The Diarygame: ( 21/4/2024 ) The church service and blessings of God

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month


Greetings from this end, and welcome to another new beginning God has brought us this far and I know that he will take us forward there will be no limitations in our journey of life we will explore all our endeavors

After the church service with my friend

Yesterday was beautiful it came with many blessings even though it was a hectic day it's a memorable day to remember in the morning when I woke up we had our bath and went to the church to worship and give glory to our maker it is right and just for us to give glory for the one that protect us from the beginning of week to another, many wish to witness such opportunity but one thing or the other have taken them away from the face of the Earth. But we are alive we should give glory and time to God because without him our life is meaningless.

At the church service our Reverend Father preached that we should stay in unity and peace, and, that way should be watchful of ourselves children, and our neighbors that this life is too short for us to hold someone in mind. that we should pray for ourselves and others because it's not just about us, and that when we offend someone try and make peace so that we will live a healthy life because when you cumulate sadness in your mind brings sickness to you that can also kill the women fellowship sing-song and others group in the church.

After the church service, my friend who had an accident some months back recovered and decided to give thanks to God and we all supported them with songs and dances because God has been gracious we also took pictures with her so that it would be in our memory

My family friends after the Thanksgiving

My husband and I also take pictures with our family friends, she's more like a sister to me because she is always around to help me when I'm in need she's a kind person very good at associating with, people, and comes out massively to participate in her Thanksgiving because of her relationship with people in the community when she had the accident my heart almost runs out because I thought she might never work again but God has done a miracle work in her life he's healing hands have reached out for her.

Reaching home I quickly cook lunch for my family because is very good to keep your family healthy and food is one of them.

At the venue with a lot of children

After resting for a while I had news that we should all come out with our children to this particular venue because there is a package for them. I felt reluctant but I decided to take my son there I found out that an organization from outside the country has brought a gift for children in Nigeria. children came out massively to collect this packaging and it was amazing.

** The children with their boxes**

I was wondering what was inside the box until when I opened my son's package box there were many things inside toys pencil crayons exercise books brushes cream soap shoes towel all in the box I was very grateful for the people that think about others. I pray one day we will also reach out to other people so that they can be as happy as our children were.

Welcome the newborn baby

When I returned home a short while my cousin's sister's labor started at the hospital we reached the hospital after working around and doing exercise that we hadn't planned but we just had to be fully here I were tired but I didn't have a choice I was holding her after 23 hours she has put to bed a bouncing baby girl it was a joy come true because her husband was complaining that she has been given birth to boys and this time his dream come to pass he has a baby girl now. I can see the happiness on his face he was moving around looking at the baby calling her my love welcome to my world. I was happy for her because it was a successful delivering

Our newborn baby

This is the second time I'm been in a labor room receiving a baby I think I should become a nurse so that I will be there helping mothers to deliver their babies but I always cry when they are crying I still remember when I was in their position trying all I could for my baby to come out, mothers should be respected because it's not been easy every child should respect their mother in abundance without limitation they deserve it all. To my mom, I say THANK you. 🙏

I love you all, and see you next time thanks for stopping by. @vickyson


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