The Magic Adventure of Art

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month
What is Art?

The one thing called Art is definitely what I see like a pretty "magic world" where the admiring people always create amazing dynamic things using their premium imagination and amazing skills. It definitely can be a case of drawing, a painting as well, a sculpture too, or probably even a beautiful dance in style. Art definitely is known to be everywhere around us, and it always makes life more colorful and really exciting.

Types of Art


There are generally many of different kinds or types of art, and so each one is indeed so special in its own dynamic way. Dear all Here are mostly some of the common types I have in mind:

Drawing and Painting: These are perfectly and probably the very first types of the art that dearly come to mind. The Using of the pencils, crayons, or paint, many artists always create a pictures on paper or also canvas. "Most of which I regards as the Famous painters includes the likes of them Leonardo da Vinci and also Vincent van Gogh who have magnificently made some of very great and special paints and most well-known paintings in the world entirely.


Sculpture: This very type of the art always involves in one shaping materials like the clay, stone, or the metal* too into a three-dimensional objects. The Sculptors create a statues, a figures, and as well other forms that we can perfectly see from all the sides.

Music: Yes, the music here is indeed another form of art too! The very Composers write the songs and as well pieces of music that the musicians play on the instruments like the pianos, guitars, and drums.

  • Music can so make us really feel happy, sad sometimes, excited, or calm depending.

Dance: Dancing is yet is another pretty beautiful form of the art. Dancers always use their unique bodies to convince and express emotions and really tell stories through their magnificent movement. The Ballet, hip-hop, and salsa are indeed just a few examples here of the different dance styles.

Literature: This literally includes perfectly all unique kinds of the writing, in likes of stories, poems, and the plays. The Writers here always use words to try create a dynamic pictures in our dear minds and also take us on a scale adventures to faraway places too.

Why is Art Important?

"Art systematically is very much important for many of these unique reasons. Here are a few I have:"

Expressing Emotions: Sometimes in life, it's very hard to really say how we do feel with just words alone. Art here then gives us a privilege and a way to show our undying emotions and probably share them with others the situation. A very sad song or too a joyful dance can always help to express feelings better than the words ever could.

Telling Stories: "Through art", we all here can definitely tell stories about our dear lives, our unique culture, and our very history of past. The Paintings on the amazing walls of the ancient caves tell us well more about the very lives of people who dearly lived thousands of years ago better.


Bringing People Together: Art here always helps to bring people from far and near the different backgrounds together as one. A perfect and beautiful piece of the music or probably a stunning painting can be perfectly enjoyed by everyone involved, no care or no matter where they come from at all or what language they speak definitely.

Making the World Beautiful: Art here always strive to adds beauty to our desire lives. So Just assume or Imagine a world without a pleasing colorful paintings, a quality beautiful buildings, or a lively music too. It indeed would be a pretty dull place for all, wouldn't it?

Art in Everyday Life

You all might also not realize it, but indeed art is definitely counted a big part of our dear annual and everyday lives. "Here are some of my examples:"

Fashion: The unique clothes we do wear are pleasing designed by the fashion designers like myself who we always use the dynamic artistic skills to create new styles are counted in.

Architecture: The unique buildings we do live in and also the places we visit are perfectly designed by the architects who do combine art and the engineering to perfectly create the functional and beautiful spaces for us all.

Movies and TV Shows: The Directors, actors, and set designers always work together to help us create the shows and the movies we really love to watch. They always use art to try tell us some stories and definitely create worlds that literallyentertain and inspire us all.

How to Enjoy Art

Indeed in this life people always have their perception and perspective.
There are practically many different ways to genuinely and really enjoy art, even if here you don't think you're an artist as many do. Here are magnificently some ideas from me to you all:

Visit Museums and Galleries: These amazingly are places so full of pretty amazing works of the art. Take out your time to create and look at the pieces and definitely think about what the artist was trying to say from it.


Listen to Music: Find here a songs that you do really love out of the millions song available to stream and then listen well to them. Pay a perfect and genuine attention to how the music really makes you feel and also what it makes you think about in your lifetime.

Create Your Own Art: You definitely don't have to be known so well or a famous artist to really make an art. Draw well a picture, write also a poem, or probably dance to your very favorite song. The perfect and most important thing is to help have fun and express yourself well.


Art here is really acknowledge asa wonderful and pleasing magical part of our daily lives. It so helps us to really express our own emotions, tells unique stories, and also makes the world a better more beautiful place for us to live in.

  • Whether we here are creating it or probably simply enjoying it too, art definitely has the amazing power to help touch our dear hearts and also bring joy to our lives basically. So please, take in here a moment to reflect and also explore the world of art, and then let your imagination certainly run wild!

This pleasure is mine that something must always be learned 💗
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     "Thank you All For Reading"

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