[Witness's Thought]STEEM in the doldrums, is there hope?

in AVLE 코리아2 years ago

We Steemians are going through a crypto winter. There's a lot to prepare for during a crypto winter. But is our beloved Steem really ready for it? I'm very negative about the state of Steem right now. The way things are going, I don't think Steam will be ready for the next bull run.

We need to look at what we did after the Hive fell out of Steem. We didn't revitalize the community, we didn't develop properly.

All we've done is cut our own throat. We used to argue with each other about whether it's right to do one self-boat or four self-boats, and now we're all just using up 10 self-boats through a rental pool without thinking about it and being happy with the rewards that come out of it.

So instead of building and developing the community and making Steem more competitive, we're just cutting off our own tails because we're hungry, and if we don't get out of this situation, Steem will go nowhere in the next 10 or 20 years.

The Foundation is pushing programs to strengthen the community, but we're really just hanging on to our rental pools and living off of immediate income. The recent spate of new rental pools is probably due to the fact that rental pools have become Steem's signature business.

It's probably because the commission income is so lucrative, otherwise neither you nor I would get into the rental pool business.

Rental boathouse operators will tell you that boathouses advance the Steem ecosystem, but that's not quite right. There's no way that harming the dynamics of social media can advance the ecosystem. When Steam and Hive first separated, rental boathouses may have served a function to hold onto Steemers, but now, almost three years later, they're the biggest obstacle to moving Steem forward.

Social media, blockchain or not, is all about interaction and relationships, but with the majority of Steems being rented to rental boats, Steem has lost its dynamic and potential as a social media. Steem has traded its future value for a few pennies in the here and now.

If Steam continues in the same direction as it is now, there is no hope for it. I would much rather see it get rid of the Steem chain and be absorbed into the Tron chain, as the recent rise in the price of Steem is not without some aspect due to Justin's comments.

Right now, steem is at a point where it can't do anything unless the tron foundation does something. Full-scale development is impossible. For steem to develop into its own chain, other dapps need to be created, and for that to happen, SMTs need to be created. There's no point in having a chain with a single Steem dapp on it if it can't create a tokenized economy.

What Steem can do now is to build a proper community and create added value on Steam, but since we're all in a rental pool, what kind of development is possible on Steam?

The whales, especially those who have a lot of Steam on Steam, need to take this situation seriously. Instead of being satisfied with the income they're getting from the lease pool, they should be betting on a situation where Steem continues to grow and increase the value of Steem.

I don't feel like I'm qualified to say this, because I've been renting to rental pools for a long time, but my recent decision to start a rental pool is a way to get out of the situation that Steam is in right now, because the only way to get out of the situation that Steam is in right now is to collect fees from rental pools and use that to grow the ecosystem on Steam. Even though I'm creating a rental pool, I'm not a rental boating pool operator because I don't want to collect fees as income, I want to collect curation income from rental pools and use that to strengthen the community on Steam.

I think the best thing for Steam would be to get rid of all of them now, because if we did, and we had a more active social media presence, the ecosystem would evolve. If the steam power of the Steam whales is locked away in these pools, new concepts can't be created, and Steem is doomed to a slow decay, like a carcass.

After becoming a Steem Witness, I tried to do what I could: I started the 500 Steem Power Up movement, thinking that getting people to hold more Steem Power would drive up the price of Steem. But over time, I realized that trying to drive up the price of Steem without increasing the value of Steem was pointless. I tried to create Avle.io to try something new, but I found it difficult to do anything new without SMTs. I promoted it as a project for good writing prizes, but it didn't get much traction.

In fact, I tried everything I could as an individual, but it all fell flat on its face, so I realized that all I could do was to make Steem more like social media. That's the only thing that Steemians can do right now to increase the value of Steem. I started Avle Private Equity because I saw it as a way to recognize the reality of the current climate and do something about it. If nothing changes in the 2-3 years since Avle Private Equity started, I'll be reducing my Steam holdings to a minimum. Because there's no point in investing in something that doesn't have a future.

I created Avle Private Equity because I saw it as the only way to get Steam out of the cul-de-sac it was in, but if there is a review of the entire leasing business, I'd be happy to disband Avle Private Equity. I'm sure those who participated in Avle Private Equity will understand.

Initially, the leasing business had the positive aspect of preventing Steamers from churning, but now it's just a cannibalization of Steem's value. I believe the Foundation should also weigh in on the boat rental pool issue, as I understand they are working to strengthen the community. I'd rather see Steem merged into Tronchain than let things continue as they are now.

I don't think this post will change or make a difference, but I think we should do what we can, and if there are even a few more people who feel the same way as I do, that's enough, right? If we make small changes, we can make a difference.

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Posted through the AVLE Dapp (https://avle.io)


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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Hi @steem-agora, I know you for a long time and for me your were the most optimistic person who had invested much in Steem/ Steemit both financially and the time, but also your supported many people on Steem, encouraged them to stay and to continue.

I agree as an individual you will not be able to do more than you have already done by now and it is enormous work that I always appreciated.

It is important to have a group of developers on Steemit who will be working together on the projects and producing something that might drive the price up.

I have seen that there are good thoughts that was shared in post of @Upvu the possibility to connect Steem via metamask and earning other Crypto like ETH. That could also make people interested to invest and stake Steem. I actually need to read again thoroughly the post, just too little time at the moment.

I am sure we all need to work together and like you say not to be satisfied what we have now. If there is no improvement then other investors might also start thinking of leaving.

Just wanted to tag @steemcurator01 to be aware about this post they may be will be interested too.

As a witness, IMO delegation voting pool is no more helpful for Steem

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