SEC S17W5: The Diary Game (05 may 2024 ): "The ways of life".

in RECREATIVE STEEM26 days ago

edit by canva

drttttt... drttttt... (cellphone vibrates) I woke up early in the morning at 05:00 in the morning to perform morning prayers before the time came, I took out the chicken that had been frozen in the refrigerator for me to prepare as a side dish for breakfast later.

I heard the melodious sound of the call to prayer in the mosque, I went to the bathroom to shower and perform ablution, do my obligations and pray for the blessings and safety of my life in this world and the afterlife.



Then prepare a frying pan and boil the chicken and mix the spices to make delicious and savory shrimp paste chili sauce, this morning's menu is chicken penyet with shrimp paste chili sauce.

After eating I went to the well to wash dirty clothes and dishes. All the housework was finished quickly and I had to get ready to go to the market to shop for daily necessities.


As usual, I go to the market via the normal road and ride my motorbike casually. The road looks very quiet because there are no children going to school because it's a holiday. Yes, today is Sunday so the children just play at home and if it's late afternoon then The streets looked busy because the weather was so hot that everyone was reluctant to leave the house.




Arriving at the market, I chose fresh fish to buy. There were various fish being marketed, including dencis, tuna, milkfish, shrimp, crab and many other types of sea fish available.

I bought half a kilo of shrimp and also 1/4 kg of mackerel, all for only 50,000 rupiah or if converted, only 10.43 steem. I carried the shopping items on the motorbike and went home.

When I wanted to turn on the tap water suddenly it didn't come out, the light went off. Well... So I'm too lazy to cook because I don't have water and I can't use a blender anymore. Finally I saved the fish and invited my husband to eat outside, when the lights went out, it was a chance to go for a walk ☺️.



We went out to the east, our destination was Krueng Geukuh, until there we went to the regular satay stall. We ordered two portions of white rice and also 20 skewers of beef for us to enjoy. The satay meat was very soft and perfectly cooked, the peanut sauce and soto sauce were very delicious and fit perfectly in our mouths.




We relaxed for almost an hour, I asked my husband to go home, on the way home we stopped at a fruit shop and bought a kilo of dragon fruit and 2 kilos of melon, my little daughter really likes melons.


We had to hurry home because suddenly the weather turned cloudy, we were afraid of getting caught in the rain on the way, my husband immediately started the motorbike and drove quickly to get home quickly.

After Maghrib prayer I just sat in the house and went out on the front porch because it was raining heavily outside, the street also looked empty, no one was passing by, I just stared at the street with a blank look and occasionally touched the rainwater with my hands which looked cold and felt cool.


Feeling cold outside, the wind was blowing hard on my body which was starting to get cold, I immediately stepped into the house, locked the door and went to the bedroom to lie down and cover my whole body to get warm.

My invitation :


Description: All private images were taken and edited using a Redmi note 12 smartphone



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Menjadi ibu rumah tangga memang tidak mudah, tapi anda menjalaninya dengan baik dari pagi menyiapkan sarapan untuk keluarga, melakukan berbagai pekrrjaan rumah dan juga berbelanja.

Ayam penyet sambal terasa terasi memang tidak diragukan lagi nikmatnya😋

Apalagi satee bumbu kacang yang sangat mengunggah selera apalagi dinikmati bersama keluarga tercinta.

Sukses untuk kontesnya kaka.

Menjadi ibu rumah tangga memang banyak pekerjaan karena kita punya peran penting dalam keluarga.

Anda benar, ayam penyet sambal terasi memang nikmat dan makyuss.


It is good to pray every day before going out to carry out the activities of the day.

It's quite pity as the water turned off against you that you can not cook again but have to call your husband to eat outside.

After that, you went out with your husband to have some good times. I'm glad you had a lovely day. Success.

Terima kasih teman anda berkunjung dan meninggalkan komentar bijak. Saya selalu mengalami hal indah dan hari menyenangkan jika saya selalu bersama dengan keluarga.

Yang terbaik untukmu💕

That's nice to hear. You our family is more important to us more than any other things in the world. So is good to stay together with our family.

Going to the market is really quite eventful. Alot of things to see if you do noy carry a market list or you're not a disciplined you will end up buying things you don't plan for. Your day was quite eventful. Beautiful entry ma

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