Contest | Don't destroy their life for your pleasure

in Steem of Animalslast year (edited)
Assalam -o- Alaikum !

Hope you will be good and healthy . I am also happy and well . Today i want to take participate in Steem of animals community contest "Don't destroy their life for your pleasure." The contest is organized by respected @f2i5 bring his kind thoughts about animal . That the animals to be treated kindly because they are living and need care and kind . I like this contest very much so lets me start my topic .


Animals should not be beated or overloaded.

Many of the animals living with us as our pet animals . eg hourse , donkey , cow , hen , goat , sheep , dog and cat etc . This all animals are for welfare of human beings . Human take advanteges from them but some people take advantege but behave harshly towards them . Like if they have hourse they take extra work from them overloed and also beaten them . They do not take care of their proper rest and a balanced routine which is essential for their well-being .

Animals are living like us but they can not speake and think although they have feelings and can feel thirst , hanger happiness and also feel pain . So we need to treat animals kindly and including this we need to provid them good shelter with proper care, attention, and respect.

Animals should not be kept in cages

The human keep Animals in cages in zoo or for self amusment . The animal live happly in their natural enviroment . In cages they often experience stress , anxiety , and depration due to confinement . The restriction of animal from their natural behaviors and environments into cages can produce physical and psychological issues in them . The living of animal in cage affects their overall quality of life.

So the animals should not be kept in cages, as it can draw a negative impact on their live as well as on their well-being and natural behavior . We need to provid them proper habitats and environments . It is important for their good health , happiness and servive .

Avoid hunting and destruction of habitat of animals



Due to over hunting and habitat destruction by the cutting of forests can lead the destruction of verious species . So some species become engengerd and some are extinct . This effect the balance of ecosystems and reducing biodiversity . We need to save the biodiversity . Because animals are Allah creature for the welfare of human being .

Animals are important for scientists in their research . By studing their behaviors , adaptations , and interactions we can learn from and about them . We need to provid them long term sustainability for the production of their future generations . Overhunting and habitat destruction can damage their sustainability.




Its is neccesery that the animals to be treated with kindness and respect and allow them to servive freely . We need to prevent them from any physical or emotional harm . similarly not to be take extra work , more then their capacity from them .

This can lead them to stress, triedness , and overall harm to their well-being . We need to provid them safe environment , attention , feeding them appropriate diets, offering medical care when needed , and kind behaviour towards them .

Thank you


Bundles of thanks to you for taking the time to read my post, and I sincerely hope that my creative insights will be enjoyed by everyone here.



@neelofar from Pakistan


 last year 

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