Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see!steemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

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Hello Great Steemians,

I am super excited to be here in this community once again for this week's contest. I must confess I don't like debates but I wish this were a more open debate where contestants could voice their opinions in favour or against. Sadly, I have to join my voice in rigidly supporting the views in 3 other the preset topics. Well, the truth is, beyond creative writing, the truth is the truth. Opinions may vary but reality doesn't. So for this week's contest, I have decided to thread carefully, hence I'll be arguing in support of the topics:
  • You will stay happier if you are unmarried.
  • Money is more important than love.
  • Votes are not Guaranteed.

You will stay happier if you are unmarried.

Well, to begin, the subject of marriage is a cheeky one. Many people of course look for bliss in marriage and feel incomplete when they are yet to marry. To most single people, even those who do all the things which only married people are expected to do such as intercourse, child bearing, and parenting; they have this feeling of deficiency, feelings of being unaccomplished, feelings of incompleteness, just because they are unmarried. But does marriage bring such satisfaction and bliss?

Several experts have shown from scientific researches that marriage brings anything but happiness and fulfilment. In fact, if we were to disregard scientific evidence on the failure of marriage to bring happiness, we would be forced to accept the words of this Holy Book where is states categorically that marriage brings distress: 👇


Note that this Holy Book is not condemning marriage. Rather it is simply making the point that those who remain unmarried are better off than those who get married. See how this next statement clarifies it: 👇


For many centuries mankind has lived and married to find this to be true. Marriage often brings shades of interpersonal conflicts between two people who seemed okay and who got along just fine before they decided to tie the knots.

This reminds me of a hilarious episode on the popular Steve Harvey show where a young lady was lamenting that she's about to get married to her boyfriend but that she's worried because they've never had a fight and that she wants them to have their first fight at least before the marriage. So she was asking for some advise on how best to get into a fight with the boyfriend without ruining the relationship.

Steve's response was simple. He told her: 'You don't need to start a fight. Just wait for it, they are coming! Once you get in you'll find at least five things you absolutely hate about this guy and you'll be wondering how in the world you got into a relationship with that kind of a person.'

This is very true in every marriage. And so the maxim goes that love is blind. People who marry soon realise they were blind to so many flaws in their partners because they fell in love and when reality kicks in, they switch to hate and discontent and so interpersonal problems start.

On the same episode narrated above, I recall Steve Harvey pointed to a grey haired lady in the audience and asked the older woman to advise this young lady. So the lady said it's never a good idea to start fights that once they get married fights will come naturally. That she should enjoy her peace while it lasts. So to Steve, it was like a wise advise from an experienced older woman who has perhaps been in marriage for decades and who understand how stuff works. But, surprisingly, when Steve asked the old woman "How long have you been married?" The woman's response sent the audience into wild ecstacy mixed with disbelief. She said: "I've never been married."
So in conclusion, Steve screamed: That's the secret! You want peace and happiness? Never get married!

Many single and married people would agree that it's more peaceful to remain single than to be married. And this is in agreement with the wise sayings of the Holy Books of old.

But, how does singleness enhance happiness whereas marriage tends to sap happiness?

Well, think about the burdens that come with marriage. For a single person, the tough times we now face courtesy of economic difficulties and high cost of living, is not so tough on them. One mouth is easier to feed. One individual easier to accommodate and clothe and give medical care. So the pressure is greatly minimized. The married enjoys no such freedom. They are always anxious about the needs of their partners and any children that results from the partnership. And this saps happiness day by day.
Moreover, there is the aspect where married people need to adjust to each other and make personal sacrifices. Single people need not make any such adjustments and sacrifices, hence they are spared the trouble of quarrels and conflicts of interests and discontent and what not. So, for a fact, you will stay happier if you are unmarried .

Money is more important than love.

Money is good to have. We live in a world where services, goods, commodities, medicine, food, utilities and in deed, everything that's needed for everyday living is facilitated with money. Even if one were to eat home grown food all year round, the person would still need to buy the land to crop and the seeds to grow. The person will need to buy fuel for the fire to make their meals and so on. One cannot avoid using money in everyday living. In fact, not having money is a serious threat to one's survival. Reminds me of a passage in the Holy Book, written centuries before money became popular and critical to man's survival.👇


Yes, we become vulnerable when we don't have money. We become vulnerable to sickness if we lack money to fund healthcare, we come vulnerable to starvation if we can't afford food, we risk destitution if we cant rent accommodation, we risk insanity, if we lack money to care for our anxious cares, many would even risk getting into crimes just because they lack money to care for their needs and wants. In fact we are exposed to all forms of threats to our very existence when we lack money.

Now, speaking of love,💓 we all know that love grows not in gardens of stones. The ground must be tended by providing the beautiful things that make love sweet; treats, gifts, surprises, and caring for the needs of the loved one. So what happens if money is not there to meet these needs? Love vaporizes!

On this basis, it is safe to say that money is more important than love. When there's money love is invented and would blossom and flourish. Where there's no money, love would hardly go near there. So money becomes the spirit that sustains and nourishes love. Without it, love dies. Marriages and relationships have withered due to a negative change in the socioeconomic condition of the financing partner😂😂😂.

To be fair, this is mostly applicable to men. When men lack money, women rarely accept them as partners or remain with them as their lovers. Women would quickly move on to greener lawns once the lawn on their lovers side withers. That's to say, women would quickly jump on the next guy with affluence once/if the current partner is financially disadvantaged. So for them, they can't suffer or endure any hardship in the name of love. Rather they could endure ill treatment for money. "Money answers all things" they say. Some even claim that their love language is money 🤑🤑🤑.

Sadly and most unfortunately, we now live in a time in human history where money makes the world go round, not love as it used to be. So money is more important than love. Well, to be fair, love shouldn't be stressed without money. After all even the Holy Book made an indirect reference to the importance of having a means of surviving before seeking love.


It's the natural order: money first, then love. Not too pursue love on empty stomachs and pockets.

Votes are not Guaranteed.

Steemit thrives on upvotes. This is a fact that all steemians can't deny. To think about, who would take the pains to compose posts and labour through the formatting process which is akin to first generation computers type of data processing using stressful markdowns, if they don't hope to receive upvotes? No one! So we all labour and toil here, not just for the fun and thrill of blogging and social networking but also for the reward in Steem and Tron and SBD🤩🤩🤩.
Now, the reality is that no one owes anyone a vote out here. So when you make a post, it would be wrong to nurse a sense of entitlement to a vote from steemcurator01 booming01 and the likes, just because we know how juicy their votes can be. It would even be unfair to complain bitterly that we have been blogging for a long time and yet these influential accounts don't upvote our posts. Voting is pure solidarity, not debt repayment.

To think about, many factors may work against out post making it to the voting list of other Steemit users, especially the influential accounts.

  • For one, there's the issue with how many posts they can upvote in a day. Yes, definitely these big users do not have limitless voting powers. Their voting powers deplete and needs time to refresh every day. So it could be that they depleted their voting powers before they got to out posts.
  • Another factor is the human factor. All Steemit accounts are managed by humans, imperfect and limited in various ways. So when you remember that there are thousands of uses on steemit it becomes easy to appreciate that no single user can browse through the posts made by these myriad of Steemians daily. So there's the real chance of exclusion purely by virtue of the vastness of Steemit userbase.
  • Another factor that may work against your chances of getting upvotes is the use of tags. Many people make random posts that don't align with any active engagement on Steemit. Some who participate in engagements often fail to use the proper tags for their posts. When this happens their posts may not be seen by moderators and curators for consideration and upvotes.
  • A final factor I believe that may affect the chances of getting upvotes is the difference in time zones. Most Steemit communities are hosted in different time zones across the globe. This means that while user A is making a post in the east, Moderator A is sleeping. So when moderator A wakes up to do curation work, he may search for posts using designated hash tags and while he needs to curate maybe just 30-35 posts, the first 100 that will show up would be arranged using the time filter from the newest. That means the user A who made his post 12 hours ago while this curator was sleeping would lose out on the chance of recieving an upvote from this curator.

With all these factors in mind, it is clear that there is a real possibility that after a thoroughly composed post has been made, the expected upvote may not be received. So it is safe to conclude that in Steemit, votes is not guaranteed.



Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
Did you write that you are not good at debates? No my dear, you are the best debator out there. Your post is so intriguing. You ate winning this contest I am sure. I salute your office.

Truth is, I am in love🥰 with you right now, and I am coming for you😂😂😂.

Please do engage in my post.

And Interesting addressing of this topic through the testimony of Steve. Many of us couldn't get acknowledging about it. Really liked the way you mentioned the Holy Book to defend smartly the proposed statement for the contest. Great luck I wish.

Thanks @alegnita Looking forward to more engagements with you.😊

Same here. See you soon in the Blockchain technology of Steemit

To most single people, even those who do all the things which only married people are expected to do

My best part😂😂😂😂
Those are some strong points but honestly i disagree with you on the first point. Marriage has to be a happy place than being single. You proved the bible saying by being single you'll do better. Then where does sex come in won't that just push you to sin which is in fact very much against the bible.

Anyway I'm still rooting for being happier as a married person, its not an achievement but its a very good place to be when you find the right one.

There are single unhappy and miserable people just as there are married unhappy and miserable people. So it's really everyone for themselves.

At least we agree on the second point. It's money then love.

Happiness has many sources. Marriage might not be the source of ultimate happiness. Thanks for your engagement.

It's might not.
But for some people it might.
And its definately not the only source of happiness.

Happiness is first of all a state of mind

You're welcome

 2 years ago 

A person can decide to go celibate just to avoid that. There are some who never tasted it and are ready to do so if they are not married. In some situations, some can be married, but no sexual urge. Sex is secondary in marriage and unmarried people can control that urge if they want to.

Many young ones jump into marriage because of sex urge. That is really really wrong. They will only jump out soonest. So many are chained in the bondage of marriage, looking for a biblical way to end it or just to avoid what the society would say, thus becoming a slave to their own shadow

There is never a right or best marriage. It is what you make it to be that it will turn out to be.

Like he said, being married does not make you happier than an unmarried person.

Thats why i mentioned its different for everyone. And i wasn't staying that marriage is all about sex. Some people are happier in marriage some are happier unmarried so to me it's totally an individual something

 2 years ago 

👍that is it. Depends on each person.

You just killed it uncle, started from your first to the last points

  • You will stay happier if you are unmarried.
  • Money is more important than love.
  • Votes are not Guaranteed.

I just concur with all your points, they're valuable. I wish you success in this Contest.

To be fair, this is mostly applicable to men. When men lack money, women rarely accept them as partners or remain with them as their lovers.

This is so very true. Men have to have money before falling in love.

Voting is pure solidarity, not debt repayment.

I like this point you raised here. The earlier we realize this, the better for us.

Thank you for sharing with us
You can engage with my post using the link below.
My link

😲 I guess you must be a lawyer, because you are good with debates and to be sincere you gave solid and strong points enough to change anyone thought


You have succinctly given points on the statement you defended. Your choice of words is accurate.

Voting is pure solidarity, not debt repayment.

Yes, you are right. It's basically solidarity... Thank you for sharing your opinion on the statements.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and making valid points to defend the statements.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

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I'm having fun engaging with others on their posts. I appreciate your work. Well done👍

Tienes mucha razón la lamentablemente el dinero es importante para muchas actividades de nuestra vida así que aunque exista mucho amor se requiere el dinero para fortalecer todo lo que hay que tener para fortalecer ese amor. Vivienda, alimento, estabilidad. Así que el dinero es más importante que el amor.

Saludos me gustó leer tu opinión

Thank you. 🥰

Thanks you so much for making this scriptural point stand clear to your readers, with this point of yours one can easily understand and make a good decision. Thank you for taking part in this contes I appreciate the invite I will surely take part

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