Weekly engagement topic | What do you do to remove Stress,Anxiety and Pressure From Life?

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello everyone
I hope you are fine. I'm glad to participate in this contest. It's a very good topic as we all are facing difficulties and anxiety stress because of the hectic routine and working without any break. So here are the top things that I do to calm myself. And nowadays I'm facing problems and doing the following things written below.



I noticed one thing that whenever I stop praying my life becomes so difficult and perplexed and I couldn't handle my own self. To reduce stress and anxiety my first priority is to check whether I'm regular on prayers or not if not I fix it or if I'm regular and still facing the stress so I start fasting and that sets everything. It feels like everything is coming to its right place. And the most important and the dua which changed my life is Ya Qawiyul Qaadirul Muqtadiru Qawini wa Qalbi


which means the Powerful and superior strengthen my heart.
There's a way in which I pray this dua. After farz namaz I put my right hand to my heart side and then recite it many times.
Literally I never got such satisfaction and peace in my whole life but after reciting and praying all my worries vanishes and Allah sets everything ❤️

Breathing exercises

Yes that's something that instantaneous works for me and of course for everyone who do breathing exercises.


There are many ways of doing Breathing exercises. But the simplest and best way that I do is to just slowly breath in and inhale as much as can but slowly then hold the breath for 5 to 9 sec then release it slowly. And repeat the affirmations while doing it that "I'm here present" the reason of saying these affirmations so I can practice focus on present situation and relief the anxiety of future.

Shower meditation

This is one of the effective ways that I use to calm myself. Because I can't do meditation in daily life because I can't focus for so long. So I invented this method of meditation. I don't know is it a way or not but I used to do it whenever I take shower, so basically what to do is just while taking shower when the water is going through your body. Imagine the water taking away all your negativity and stress with it and close your eyes. Drain all the negatively and you eventually start feeling relaxed.


Whenever I feel low and stressed. I don't don't stick to one place. It's so difficult to move when you are not willing to but it's the fact that if we don't move in that situation that anxiety converts into depression. I do anything including excercise or yoga or walk or running or dance or anything but I move.

Don't let the mind control, control the mind!!

Everything is the game of brain. Whenever we feel anxiety is because we let the brain control us instead of it we should control the brain. And to control it is just by learning how the subconscious mind works.

Mentioning respected @cryptokannon, @steemcurator01 @steemcurator07 and @steemcurator02 to get their support.

I am sure you all enjoyed reading.
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