SEC-S17W3: large and small families, likes and dislikes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month (edited)

Good good afternoon house it's a pleasure participating in this week engagement challenge on this community, actually immediately I saw the content topic I was inspired and motivated to participate and share my opinion on the topic of the day.

Whether you have a large family or you have a small family one important virtue that is import that is needed for the family to go is love and unity among every member of the family. The boat size of family has their own benefits equally they also have their own side effects that makes them scary to anyone making a family.

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Also I'm aware that some countries with lower population like the the Japanese the South Koreans, citizens of New Zealand, the Canadians and the Swedish individuals are permitted to born as much as they want, the government of this Nations even putting some palliative and benefits to support individuals and motivate citizens to give birth to more children in order to increase the nation population and manpower.

In in such countries where the population is needed and the child belt rate needs to increase having a large family would be also, at least it proves that you are trying your best to support your nation grow into a better a larger and a more populated one that could help the economy like using its manpower automatically.

But in larger countries with larger population like the Indians the Chinese the Russians and even the Nigerians are usually advice and limited sometimes to reduce the birth rate to outmost 4 childrens per parent. This is done to cartel or reduce the nation population in order to avoid overpopulation that could lead to poverty and lack of education and unemployment because the population of the individuals might be more then the resource the country can produce at that period of time.

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Although having large families which in turn increase the nation population could help improve the nations manpower and therefore help the nation grow faster economically financially and military power, in fact this one reason China has turned to one of the world leading military power and economic power of the world. They saw the benefit of having a larger population and the worked on that benefit which now produce powerful results.

Okay coming back to our basic family I would say that your size of your family should depend on your source of income, this is because it is one thing to produce children and it's another thing to take care of these children with their mother in every necessary field without having them to lack this needs or want whenever they expect it.

I would advise if your income source is low and your saving are also low and you know that you have no other source of assistance whether from the government or from the society, in that case I would advise you to go with the normal small family size of at most three to four kids. This is because this will be easier for you to take care of and fend for their needs without causing you physical, social or mental issues.

This is because if your family source of income is lower than average and you went ahead to give birth to as much as 7 to 8 children then you mean just one thing for them and that is suffering, high level suffering. This is because you won't be able to give them quality education, quality feeding, quality clothing an even a quality lifestyle which will affect their growth and their life cycle in the society.

For example when going to work, I entered a public transport vehicle. Inside a vehicle I overhead the host of a show on a radio program, complaining how a man who has four wives 13 kids came to beg him for money so that he could successfully fix a house for the fourth wife because they could not leave together.

But if your source of income is good enough and you know you can handle such large work, then I will advise you to continue as long as they are sure your financial status is good enough to sustain the family for a very long of time.

Though let for me I would prefer a small size family of lovely four kids, two boys and two girls I believe this is like a balance equation. I choose this number because I'm a lover of kids, from day one I love taking care of kids playing with kids even though I don't know them.


Thanks for going through, I hope you enjoyed my article, Remember that STARRCHIS cares ❤️, I am inviting my friends @sahmie @okere-blessing @jes88 simonnwigwe .

 last month 

Meeting costs can be testing, especially while dealing with the necessities of a family. The capacity to cover costs for a family, whether huge or little, relies upon different variables including pay, planning abilities, and way of life decisions.

On account of a major family, expenses can be higher because of the need to accommodate more individuals concerning lodging, food, clothing, and different necessities. Schooling and medical services costs can likewise be huge, particularly in the event that various youngsters are involved. To deal with these costs, cautious planning, prioritization of necessities, and investigating cost-saving measures (like purchasing in mass or utilizing local area assets) can be useful.

For a little family, costs might be lower generally, making it more straightforward to meet monetary commitments. In any case, pay level ways of managing money actually assume essential parts. Planning is significant in any situation, as it helps track pay and costs, plan for reserve funds, and abstain from overspending.

Notwithstanding family size, monetary preparation and great cash the executives rehearses, like putting something aside for crises and retirement, are significant. Looking for monetary exhortation or utilizing monetary arranging devices can likewise support overseeing costs really.

Best Regards
Maryam Nadeem

WOW I must say I am so glad seeing your awesome comment on my entry, thanks for going through.

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 last month 

I'm glad to know that you love kids, and you will settle with small family in order to cater for them properly. Same here I love small family just like the number you mentioned. I think that 4 is a good number. I have participated thanks for inviting me

Lol it's amazing to know that our thoughts are in alignment 😃, children are gift from God. Thanks for going through my article.

 last month 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

It is important to consider one's income and resources when deciding on family size to ensure a stable and comfortable upbringing for all children. Whether small or large, the love and unity within a family are what truly matter.

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 last month 

Oh, thank you for the invitation.
Well Im done my entry but I will try to make again since my entry is invalid.

 last month 

Is not about having a large or small family. But having consideration about your daily income to know where you will be wether a large or small family.

Some things do not happen because we have a big family and a small family. Some people want to live in a big family, but they do not know how to survive with them. live away from and earn their own and then send to their family so that they can live a good and beautiful life which is desired so that they can earn and give to their family this is our society of today It has been done, but I want every person in our large families to earn so that they can fulfill their own desires.

 last month 

I would say that your size of your family should depend on your source of income.

This is very amazing and I strongly with you on this. Most people will just give birth to so many children and begin to have the impression that God will bless them financially soon.

Though let for me I would prefer a small size family of lovely four kids, two boys and two girls

Yes we are on the same shoes on this bro. My parents gave birth to four children which are two boys two girls

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