Activist Diary Game 14 April 2024 || Photographing butterflies and going for a walk

in Steem of Animals2 months ago


Thank God, my morning felt beautiful and energetic. Last night I slept very soundly and my dream was very beautiful and felt like it was real.

I prepared breakfast and boiled corn and brewed two glasses of delicious hot tea that smelled of jasmine flowers. I prefer tea to coffee, and sometimes I even drink it twice a day, morning and evening.

After breakfast I watched a drama, slept, ate, drank. I felt bored because I wasn't going anywhere. Finally I left my child with his father and my destination was now the back garden.


I feel happy to be able to feel freedom and have my own happiness when I am connected to nature. Before coming here, I stopped at a friend's house to borrow a lens to look for objects for photography.

I know, I'm not very used to using it and I'm a little less clever at taking the right pictures, however I'm too curious to know anything.

I started taking photos of beautiful flowers but they weren't very good because the object was moving because the wind was too strong. I started to get impatient because the results were not satisfactory.


I sat for a while under a coconut tree and started looking for more unique objects, ohh... Shuttt I walked slowly without making a sound because a small butterfly was perched on the leaves.
I started photographing it... Well.... The butterfly ran away and landed on a banana tree. I chased it until the butterfly calmed down and reached the leaves again. I took the picture with a high level of concentration😄 nah got it!!! I was able to take some great pictures of it.




A small dragonfly was perched on the leaves next to where I was standing. I took out my camera and started taking photos of it. Oh, it's a shame that only once the photo of the little dragonfly disappeared, maybe the dragonfly felt disturbed by my presence.

It's tiring... But it's also exciting, even though this time I failed to get the best photo, next time I will come back and try better, God willing, I will succeed.

In the afternoon, after doing my duties, after showering and dressing neatly, I went out for a while just for an afternoon walk because at this time it was still the Eid atmosphere and there were definitely lots of people passing by.

My daughter and I are just driving a motorbike on the village alley. I'm afraid to go on the main road because right now there are lots of cars and motorbikes because of Eid activities.


We went around singing the balloonku song with my little daughter, she was so happy and happy to be walking around and standing in front happily.

Mama moo moo.... My son saw a cow and wanted to see it, I stopped for a moment and looked at it. My son asked a lot, what is this ma... What is it ma?



After we were satisfied we passed it and bought dumplings and immediately went home because sunset would soon arrive, I drove the vehicle at medium speed and while singing Chen's song beautiful goodbye🎹🎶🎶.

After evening prayers I took my husband to a meatball food stall to enjoy firecracker meatballs, I wanted to eat spicy food and drink cold drinks.


I ordered a bowl of meatballs and a glass of fresh sweet milk and enjoyed it until the end. Emmm yummy really delicious😋. We sat for almost two hours, chatting with friends.

Description: All private images were taken and edited using a Redmi note 12 smartphone



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I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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 2 months ago 

Gambar yang kaka ambil sudah cukup bagus, kupu kupunynya terlihat jelas dan sangat cantik, aku selalu ingin mengambil gambar kupu kupu tapi tidak pernah dapat, batu saja ingin memotretnya tapi udah kabur duluan hahaha.

Adakah tipsnya untuk saya kak, mohon bimbingannya😁

 2 months ago 

Tidak ada tips khusus, saya hanya memotonya dengan diam-diam, tidak bersuara dan pastinya dengan kesabaran 😄


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