos cuándo nacemos pero no cuando nos toca partir.

Éxito para ti 🙏 gracias por compartir

 last year 

Thank you for visiting my post, you are right the moment when we go nobody can predict and nobody can be prepared for it.The only what we can do be with our family and give them our support so that one day they will return them to us.

 last year 



The story you shared about the challenges that have come into your life is really interesting and inspiring. I can feel the deep sadness when someone we care about is diagnosed with a dangerous disease.

The stage where we let go of our loved ones is also the most difficult challenge. But by being sincere and accepting all the destiny that happens in life, you can finally get through the challenge.

Greetings and success to you friend.

 last year 

Thank you for reading my post and for understanding the emotions I think early or later we all may face it hope that we all will be having good supportive people around us.

Yupp that's all true dear.
With all my pleasure..

Saludos Amigo.

Es un momento muy duro cuando nos enteramos que algún familiar tienes una enfermedad terminal porque solo pensamos lo peor y el miedo se apodera de nosotros. Y más en su caso que a penas era un joven, yo viví algo similar con mi mamá pero tenía 15años y 16 cuando le tocó partir y es algo que no se supera.

Es cierto que pasamos por todas esa etapas y allí vamos descubriendo lo fuerte que podemos llegar a ser y lo valioso que es dar amor a nuestros seres queridos, cuando aún podemos.

Éxitos amigo. 🤞

 last year 

Thank you for reading and you reply, often we do not think that such moments if they are shared with others, might help us to understand better the emotion and also we then may realise that there are many who have similar situations in their live. The human being is interesting and complex, it is a great gift to experience that. Thank you for sharing your story too and let's value our loved ones so long we can.

Losing someone we love is the hardest thing for every human being. Because it's not a matter of career and wealth that can be filled and dampened by other happiness.

But everyone also realized that there were things that couldn't be stopped by human ability. I have long lost my parents. At that time I was still small and could only cry...cry because there was missing happiness in my life.

 last year 

The tragedy can reach us any moments, only then w realise that we are not mighty. I am sorry to hear that you lost your parent being a child. It is something devastating for children, I only hope that there were many relatives around you who gave you their comfort. Thank you for sharing that moment of your life.

my situation began to improve after getting married and becoming a father. Getting a job a few months after starting a family really pushed me to be better. and up to now.

Thank you @stef1

 last year 

Saludos amigo.
Si que es un reto difícil de afrontar, por qué es una enfermedad terrible, lo más importante para ese ser querido es apoyarlo y seguir adelante.
Te deseo muchos éxitos en tu entrada amigo.👍

 last year 

Thank you for stopping by and for reading my post, it is always hard to speak about the emotions and experience, we often think that people will not understand and maybe not interested to listen. But on other hand it is like a therapy when we share it with others. Appreciate your warm words.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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It's really sad you faced so much at a younger age. God bless you 🙏.May your Dad Rest in Peace🙏.

It's an old saying when God closes one door in your life he open another.
Please be happy and love life Positive

Well one more thing u said about medical studies are u a doctor now

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