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RE: Drawing Your Favorite Flower Contest


Brother your art is really admirable and I lime the hibiscus flower. In our area there are many hibiscus flower trees available. Your drawing is fantastic. You are really a very good and well skilled artist. Best of luck.


Thanks for appreciating my drawing.
I am not an artist, I just draw and I was shown how to do some shading by @ranartblog in world of Xpilar. Here is one of the lessons I got from him.
I am still working on my rendering and shading. I am into ICT by profession, more involved in tech support services and training.

Well, him (@ranartblog) is me :o)
You have done great. This is a complex shape.

I think the next step is to try and draw with no lines.
You can use the lines very gently, just for the structure.

Then, look for the brightness values.
Meaning, try to see how dark or light each area is, and draw smoothly with the pencil that same dark or light value.
If you press lightly with the pencil, it will be light, press harder and it will be darker.

First the structure.


Then, brightness values (no lines).


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