Mactan Shrine - The Historic Place in Lapu-Lapu Philippines

in Steeming Community3 years ago

(30% of this post goes to @steemingcuration)

Buenas Noches steemians.

How have you've been? Wish everyone is well now!


Today, let me share to you, the Lapu-Lapu's Pride, the Historic Mactan Shrine.

Why is it Historic?

MACTAN SHRINE was known before as LIBERTY SHRINE. "Liberty" meaning freedom, it is the place where our hero Lapu-Lapu fought the Foreign Invader Magellan. It commemorates the Battle of Mactan in 1521.

Mactan Shrine

It is a must-see place to those people who loves historic places. The place is so big and it is situated in Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City.


It has two important monument, the Lapu-Lapu Monument and Magellan Shrine.

The Lapu-Lapu Statue


At our back, you can see the Lapu-Lapu Statue it is situated in the middle of the shrine. It is said to be the exact location where he fought Magellan and killed.

Our first hero in his statue is holding a sword and a shield in his other hand. These 2 are his 2 weapon during the combat. The Battle of Mactan is being reinacted every April 27 of the year. It will be reinacted by chosen Filipino artist but just this year our new Mayor changed it. Instead of requesting the Filipino artist, he gave the chance to Lapu-Lapu settlers. He chose those people who just lived in our place who knows how to act and has the guts to do it.

The Magellan Monument


Meters away from the Lapu-Lapu statue is the Magellan Monument. Two sides of the monument has the name of the Portuguese invader. Though he was considered as "enemy" of the Filipinos, he was still remembered as the person who brought Christianity to the Philippines.

Best Venue for a Morning Jog


Because of its history, many tourists and even Filipinos from far places visit the place. Aside from that, because it has a wider and big space it is perfect for a morning jog.

This place is really "a must" to visit, and if it happened that you visit here, I assure you that you will not regret of coming to the place. Some brought blanket to sit in and have picnic. You can go there with your family or loved ones or you can go there alone and unwind since there is also a place to sit in facing the seabreeze.

Below, I had compiled pictures inside the shrine.










Thank you for your time steemians and have a great day!

Love Lots,



About the Author

Aloha! @kyrie1234 is a Public Highschool Teacher handling in Grade 9 Math. She is the adviser of Grade 9- Special Science Class. She has a daughter who is 2 years old. She loves to explore the world and see its wonders. She wants to learn cooking and baking. She also loves different artworks and admires them. Again, thank you for the support.
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!zen 30

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thank you sir

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Friday, June 25th, 2021.

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 3 years ago 

thank you sir...

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