Steeming Community Contest| My Experience with Covid19 | by @abby0207

in Steeming Community3 years ago (edited)

Greetings steemian friends!

May we continue to uphold positivity in life in spite of this difficult Covid 19 pandemic we are facing.

I would like to give special thanks to @advhl for creating this contest which is indeed relatable as all of us face this Covid19 pandemic.

As Covid 19 arises here in the Philippines last year, there was a sudden change of what we used to do. The government implemented lock downs, there was a panicked buying, and lots of jobless people. I was even so scared for my family's security on its first hit.

In my line of work, everything change as well. There was a strict implementation of health protocol to avoid the spread of the virus. Students are not allowed to go to school instead the parents or their guardians go to school for submission and retrieval of our learning modules.
I and my whole family are lucky enough did not experience that virus which is feared by everyone. But sadly, my colleagues suffered from that disease. There were actually four of them. Three of them were asymptomatic but one of them greatly suffered and was hospitalized for almost one month. It was really heartbreaking seeing him suffered. That is why, all of us teachers contributed any voluntary amount for his hospitalization expenses. He even cried knowing of the helped he received. When he was cured, I had a chance to talk to him and he told me it was really difficult when he was in the hospital for he was alone and no one could comfort him specially he had difficulty in breathing. He was so thankful to God that he survived.

Because of what I discovered. I have applied several tactics to avoid myself and my family for this deadly virus. I always wear mask and face shield everytime I go out. I always have alcohol or hand sanitizer with me and I wash most of the time my hands. I also never forget to take vitamins and do the same thing to the members of the family. We eat vegetables and fruits everyday and drink plenty of water.

Since we have this invisible enemy it is better to take safety precautions at this time. Most of all, let us continue to open our hands to others those who needed us the most specially in this saddest times.

So that's it! Thanks for taking time...visiting and reading my post.

Stay Safe!


About the Author

Mabuhay ! abby0207 is a public junior high school teacher handling English in the Philippines. She makes sure to always have time with her children and shows dedication in her work. She values life and shares it through writing blogs to continue inspire others. Muchas Gracias!..

 3 years ago 

this is so true mam

 3 years ago 

Yes Mam kyrie.

 3 years ago 

Helloo, what's up? I stop by to inform you that I have suggested your post to the community support program , whose support is directed by the #booming team. Remember that we are not the curators, but the ones who suggest. Hence, I wish you good luck on this. Keep up with the good work. If you haven't, check out the Steeming Community Important Announcements post.

I'll also leave you a post here about how to delegate your Steem Power to Steemingcuration, an also a post about how to join Steemingcuration Community Trail, in case you want to provide more support to the community. If you want to join our Discord server to be more in contact with us, here I leave the link in the same way. Greetings and success for you. Remember you have to attribute 30% of the post rewards for @steemingcuration account.
Friday, August 6th, 2021.

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for recognizing my post @psicoparedes.

 3 years ago 

You are welcome 😄 keep up

 3 years ago 

Hello friend, thank you for joining this contest and telling us about your experience with this virus that terrifies us all. What a joy that your friend has been able to overcome the disease and that you could also help him in those difficult moments, without a doubt, in those moments is where true friends are really known. Thanks for your participation

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much friend for such heartwarming compliment and recognizing my entry.

Has tocado un punto importante: la reacción de los enfermos al verse solos en el hospital, eso pone al paciente más nervioso, con más incertidumbre, ojalá y todos pudieran pasar el virus en casa, en su espacio y con los suyos, como el caso de mi mamá y su recuperación milagrosa @abby0207

 3 years ago 

Thank you my friend for visiting and leaving such a nice compliment.

Your welcome

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

keep safe my friend

 3 years ago 

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