Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see! By @ebuahsang1

Set 20% beneficiaries to pak-charity


Hello Steemians all around the world. It is truly a unique opportunity we all have to participate in group we would have otherwise not participated. I say thanks to Steemit team for this initiative this year. One and first of its kind. Today I will join the community of brilliant persons to talk and defend some amazing statements below. I pray you read to the end and learn a thing or two.

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1- You will stay happier if you are unmarried.



Marriage is a union between two or more persons. It was instituted by God in the bible since the creation of Adam and Eve. A woman was supposed to be a helper,a supporter, a joy giver to the man. Make her home a happy place for her husband to be in. The intention of marriage was happiness.

However, it's saddens me to say these intentions no matter how good, have turned up to be a lie. In the 21 century it is much more better for you to be unmarried. You will truly be happy if you stay unmarried for the following reasons

New ways of thinking

In the olden days, parents were supposed to bring up their Children in the ways of the Lord. Raise their daughters to respect and honor their husbands and sons to be good husband's to their wives. Now you can barely see that training. Children have no respect for their parents, how then do they respect their spouse or partner. Without respect, without loving, how do we intend to live happily.

It is for this reason I say it is better for one to stay unmarried, because you will be happier. Happiness comes from within. Myles Munroe in one of his preaching says you do not need any other person to be happy, your happiness is supposed to come from within. Following this statement, we can see that we have the wrong idea that associating with the wrong persons will destroy your happiness. So u stand for the fact that You will be happier if you stay unmarried.

Human rights(Gender Equality)

Another reason I believe that staying unmarried is the key to happiness is the recent Gender Equality principles instituted by world organizations. In the Bible where the laws of marriage were formed, it is clear that the man is supposed to be head of the family. By head, it means the main decision organ of the family.

Nowadays, the story is all different with human rights everywhere. You see a home where rge woman keeps fighting the husband for equal rights. This usually makes a home an unhappy place. It is better to stay alone that have to share all your decisions with someone who might as well disagree in the name of equality. This usually ends up in unhappiness.

Misconception about marriage.

There's a wild misconception about marriage in this generation. We believe that marriage is where we get happiness from. This explains why many young children are getting married at an early age and divorcing immediately after. Because they get to find out the bitter way that marriage is not the base of happiness.

Your happiness does not and shouldn't depend on any one. You are definitely more happy alone.


When you are unmarried, you have so much freedom. Freedom to do what ever you want, that is

  • Pursue your goals and life dreams.
  • Go where ever you want
  • Do what ever you want. .

These are things that will make you happy as I earlier said, your happiness truly comes from within.

In a marriage, you won't have the freedom to be really you, who you are. So you will definitely be happy if you remain unmarried.

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2- Punishment never has a good effect

Before we talk about this statement I will like to first of all define what punishment is.

Punishment can be defined as imposing an undesirable or unpleasant action on a person. Just from the definition, we already see a problem with punishment, if we are going to impose a sanction on an individual who will definitely not like it, it already means punishment has an adverse effects.

When we impose punishment on someone, we rather bring the persons defense system into play. We humans are build to be defensive towards actions or decisions that will harm us or make us feel uncomfortable. So immediately something is being done to us that make us feel uncomfortable we fight back.

Adverse effects of punishment in a home



Punishment has caused more harm than good in most homes. When parents resort to beating their children, instructing their children to carry out difficult task. This usually makes the child to hate their parents, they don't want to be anywhere close to where their parents are. We begin to see divide amongst the family, hatred for parents by children. So punishment has an adverse effect in the home.

Adverse effects of punishment in school



One of the highest places that we received punishment as a child was in school. If you are in Africa then you definitely understands why u say this. I in person used to hate our discipline Master ( Now I call them punishment Master because I know more about discipline now than before). These guys made me to hate school because of punishment. Punishment has an adverse effects in students because it makes us hate school meanwhile we were supposed to love school. Punishment is one of the highest reason for school drop outs. The worst scenario, was dismissing students as an act of punishment. Most of these students end up being wayward in the society. So instead of moulding students into good citizens, punishment instead turns them into the bad ones

Adverse effects of punishment in the society




The societies main way of imposing sanctions to any one in life is to send the person to prison to get reform. But if there is anything we know is that most times than not prison turns to produced harden criminals. Most convicts who leave prison are always more dangerous than the way they went in.

This is a clear example of how punishment never has a good effect.

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3- Votes are not guaranteed

It is very sad for persons on Steemit to go about thinking votes are guaranteed on the platform. If it occurred to you that votes on this platform are guaranteed then you are in the wrong place. Why do I say so!l?

First of all, Steemit is a social media platform where individuals come and interact, share ideas and learn. But like most recent platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube etc,you can monetize your content. That's produce interesting contents and get paid or rewarded by the platform.

But then the question I will like to ask is this, in any of these platform like Instagram, does it mean immediately you sign up and start producing contents you get votes and rewards, NO, infact a big fat No. You have to grow your account, produce interesting contents and then you might (I said might not will) get rewarded. Your content should be able to draw new persons to the platform and then you get paid. Look at persons like Christiano Ronaldo who gets rewards on Instagram.

And somehow the Steemit platform doesn't even require you to be as popular as to Ronaldo to get rewarded. Produce good contents. It is for this reason a challenge like this was created, to truly encourage persons who are new and also to try to distribute votes. But yet it is not guaranteed that producing a post will get you an upvote from rte curators.

So please, I want you all to understand that votes are not guaranteed, you should post knowing or hoping you might get votes. What's life without hope.

Just stay consistent, produce quality contents regularly and promote the Steemit team. Be interactive in building a community. It will help to boost your votes from other persons. Delegated to other communities.

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Conclusively, I will like to say the statements that were given in this challenge was quite interesting. It made it the best challenge for this week, really interesting piece. In this post, I have tried to explain why you will be happy if you stay unmarried, the reasons why punishment never has a good effect and why votes are not guaranteed. I hope my point of view helps you out..

Thank you for passing by and dropping your opinions. I'm grateful


Great deliberation on the sad results of punishment. Wish parents and teachers, especially, learn to discipline with love instead of punish with anger and frustration.

Great way to defend your points. I strongly agree with you especially about the topic of punishment having an adverse effect. Like in the prison sector many inmates pick more bad habits from other inmates and instead turn to become worse.

Though I agree with you, I am still a you spare the rod and spoil the child person 😅. But I'm not harsh though.

Your content is very good and interesting to read.

Though I agree with you, I am still a you spare the rod and spoil the child person 😅. But I'm not harsh though

See ehh. This is exactly me ohh. Well thank God it didn't spoil us but spoil. 😂😂😂

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and making valid points to defend the statements.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

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Steem Exclusive
Word Count~1456
Beneficiary to pak-charity

Thank you for the review. I will interact as much as possible.

Hello. I did set my beneficiary to @Steemit-pak. Unless it is not the same

I think I saw an advertising or a TV show I can't remember well, but there was a guy that answered he's not happy just because his girlfriend which was sitting next to him slightly surprised, but then he clarified that he was mean to say about the same you write on this post, happiness depends exclusively from our own and comes out from inner of each one.

That's very true. If we can't get happiness from within then we can't get it from without.

Thank you for passing by.

You're pretty and very welcome . Good luck with entry.

Saludos tienes razón ahora es más difícil crear a los hijos y eso puede afectar sus vidas, por eso sentir que es mejor estar soltero.
Esto también afecta en la forma de castigo que recibieron cuando niños.
Mucha suerte

That is very true. And thank you for passing by.

 2 years ago 

Great job!
At the being of the competition I made a note of it to check how many male authors will defend the stay unmarried statement. So far it is clear that the men thinks so. As ladies are suckers for love! :-)
By the way... you have posted a photo one of my favourite programs, Orange is the new black :-)

Hahaha quite an interesting view. Well it's difficult because nowadays we suffer from alot of mental pain from women. But not to say good ones aren't there oh.

It just lies in choosing the right partner and if you are lucky, meeting a soul mate.

 2 years ago 

At least I could put a smile on your face 😊
Thank you for reading my post and your view.

Excelente manera de defender los argumentos expuesto amigo, te felicito.

Creo fielmente que la felicidad está en nosotros, no necesitamos de alguien más para ser felices, el matrimonio es una decisión que se toma por cuenta propia si estás de acuerdo con casarte, pero no hay que tomarla solo por buscar "la felicidad" porque allí no está. Cuando entendamos que para ser felices solo necesitamos de nosotros el mundo creo que cambiará muchísimo.

El castigo trae muchos efectos negativos, desde odio, impulsos agresivos, etc. Es algo que daña mucho psicológicamente a las personas, creo que la mejor forma de instruir es mediante el diálogo entre las partes.

Es muy cierto, si los votos fueran garantizados, entonces para que vamos a esforzarnos, creo que lo mejor que puede hacer steemit, es no garantizar votos para que podamos explotar nuestra creatividad y buscar lo que queremos.

Gracias por compartir tu excelente publicación!

That's is true.

Dialogue is very important. We cannot over emphasize. I pray we become the parents we didn't have.

Thank you for passing by, dropping you very interesting comments. I do really appreciate it

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