The Diary Game III: November 11 ,2020 On Wednesday-The Busy Teacher's Life

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago



Like every day, my morning started with the blessed name of Allah Almighty. And I woke up at five in the morning.
But it was very cold in the morning and I was laying in bed with a blanket until five thirty.
And when i heard the morning Azzan call, i performed ablution to perform the Fajr prayers, and performed the Fajr prayers, and after performing the prayers, i exercised a little in the courtyard of the house.
After the workout, I read the post on #Steemit for an hour and appreciated some good posts that I liked. And while I was reading the post, I got hungry and then I had breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.
After breakfast I left for school.
I arrived at school on time and checked the children's homework. Meanwhile, I took pictures of some children.
I am proud to be a teacher.

ہر دن کی طرح ، میری صبح بھی اللہ تعالی کے بابرکت نام سے شروع ہوئی۔ اور میں صبح پانچ بجے اٹھا۔
لیکن صبح کو بہت سردی تھی اور میں کمبل کے ساتھ پانچ تیس تک بستر پر پڑا رہا۔
اور جب میں نے صبح اذان کی آواز سنی تو میں نے فجر کی نماز پڑھنے کے لئے وضو کیا ، اور فجر کی نماز ادا کی اور نماز پڑھنے کے بعد میں نے گھر کے صحن میں تھوڑا سا ورزش کیا۔
ورزش کے بعد ، میں نے ایک گھنٹہ کے لئے # اسٹیمٹ پر پوسٹ کو پڑھا اور کچھ اچھی پوسٹس کی تعریف کی جن کو میں نے پسند کیا۔ اور جب میں پوسٹ کو پڑھ رہا تھا ، مجھے بھوک لگی اور پھر میں نے صبح ساڑھے سات بجے ناشتہ کیا۔
ناشتہ کے بعد میں اسکول کے لئے روانہ ہوگیا۔
میں وقت پر اسکول پہنچا اور بچوں کا ہوم ورک چیک کیا۔ اس دوران میں نے کچھ بچوں کی تصاویر کھینچ لیں۔
مجھے استاد ہونے پر فخر ہے۔

Caution is being exercised very strictly in our country at the moment due to coronavirus. Every child must have a face mask and all children keep their hands clean from the senators at all times. In every way social distance is maintained between the children in the classroom.
Also, no two children are allowed to sit together inside or outside the classroom.
In this way, the SOPs specified by the Government of Pakistan are being followed in every way.Caution is being exercised very strictly in our country at the moment due to coronavirus. Every child must have a face mask and all children keep their hands clean from the senators at all times. In every way social distance is maintained between the children in the classroom.
Also, no two children are allowed to sit together inside or outside the classroom.
In this way, the SOPs specified by the Government of Pakistan are being followed in every way.
I took some pictures today to keep the memories.
I took some pictures today to keep the memories. I was responsible for various tasks inside the school. Which I did well.


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :

it is my selfie in class room with my an intelligent class, so it was my 2nd period in this class so i thought to make this photo with my students, because students are like my kids


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :

[کورونا وائرس کی وجہ سے اس وقت ہمارے ملک میں بہت احتیاط برتی جارہی ہے۔ ہر بچے کا چہرہ ماسک ہونا ضروری ہے اور تمام بچے سینیٹرز سے ہر وقت اپنے ہاتھوں کو صاف رکھیں۔ کلاس روم میں بچوں کے مابین ہر طرح سے معاشرتی فاصلہ برقرار رہتا ہے۔
نیز ، کسی بھی دو بچوں کو کلاس روم کے اندر یا باہر ایک ساتھ بیٹھنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔
اس طرح سے ، حکومت پاکستان کی طرف سے بتائے گئے ایس او پیز کی ہر طرح سے پیروی کی جارہی ہے۔ کورونا وائرس کی وجہ سے اس وقت ہمارے ملک میں بہت سختی سے احتیاط برتی جارہی ہے۔ ہر بچے کا چہرہ ماسک ہونا ضروری ہے اور تمام بچے سینیٹرز سے ہر وقت اپنے ہاتھوں کو صاف رکھیں۔ کلاس روم میں بچوں کے مابین ہر طرح سے معاشرتی فاصلہ برقرار رہتا ہے۔
نیز ، کسی بھی دو بچوں کو کلاس روم کے اندر یا باہر ایک ساتھ بیٹھنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔
اس طرح سے ، حکومت پاکستان کی طرف سے بیان کردہ ایس او پیز کی ہر طرح سے پیروی کی جارہی ہے۔
یادوں کو برقرار رکھنے کے لئے میں نے آج کچھ تصاویر کھینچی۔
یادوں کو برقرار رکھنے کے لئے میں نے آج کچھ تصاویر کھینچی۔ میں اسکول کے اندر مختلف کاموں کا ذمہ دار تھا۔ جو میں نے اچھا کیا۔] ()

i am teacher and my all day spend in teaching, guiding the students to best way, so i feel proud on my this profession,
all taught all the day in school


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :


I'm in my class morning time hs pai khla
w3w :

In addition to teaching the children, I had to bring some stationery for school today and then distribute it to all the staff. So that the teachers who have shortage of stationery can get rid of it and they do not have any problem. In this way, i went with an employee to collect the goods and reached inside the school and delivered the stationery to all the concerned teachers.
I've made some pictures of all this stuff so you can see them.
You can see that all the necessary stationery is lying around.
Which every school needs.
Whiteboard pencils are writing pencils. , Paper, toner printer, envelope, heavy duty stapler, cover remover, ink etc. etc.
You can see all the stuff in the pictures.
And I've made some pictures of my staff.
Hope you like it

so my head and I distributed all this between the teacher, because everything is very necessary for the teacher to teach the students in the classroom. so today i brought all things from shop then came back to home,


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room

in this post , you can see printer paper that are very much necessary to print notes , lesson for students

distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room

in above photo you can see my dear sir he is computer expert and i have heavy duty steppler so i gave suggestion to principle to buy it so today i bought it for school


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room


distirbuting stationery among teacher in computer lab room

in this way this day was very much tired full but duty is duty and i do not like to give up any one for next day. so after distributing all things to concerns staff. i went to city to buy some dress for my daughter and nephew, so i went to district area and i bought dress for my daughter, but that time i was very much tired , i was not able to walk few steps , because all the day was very much hard and now time was over 4 pm and i was also hungry, but i did not eat any things, because i was thinking to take bath before eating lunch, but i came back home in evening time, i did some rest then offered my magrib pray and ate my evening meal . after eating meal, i visited my #steemit blog and check some post , then now i am writing my today diary, i am very much tired, and i want to go to bed very much early after offering my Aysha namaz.


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan

in above photo you can see guru bazzar of district mianwali, i went to guru bazzar in mianwali city ,to buy my kids dress, so you all will enjoy my this diary photos of today,


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan ..awami clothes shop


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan


main bazzar Mianwali district punjab pakistan

Today was a busy day at school. And after school I reached the bazaar and you can see the bazaar scene in these pictures. The crowd was huge and I went to about five or six shops to buy my daughter's favorite clothes.
And after all the hard work, I bought my daughter's suit of choice. So this is my story today.

dear friends, now i will offer my Aysha namaz then i will drink my tea, and then i will go to bed after reading some post of # steem so thank you very much for visiting my post and it is your great love and kind to appreciate me, if you like my this today diary then never forget to leave comments under my post, thank you all once again for stoping by my post , i am very much tired really , all the day i was bussy in my work,
It was my brief diary of today ,November 11,2020 On wednesday ,,,

i appreciate and thank the team, to @steemitblog, @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator08 for this contest..


 4 years ago 


a very nice diary. my father is also a teacher. it is my first visit to your diary. you spent good time throughout the day. teaching is a noble profession and you seemed to be a very hardworking man. thanks for sharing your day :)

#pakistan #onepercent #affable

 4 years ago 

it is your respect to me that you visited my diary and pleasure came to know that your dad is a teacher .. Nice to meet you here .Thank you very much for visiting my post and your supporting words increased my happiness

 4 years ago 

My pleasure

@yousafharoonkhan great day💓 . And good to know you are a teacher 🌹, Which subjects do you teach ?

becouse i am also a teacher in 2 schools in campuses. One in the morning shift and other in 2nd shift .
i teach handwriting and computer practicals .

#onepercent #pakistan

 4 years ago 

My subject is education...

 4 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Keep following @steemitblog for the latest updates.

The Steemit Team

 4 years ago 

Yes respected i 'll and thank for great appreciation

 4 years ago 

Wa alaikum Assalam Brother.
You really put great efforts in writing diary game posts. The students too look quite happy with you as their teacher. I am sure you are spending great time with them too :)
Hope to keep listening from you Sir.
#onepercent #pakistan

 4 years ago 

Thank you for these kind words yeah i try to give confidence the my students and i am also very much happy with my students becasue they give me great respect as i want that my students get success in the every field of life. Thank again for this appreciation

 4 years ago 

Thanks to you too and keep motivating your students.

So there in Pakistan the schools are already working and teaching. They have not opened in my country and there is no information on when they will be able to do so.

Here there is a lot of uncertainty in all senses, in all areas, in basic services, in all issues. Throughout. Uncertainty is what prevails.

Good thing, that despite your fatigue, you were able to buy your daughter's clothes.


#twopercent #venezuela #affable

 4 years ago 

yeah in Pakistan school are opened but government is thinking to close all school from November 16 again, because second of wave of covid 19 spreading very rapidly in my country, students are getting affected from this covid 19, we have this worse situation so i think, government decesion opening school was not good

It is worrying. I hope you take all the relevant biosecurity measures so that all your family, friends and acquaintances are healthy. COVID-19 is very serious.

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

 4 years ago 

Brother, we are very upset at this time. Because the second wave is spreading very fast at the moment. There are many reasons for this. One reason was that we had become too confident and the government hastily resumed all activities and then two months later we were going back to the lockdown.
And this epidemic is very dangerous. Thank Allah we are much better then but now I think I have to limit my outdoor activities.

 4 years ago 

It is great to see that everyone is following Sop's provided by the government for the corona pandemic . You are very careful with your students .
Have a nice day 😃

 4 years ago 

Yes dear it is very much necessary to be careful thank for visiting my content

 4 years ago 

Everyone is following SOP's which seems great and as a teacher, you are a very beneficial asset for our society.

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much for this great respect that you have in heart ..may Allah bless you with great reward ameen

 4 years ago 

As a student i always wanted a teacher like you..
It looks great everyone including students are following SOP's

 4 years ago 

Thank dear mohsin

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Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

 4 years ago 

Thank for great support always

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