SEC | S11W3 - Discipline

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year
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It is another week of fun-filled engagement challenges with lots of valuable lessons lesson. This topic of discussion from this community for this week "Discipline" is based on the values of life. So here is my honest opinion on this wonderful topic.

How do you view discipline?

To me “Discipline” is simply obeying the rules or doing things rightly and precisely. In layman's terms, it is all about doing work or living life in an orderly manner according to rules and regulations, knowing what I should do and what I shouldn't, and knowing the good and the bad.

Therefore, discipline is not solely the act of obedience to rules and regulations, rather, it is a collective attitude in your life, that doesn't disturb the social fabric of society and also not harming your relationship with others.

From an early stage in our lives, our parents and caregivers try to teach us good habits at home such as greeting our elders, washing the dishes, sweeping the house, etc. Our teachers in school take up this responsibility when we go to school because Discipline is a core aspect of life.

In my opinion, the importance of discipline can not be less spoken of, as it is a constant part of lives from small kids to grown-ups. Hence, our lives pivot around discipline as it plays a vital role in every phase of our lives.

Discipline is also the act of correcting someone who is going or doing things wrong or not by a certain standard of life or those who have disobeyed rules and regulations be it at home or the society at large. This is where I think this contest is focused on, the giving and receiving of correction.

Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?

Discipline for me has been both ways, I was lucky enough to be disciplined and to have given discipline to others. As I earlier stated, discipline starts at home, just like charity as they go hand in hand.

I believe I'm not just a positive product of discipline but also an example to others. I would say I was well disciplined by my parents caregivers and teachers in school and today I not only enjoy the result of those disciplinary actions but it's embedded into my lifestyle.

On the other hand, being an elder figure and a caregiver, not forgetting my moments as a tutor, I have passed out the discipline which I have to those under my care.

Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given?

Discipline I said is like Charity (Love) that begins at home. This means discipline is out of the act of love as only those who love you would be willing to correct your wrongdoings.

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However, we have seen cases where discipline is carried out with pure evil intent, which is an act of hatred and wickedness. Cases, where it results in inflicting injuries on the person being disciplined is an act of hatred.

It is said that if you correct a child with the right hand, you draw him to yourself with the left hand. That is making the child know your discipline was good. Hence, discipline should be an act of love and not over the extreme as that would not only create fear in the persons being disciplined but also push them further away from you.

Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids?

Discipline is best served to kids at an early age as it's become more difficult to correct certain mistakes at an older age. The very reason we learn discipline at home even before we start school.

Discipline is simply the process of raising a child while guiding them through the right and wrong behaviors equipping them to be successful grown-ups.

So yes it is beneficial to kids, it serves as the solid foundation they rely on as they grow, as the holy book says “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

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Discipline the kids doesn't necessarily have to be a brute force as they are still very fragile, you don't have to be hard on them, rather, you correct them with love as they are prone to commit errors since they know not what is good and bad in every aspect.

As a parent, caregiver, or teacher, it is your responsibility to educate and support the kids throughout their childhood and teenage years, moulding them in the right way.

No one is born with a manual for knowing what’s right from wrong, it’s the job of the elderly ones to teach them. Hence, it is very important and beneficial to discipline our kids from an early age without involving corporal punishments.

Your advice to those who give discipline and to those who receive it.

To the givers, discipline is an act carried out with love and not with hatred or brute force, you are correcting or building the person you are disciplining and not pushing them away so learn the difference so you don't make it worse.

Brute force discipline usually results in no changes or worse outcomes, hence the cases of "I have disciplined enough, no positive changes" or in our local palace "I don beat am tire, him no dey hear word".

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The act of discipline takes time, but when done with love, for the kids, they will learn.

To the receivers of discipline, trust me, if you weren't loved by who is disciplining you, they won't waste their time doing so. Those who chose to discipline you for your good rather than look away. So be grateful and happy you have someone telling you what is right and what is wrong, the good from the bad.


In life, we all need to discipline more than anything else as with discipline, life would be meaningless. Therefore, we need to value discipline in our life even though it is hard to follow because it demands endless effort, responsibility and hard work. But in all, discipline breeds success.

I invite, @yakspeace, @paholags, @ruthjoe, @ikwal, @fantvwiki and @suboohi

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


 last year 

Saludos gran amigo sahmie, es así es importante recibir disciplina, al igual que tu mi madre me enseño a ayudarla, esto con los oficios del hogar como barrer limpiar la casa, fregar los platos, lavar los baños, y siempre he sido muy maduro y desde niño entendí que mi madre necesitaba ayuda y yo debía hacerlo, también porque en mi hogar eramos todos varones y así todos ayudábamos, esas enseñanzas y disciplina de mi madre las agradezco muchísimo ahorita porque soy un hombre independiente.

Te deseo el mayor de los éxitos en tu reto.

 last year 

Cheers to all our mothers, fathers and caregivers who took their time to instill discipline into us. Thank you for making out the time to go through my work. Do have a wonderful day ahead.

Thank you, friend!
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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Hi boss @sahmie, you got a nicely written presentation here. I also concur with you on those listed assertions on discipline. It is an aspect of life that brings about the best side of us in the immediate as well as in the future. It comes with love as those corrections and way of life seemeth right just as quoted in Prov 22:6. Good luck to you, bro.

 last year 

True, without discipline in life, we wouldn't be different from the animals that roam the earth. Its is indeed a bedrock value to accomplishment and fulfillment in life. Thank you for your time and support.

Exactly Sir. Imagine a society without discipline...😊. Even some of the animals are focused and orderly in their approach which is an element of discipline. This shows that we should be intentional about this so as not to be worse than them. Nice time out...

 last year 

Speaking of orderliness, focus and organization amongst animals reminds me of the soldier ants. We as humans, we've got to do better. Thank you once again.

😊😊😊 You are welcome.

 last year 

Discipline is important in every aspect of life in my view. No matter where you are what you are doing, if you remember the teachings of your parents and teacher you will be a good person and others will appreciate you and like you. But if you are following bad people advices, then you will not a good person and people will start ignoring you and in the end you will be alone. So discipline in life is very important.

Thank you for this wonderful content. I wish you best of luck for the contest.

 last year 

Greetings friend, truly there is practically no good living without discipline, hence we can't sing of its importance enough. Thank you for your supportive contributions.

 last year 

Stay Blessed :)

Dear, I like your point about discipline. You put it very nicely. Discipline is taught to us from family and school. Good luck with your writing.

 last year 

Thank you my friend, I'm glad you like my view of the topic at hand it means a lot to me. Thank you and have a good day.

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La disciplina es un hábito muy lindo y, cuando nuestros padres nos inculcan este estilo de vida, tenemos la oportunidad de crecer y ser personas dispuestas a seguir reglas porque, el orden pasa a ser nuestro estilo de vida.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 last year 

Thank you so much for your time, I would love the big hug 🤗 in person. 😍

 last year 

I enjoyed reading through your content dear friend, indeed discipline is very important in everyone life because for one to discipline us that means they love and care about us.

Thank you for the invite and i wish you all the best in this very contest.

 last year 

I'm over the moon right now, seeing that you did like my work, I can only hope to do better. Thank you so much for your support, God bless you.

Ps: hope you don't mind that I always tags you?

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