Steemit Engagement Challenge || Three things I love about my country and three things I will like to change.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Assalamualikum steemian, my name is Abdulgainiyu Ahmed from Nigeria. This is my first post in this community and based on the steemit engagement challenge I will like to share my view about my county. Before I begin to talk about what I love about my country and things I will like to change, I will like to give you a brief history about my country to better understand my points.

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Nigeria is located in the western part of Africa. It has 36 state and a federal capital territory which is Abuja. In 1901, Nigeria was govern by the British and colonized up to 1960, when we gain independence. They was a civil war in 1967 and it lasted for three years. Nigerian is the most populous black nation on earth with over 200 million people and with 3 major religion which are Islam, Christianity and Traditional religion. Nigeria is a home to 371 tribes spread across the nation. My county practice democracy as our system of government. With these few details let get to what I love about my country.

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What I love about my county Nigeria

There are many things I love about my country but I will only explain three in accordance to the contest instruction.

-Fertile land: Nigeria has one of richest land in the world when it comes to cultivation of crops. Cash crops is once my country major export and we do not rely on food importation to survive. Another major factor which really help in farming practices is a favorable weather condition. With years of farming we hardly experience any major drought or flood in most part of the country. Major crops grown in Nigeria are rice, maize, sougham, cowpea, coco, cassava, yam, groundnut, soy beans, and varieties of vegetables, sugar cane and many more.

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-Diverse culture: As said in the brief history section that Nigeria is home to 371 tribe this makes us more friendly and accommodating to one another. We communicate better through the help of “Pigan English” and our culture has rich history and heritage. There are three major ethnic group in Nigeria namely the Yoruba’s from the south west of the country, the Hausa’s from the northern part of the country and the Igbo’s form the southern part of Nigeria.

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-Work ethic: Been the most populous country in Africa with increasing number of unemployment, we have been able to diverse a way to make earns need. Nigeria youth are smart and very hardworking. Irrespective of our economy situation, we keep working hard and hoping for a better days.

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Things I will like to change

As we all know no country on earth is 100% accurate they is always room for improvement and Nigeria is no exceptional. So I will be explaining things I am not okay with and hopefully they will change for the better very soon.

-Government: in my opinion Nigeria government is what is holding the country backward. There are just bunch of old men and women who are ruling for selfish reason. Been one of the country with the highest number of young people (18-30) years, we get almost no support from the government, to get a good job you need know some of high influence. Nigeria is now facing a big challenge in term of security nowhere is safe in my country and we see almost no effort from the government in tackling this issue. Even basis amenity such as electricity, good water supply, education, good road is nothing to write home about.

-Tribalism: As mention early been a country with multiple tribes can have its own advantages and disadvantages. If when they is a misunderstanding between two tribe this can lead to conflict and in many situation lead to loss of many lives. I see how tribalism grow every day in my country and it a sad thing to witness and if nothing is done to unite the people of my country, I think they will be a big problem in the nearest future. Sport is a good way to unite people but again my government as failed in this aspect as well.

-Food Importation: Nigeria is once known as one of the largest producers/exporter of cash crops but what I see today is very shocking. We now rely on food and other commodities imported to my country. We pay very little attention to agriculture since the discovery of crude oil in the last 90s. This is one major area I will love to change about my country.

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Nigeria is the best nation on earth bless with many natural resources and I am glad I was born into this beautiful country. All problem listed above can be corrected with time so I pray and hope things will get better with time.
Thank you for stopping by I really appreciate your time. bye

NOTE: 10% Author Reward goes to the community account.


Food Importation: Nigeria is once known as one of the largest producers/exporter of cash crops but what I see today is very shocking. We now rely on food and other commodities imported to my country. We pay very little attention to agriculture since the discovery of crude oil in the last 90s.

There's no lie in what you have said, and it's so disheartening to see that Nigeria has begun depending on others for food.

In years to come, this crude oil of a business will no longer pay much to Nigeria.

Imagine Nigeria selling crude oil to USA at a low price, then going back to buy the refined crude oil at an higher price 😂😂.

It sounds funny but sincerely speaking, it is not.
Let's just see how all this ends

The idea about importing petroleum is a stupid one. The fact that we have crude oil in abundance means we should be able to refine it ourselves but for many years now all government refinary is not functioning and little is done to fix it.

Swears, it sucks bro 😩😤

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Yes, i see you point there. Food exportation was one of Nigeria biggest sources of revenue but now reverse is the case, we now import food from other countries when we are already blessed with a fertile soil and that is the more reason why we need to change that ideology. Nice acticle man. Greetings!

Yes sir things need to change because our economy cannot grow if this large importation continue. Thank you for reading

While reading about the things you loved I felt entraced as this were very disireble features.

Talking about the fertility of nigerias land has got me thinking, in Nigeria you could grow literally all types of crops and they would grow healthy this made me really happy, then I read how this same Nigeria whivh is blessed in very fertile lands also imports as it that were not enough they import 70% of thier food..

Is it really sad how the government of Nigeria has radicalized the dream we once had for our country Nigeria.

Truely things need to be changed aas soon as possible to prevent the impending doom which I forsee coming

Yes sir it very disheartening to see our nation with all its riches and we still have to depend on imported food. The major problem as I said on my post is our government and things need to change now, our children future is at stake if it continues like this. Thank you for reading

My country Nigeria is a blessed country with huge natural resources
May God help us to turn great again. Because everything looks turned down

Yes sir it does but hopefully with the next election come soon I pray we make the right decision and select a good leader who can remove us from this surviving.

Yes, all these years Nigerians have been ignoring the fact that our democracy has not been democratic and it has always been a thing if do or die

You have said it all man.

Nigeria is once known as one of the largest producers/exporter of cash crops but what I see today is very shocking. We now rely on food and other commodities imported to my country.

This part got to me. This is something I have witnessed very well in the past few years. People intentionally ignore food made in Nigeria because they claim it's low quality and they rather buy things bought abroad no matter the price.

This is one of the things I hate in Nigeria. Too much reliance on external countries. Although we claim to be independent, we rely on other countries for everything. We even go abroad for treatment when capable doctors are present here.

Tribalism is the main the main problem followed by religion wars. People arguing whose religion is better and even attacking churches to prove a point. Now tell me how can such a country stand

Yes sir it just doesn't make any sense we import almost any thing in our country and these are still the same guys that complain about our economy crashing out.

You have spoken like an agriculturalist that you are, it's indeed Nigeria has fertile land and we have some of the best crops at large, it's just sad that with that, we are still unable to counter hunger as much, reason due to few people plunging into agric, if we could have more youth or investors investing in this land fertility, I believe we would have enough food to go round.

Politics keep coming up on every post have read regarding the Nigeria C's, this is quite bad enough, with deep corruption at large, I hope eventually in the future, we get to witness the Great Nigeria we all deserve and wanted.

Nice entry from you brother, it's quite good hearing your opinion on the country.

Thank you for reading bro i really apperiate and i pray for better nigeria.

I find your post very interesting, especially because I, being from South America, have very little knowledge about your country, Nigeria. I think the idea of ​​this engagement is excellent, and especially in this community that thought it through and proposed to talk about our countries. I loved reading your publication and learning about your people and your culture, good luck in the competition.

Yes the idea is brilliant I think the true purpose of this platform is now achieved with this engagement challenge. Thank you for reading sir I really appreciate taking your time on my post.

Nigeria my country...

Hello dear @weasell, you have made a very wonderful publication about your country.

You've covered every aspect of the country in great detail. You have made some excellent proposals for improving the country.

I have also made my post about my country. Hope you will like to read my publication.

wish you good luck for the contest.

Thank you for reading I really appreciate you time.

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