SEC17 WK:#1: Forgiveness unites family

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago
I am glad to be part of SEC17 WK:#1: Forgiveness unites family as it provides me the opportunity to express myself on this valuable topic. I would like to invite my respectable friends @senehasa, @solperez, and @radjasalman for their views on this topic.


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Forgiveness is way to a better life

Forgiveness has great importance in human life. If a person commits a mistake and immediately apologizes for it, the other person's anger goes away to a great extent. Asking for forgiveness is a good personality trait. Similarly, forgiving someone is also a sign of a good personality.

If a person commits a mistake but does not apologize for it and if a person does not forgive the other person even after asking for forgiveness, then an ego related disorder develops in the personality of such people. Both types of people are never free from crime. Not apologizing for one's mistake and not forgiving the other person after apologizing means that such a person drinks poison from himself.

Human life is so long and strange that if a person does not have the quality to ask for and give forgiveness, then his life becomes very painful. Asking for forgiveness destroys the ego, whereas forgiving creates values.



Forgiveness is that quality that is uncommon in the world - Not really!

Forgiveness has been called the weapon of politeness, the garment of love, and the solution to hatred. If the other person forgives someone's mistake, he helps that person and also helps himself. To forgive, one has to destroy one's ego, and only a tolerant person can do this. A weak person can never forgive, forgiveness is the quality of a strong person. Forgiveness has been described as the best virtue in all religions.

I feel forgiving is greater than asking for forgiveness. Psychology also says that making mistakes is also a quality of a human being because even after taking full care, mistakes happen somewhere in a person's life, but apologizing for one's mistake and forgiving the other person is the best of humanity. A person with a quality of forgiveness is always happy and does not have enemies.

Forgiveness is something that is not easy for everyone to say. But when it is not easy to ask for forgiveness, then, without thinking, go to that person and say sorry. By doing this, the burden on your mind will become much lighter. Forgiveness is the basis of all religions. Forgiveness is the solution to hatred. Forgiveness and apology are both signs of greatness.

Like the one who gives forgiveness, the one who asks for forgiveness is also great. The feeling of humility that arises in his heart by apologizing for his mistake increases his stature even more than before. Forgiveness has a very high place in policy. Forgiveness is a part of policy. This is an indicator of the renunciation of ego. On the surface of forgiveness, two personalities emerge- you and the other person.

When we do not accept our mistakes or hesitate about forgiveness, it is also because there may be a feeling of guilt in our hearts, but our ego prevents us from doing so. Every human being feels this pain, and maybe the one in question is also thinking the same that they should ask for forgiveness, and if any of them come forward, the matter is settled. This conflict ends and is resolved through forgiveness. There is not even an iota of cowardice in forgiveness. Powerful qualities like tolerance, equality, forbearance, friendliness, and generosity develop only in people who value patience.

The Bible is full of forgiveness, but it doesn't specifically address the concept of forgiving yourself. Typically, we talk about "forgiving oneself" when a person continues to express guilt over past sins or regrets negative consequences that resulted from a decision made in the past. We may personally feel the need to "forgive ourselves" for our mistakes to move forward in our lives. Forgiveness is the door to freedom from sorrow. Forgiveness loosens the knots of the mind and develops kindness, tolerance, generosity, and restraint. Forgiveness is a boon to humanity.

Many times, such situations arise in life when we have to apologize to others for our mistakes or forgive the mistakes of others. At times, we have to apologize to others even though we are not wrong. However, here, forgiveness has been called the ornament of the brave. It has a lot of power. In a true sense, this is a divine quality that is found in very few people. Every religion teaches us to forgive others, because both the giver and the receiver enjoy it. Forgiveness always proves beneficial for a person, whereas, on the contrary, by getting angry, a person often causes great loss to himself.

Man is said to be the embodiment of mistakes. There is hardly any person in the world who has never made a mistake. Knowingly or unknowingly, we all make some mistake or another. We all commit mistakes. Sometimes, unknowingly, intentionally, jokingly, or out of anger, we hurt someone, which we do not realize at the time, but when we realize it, it hurts us deeply from within. Although we regret our actions, our ego stops us from asking for forgiveness.



I have stories in my family life but I have a way to settle them

I go through this situation every once in a while when I treat my partner rudely. However, as the golden rule says, I never sleep on my mistakes and say sorry before going to bed, and everything is settled. I am thankful to my wife, who taught me about this rule, and we have been following it for decades.

Similarly, if someone sincerely accepts his mistake and apologizes to us, then it feels good. And happiness lies in the fact that the person apologizing has realized his mistake and is apologizing wholeheartedly.


Here, I would like to say one more thing about apologizing and forgiving… if you commit any mistake, then accept your mistake, and apologize with a true heart, and see the difference in your psyche!

In the end, until we sincerely accept our mistake and apologize, it becomes a burden on our hearts. But as soon as we apologize for our mistake and if the person also accepts the apology and forgives with a true heart, then a kind of burden is removed from our heart and we feel very light, after which we will feel happy.

Beneficiaries @steemkidss and @null

Thank you for reading



Apreciado @dove11, toda tu disertación sobre el perdón es muy valiosa. Comparto contigo la idea de que no reconocer las culpas o los errores cometidos y no pedir disculpas a tiempo puede convertirse en un virus que se expande en nuestro cuerpo y se evidencia en nuestras acciones.

La cura para este virus es hacer un ejercicio de reflexión, sopesar lo que hemos hecho, buscar una explicación a nuestras fallas, trabajar en ellas para que no se vuelvan a presentar y luego evitar reincidir en las mismas, porque es común en los humanos, "volver a tropezarnos con la misma piedra".

Me encantó leerte, Gracias por la invitación. Suerte.

 5 months ago 

Thanks for your wise views and support!

You have done well in highlighting the importance of forgiveness. I love how you put it that forgiveness can be called a weapon of politeness, garment of love and the solution of hatred. Your analogy is very to ponder on. You know when something happens, two people are involved, the one that comes to apologize and the one to forgive. Thank you for sharing your insight with us. Success to you

 5 months ago 

Thanks, I have written only what I practice in my real life and feel what it should be like. My best regards.

My pleasure ♥️

 5 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents It's really pleased to know that after reading your in detail review of given theme. You are truly a kind person who always take first initiate to forgive others and a loving husband who accepts his mistake and say sorry to your partner before going to bed. That's a good will gesture and positive sign of your personality. Well thanks for sharing your quality participation. Wishing you good luck to win contest. Keep engaging with other's users posts too.

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 5 months ago 

Thanks for the evaluation!

Forgiveness has been described as the best virtue in all religions.

Oh yeah, forgiveness is definitely a common theme across different religions. My grandparents used to tell me stories about how forgiveness was emphasized in their faith too. They believed that letting go of grudges and forgiving others was essential for inner peace and spiritual growth. It's fascinating to see how this idea resonates across different cultures and beliefs.

Forgiveness is the door to freedom from sorrow.

I totally agree with this statement. In my experience, holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive only adds to one's own sorrow and burden. I remember a time when I held onto resentment towards a friend for something they did, and it just ate away at me, causing me so much unnecessary pain. But once I let go and forgave them, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders, and I felt so much lighter and happier.

All the very best

 5 months ago 

Thank you so much! My best regards!


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 5 months ago 

Thank you so much @𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐲 👍

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Humans are always making errors, and those mistakes are always forgiven if one has the bravery to acknowledge them. As you indicated, when we receive and give forgiveness, we feel quite comfortable. Thank you so much for inviting me.

 5 months ago 

Forgiveness is discovered for humans only otherwise animals neither commit mistakes nor say sorry!

 5 months ago (edited)

Sorry, I'm having computer problems these days; I wanted to accept your invitation and began to do so, but my typical error occurred: the cursor ran here and there without allowing me a chance to enter. I was unable to submit any posts for the previous three to five days.

 5 months ago 

You need to change the mouse. It's not the computer but the problem of your mouse.


The Bible is full of forgiveness and it is the best place to learn how to forgive. The example of people who forgive people are there in the Bible like the one that Jesus forgive the criminals at the point of his death. One thing about your post is that two people must reconcile to make it easy for forgiveness to drive in, when two reconcile and seek for happiness, such happiness comes from the heart and the Happiness comes truly. Best of luck sir.

 5 months ago 

Thanks @kidi40, yes I have read the Bible and other religious books and I found every book has similar incidents or sermons. If we follow the path these books teach us this world will be a better place to live.

I appreciate your understanding.

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