in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Greetings friends, today I will be participating in this interesting contest, it is true that we all have different concepts of what family is and what it means to us, so let's participate.

✓ Tell us, what does family mean to you?

From the general, and by definition of the word you can say that family is a group of people who have some kind of bond or kinship. That you have moral, ethical or religious bases in addition to some customs that are transcending from generation to generation.

However, from my point of view, over time this concept has been modified and has had great changes, the truth is that we are born in a home to have our own in the future, a home in which we will take a more important role.

For me, family, more than a blood bond, is based on emotional responsibility and the ability to overcome difficulties without any of the parties leaving home. Still, it is valid for us to consider family that person who has been around during our growing up without needing to have blood sides.

✓ Can 2 families be the same?

In a simple example, no two popcorns are exactly the same shape as each other. And this is the biggest problem of human beings, to consider that something has to be the same as the other. The thing is, each family has beliefs, customs, religions, ways of being totally different from the other, they can coincide but they will never make equal.

✓ Do you currently belong to a family?

Of course I do.

✓ Is your family the ideal type to which you would always like to belong or are you just managing it?

This question can be interpreted in many ways, saying "ideal type " is a subjective point, since it depends on the point of view of each reader, what for some is good for others may be bad. And so on, for now there are things that can be improved, but no family is perfect and the important thing is to know how to handle the situation.

✓ How can you improve your family?

I think the problem and the question is not, How can you improve your family?, it would sound better if I said What can I do to contribute to improve my family?.

I have always thought that this kind of questions turn us into dependent people, that we believe that change has to start with others when it is the opposite, if I want something to change then I am a leader and I take the first step. You have to change yourself, the world will not change for you .

✓ What advice can you give to other families who work for you?

I could only tell them not to compare themselves with other families, it is true that there are bad days but they are not eternal, it happens. To the parents... don't compare your children with others, that causes them emotional instability, if they have a problem don't solve it in front of the little ones, that will bring them confusion and they will believe that they are always wrong and that the solution for everything is aggressiveness. Do not force them to tell you things they do not feel ready to tell you, always listen to them, do not judge them, clarify their doubts. Do not make them believe that because they want to go to a psychologist they are "crazy or useless ". Be aware that each person is different and each one goes at his or her own pace.

✓ Anything else you would like us to know about the family. We want to exhaust everything.

To conclude, personally I am not someone who expects to have a family of my own, it is not about finding a partner having children and that's it, because for reasons like that, there are many children today who are misplaced, disoriented and even more those who are in depression or in extreme cases who have committed suicide. The sad thing about this, is that it is not up to them, in their backgrounds there are almost always conflicts with parents and I honestly do not want to bring a child into the world to be that kind of parent.

I guess I don't fit society's prototypes and that's ok, sometimes it's good to be different.

I hope everyone had an Excellent day!!!! Cheers <3
  • Thank you @steemkidss Here I leave you the Link to encourage them to participate.

  • I invite @mari30, @luiyi-22, @leyxi209, @ledcerv.

  • The photos are of my authorship and were taken with an Alcatel 1v 2020 Phone and edited in Snapseed.

  • The content is of my authorship and is 100% original for Steem.

  • Location: Ciudad Bolivar- Bolivar State.

I invite you to see my Presentation Post:


~The heart does not die when it stops beating. The heart dies when the beating stops making sense.✨!✨!


Hola @cachetes-27 gracias por participar en este concurso maravilloso, Dios bendiga a tu hermosa familia. Siempre estaremos muy agradecidos de tu participación. Recuerda que en cada publicación debes colocar a la cuenta de @steemkidss como beneficiaria, al menos con el 10% de apoyo. Aquí te comparto las directrices de nuestra comunidad para que te familiarices con todas las normas, actividades y sus etiquetas correspondientes. Gracias por estar con nosotros.

Ayyy Dioooos!! Se me olvido 🥺🤦🏻‍♀️ en mí próxima publicación delegare el 20% para recompensar!
¡Gracias por el apoyo!

Tranquila bella, a mi me pasó también hace poco, lo importante es mantenerlo presente. Besos.


 3 years ago 

Hola @cachetes-27 me gusta mucho la manera en la que has conducido tu participación, coincido contigo en que la familia no solo es quien tiene tu sangre sino aquellos que han Estado contigo en tu proceso de crecimiento. Eres un ser diferente al montón y eso te hace especial.
Gracias por participar en este distinguido Concurso.
Te invito a verificarte en la comunidad para que sigamos viendo tu contenido de calidad entre nosotros.

¡Gracias por visitar mi posts! ¡Ya estaré realizando mi verificación!

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