SEC S6W2: "A day with a special steemians"

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago (edited)

Hello to you everyone, how are you doing?, I welcome you all to the new season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge, and here we are in the week 2 of season 6.

Today, I will be participating in the RECREATIVE STEEM community to discuss the Topic: "A day with a special steemians".

The Steemit platform has provide for us a lot of interesting people, people with real live career we wished we could have access to and learn a thing or two from, on this channel, there are people you adequately learn from their contents, and this means in a real life scenarios, they had be a great mentor for you in these activities, so permit me to introduce to you the Steemian i would like to spend a day with.

Which steemians would you like to spend a day with?

The Steemian i would like to spend a day with is @fredquantum, this is not just an ordinary user to me on the platform, he's an idol whom I so much look up to, he's truly a dedicated user on the platform, and a vibrant person as well.


@fredquantum - image link

He has always driven quality engagement on the platform which is one of the unique character of him, and the fact that he has always consistently do this made me regard him so much for a man of his position, he's a dedicated user who I know I can learn alot from, so for this case, I look forward to spending a day with him.

What qualities and values do you highlight in this steemian?

Just as I had said earlier, Fred is an active user on the platform, and from his contents delivery, I could be sure of the character he possessed and his activity as well pose the real fact about him.

Hardworking and Quality Engagement - This is one of the few users I regard and respect so much when it comes to hardworking and been consistent, he has always organize interesting topics on the platform, he found the Steem4Nigeria accelerator program which was a great conception, and also the weekly iTeach program, he is someone with enormous idea, and this speak to the fact that he will be a great fella as well.

Graphics Design Knowledge - Multiple times I have always learn a thing or two from Fred designs, he once shared an article about photoshop and the practical was fully impactful, he's someone I could learn alot from regarding graphics Design and he's someone with amazing knowledge of crypto as well.

During the Crypto Academy, Fred has always delivered top contents on Trading and Cryptocurrency, I have always wondered how he is so good at it, was wondering whether he has a channel where he tutor this, he's a great individual in all these aspect I have listed.

What would you like to learn from this steemian?

I believe there's a lot of thing I could learn from this user, I had previously listed the quality of things I like about him, and this are great stuffs I would love to learn from him and add to my knowledge.

He's very skill in tutoring , and this is obvious from his level of content delivery, his topic are always straight forward and understanding, which made me believe he will be a great tutor, then learn the skills such as Graphics Designs and Crypto Trading.

I have always wonder how he has always managed to navigate between Steemit and his other activities, he never missed, his contents are always intact, he made it simpler and easy for everyone to understand, meeting him will be a great idea and I believe will be something impactful to my Knowledge as well.

Where would you like to spend the day with this special steemian?

Fredquantum is a Nigerian, and he stayed in the Southern part of the country, and adding to that he came from my hometown as well.

I have always have it in mind that whenever I get the chance to visit that part of the country, I hope on visiting him and having an understanding moment about a thing or two with him.

I would gladly be happy to meet him in Osun state, Nigeria where he is located , and this could be a good time for me to navigate the city he resides as well, and visit some interesting part of my hometown.

If you could give him/her a gift; what would you give him/her?

I never can tell what gift to give a man that already have it all , but probably, I would add to some of his donations for the orphanage home program.

Fredquantum is a good man, and innovative as well, he had recently launch a program called Operation feed the orphanage, so if there's by chance that we could meet, I would probably use the opportunity to get him stuffs that could be used for the charity program as well.


Here comes my conclusion on the topic my favorite Steemian i would love to spend a day with, and Fredquantum posses the best quality of someone unique and closer on the platform, he's an active dedicated user who have always give his best in terms of content delivery, and his skilled in other activities interest me so much to want to meet with him, so as to learn a thing or two from the particular meetup.

Thank you everyone for coming, I hereby invite @solexybaba, @josepha and @Sahmie to participate in the contest as well


A similar Contest of this nature was organized some days ago and I chose fredquantum as a steemian I'm happily learning from, and would love to meet one day. The truth is that, he's good and worth the hype. My best wishes to you sir. I participated too, Incase you wish to check ...

When lots of people have a great opinion about a same person, this means the person is naturally gifted and best in the practice, it's of no doubt that many users on the Platform would say the same about him.

Goodluck in your entry as well l

Saludos @badmus-oficial que bueno que la elección sea para apoyar a esta noble causa. Bendiciones.

Honestly, @fredquantum is a great Steemian that one can learn from. You have chosen the right person and I am sure he will be ready to welcome you at anytime you're ready to see him. Best of luck to you.

Thanks alot Friend, he's indeed an awesome user on the platform.

I do appreciate the kind gestures. Thank you, @josepha.

 2 years ago 

Un steemians bien activo en steemit, algo que permite conocerlo mucho más, espero se puedan conocer.


Thanks very much, I as well is hoping for that.

My friend, we have the same special steemian we would want to spend a day with. It is in no doubt that @fredquantum is a great and supportive steemian who sees the best in everyone that comes his way.

His vast knowledge about important subjects has made me want to see him and spend sometime with him so that I can actually tap from that fountain of wisdom. I hope we both meet him soon. Goodluck to you.

Thanks friend , he's indeed a fountain of knowledgeable, and mostly he is good with tech which is what's interesting the most about him.


I'm short of words reading through all these amazing things you have written about me in this article. It wowed me! You know it's always a joy realizing your time and efforts are appreciated, and that some would be willing to emulate your practices.

That being said, you are also an amazing person, fearless, and known for creation of quality content on the platform. As matter of fact, I know some out there are also willing to be like you. Keep the energy up as always, brother.

Reading a line about supporting my "Feed the Orphans" project left a huge smile on my face, it hits differently when people genuinely value quality projects like that. Thanks for this amazing piece put together. Good luck, brother @badmus-official.

Thanks a lot, i have always witness couple of great innovative projects on the platform from you, and you are an amazing steemian.

Let's Steem On.

Hi, @badmus-official,

Thank you for your contribution to the Steem ecosystem.

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Woooaaoo, de por si @fredquantum es uno de los steemians que mayor respeto le tengo en la plataforma porque en muy poco tiempo de interacción con el mismo, pude darme cuenta de esto:

Siempre ha impulsado el compromiso de calidad en la plataforma, que es una de sus características únicas, y el hecho de que siempre haya hecho esto de manera constante me hizo considerarlo tanto como un hombre de su posición, es un usuario dedicado que sé que Puedo aprender mucho de él, así que para este caso, espero pasar un día con él.

Es bastante comprometido con steemit, inteligente por demás, astuto, creativo y tda esa serie de cualidades lo hacen un steemians especial. Ahora, me entero por tu publicación acerca de su proyecto de caridad para los orfanatos y eso también, a mi parecer, lo hace admirable como ser humano; deseo de todo corazón todo el éxito en tan noble proyecto de la mano de Dios.
De igual manera, me gustaría aprende de el, sobretodo en la parte criptográfica y darle la talla en sus evaluaciones de la cryptoacademia (risas) Excelente publicación, éxitos en el concurso

fredquantum es un steemian querido y admirado por muchos en la plataforma, se ha caracterizado siempre por ser una persona muy dedicada, constante y con un deseo de orientar, enseñar y ayudar a otras personas o causas. Sería genial que pudieran recorrer tu ciudad natal juntos.

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