My thoughts about the farming routine.

in Steem Kids & Parents16 days ago

Hello, the beautiful people of the Steemit community; how are you doing today? It was nice meeting you again. My dearest friends and lovers,


My thought about the farming routine, farmers have been working from generation to generation and yet farming has never seized just as people never seize eating food Farmers have been in existence for a long time, and agriculture is one of the largest harvests that the government are benefiting but it doesn't cross their minds to put more effort positively into farming activities.

I grew up seeing my grandfather farming different varieties of food Guinea, corn, maze, rice yam, and hunting we never went to sleep without eating food in our home and I have seen my grandfather giving out to the less privileged from his farm products every year and I time passes by he passed on, and leave his children the inheritance of farm even though some of them went to school but they continue with the farm work


One thing I don't understand about farming is that every year they continue to farm and every year there must be hunger in the land, I don't know why the food is never enough even though the plants are enough and harvested but it's never saved for another year they have to go through the same process every year

Those who harvested 100 bags of groundnut this year will Still farm the groundnut in the coming year without any proper achievement from the previous plant products it beat my imagination when I saw that farmers who harvest three bags of corn in a year will still be buying foods around June July


Those who harvest 100 bags of rice will still be borrowing money for the next harvest and this food will not be enough to serve them for another year those who plant and harvest yam in hundreds of pickups will still be buying from the market around this particular time June July

When I thought about the farming routine I realized that their lives depend on it and it becomes their income, expenditure, and emergency scale of preface all depend on their farm products that is why it's never enough to stay for another year those that has children that go to school, have to sell from the farm products to raise school fees and other material needed for their family


Those who have emergencies in the case of accident and sickness use the same farm products to sell and raise money for such emergencies because that is their source of income and that is why they keep labouring and become older than their age because of the hard labour, most of these farmer hardly eat properly because they want to save their product for such needs and wants for their family

If only there was a provision for fertilizer and herbicide and machines that would help them in cultivation yearly it could have saved them from walking their self out and it would have increased their production much enough to be able to provide for their needs and those people around them

My thoughts for the government about these particular people that farm every year is that they should have intervened are invented new techniques to help farmers produce much in quantities so that they can sell and still have enough to eat till the next harvest


I understand that the government generates revenue mostly from the farmers because it's because of farmers that we have food in circulation and it's because of these farmers that we can have a full basket of what we want around our house without them in those fields we won't be having a food basket of the Nation and we will not have food to store in our storehouses because we have money.

The soil in which the Farmers are farming is already weak. It needs some machinery which will help them just like the other farmers across the world; let those in a position help farmers stand on their feet again. Together, we can achieve greatness.

I love you all, thanks for stopping by.

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