Steemit Awards 2021 | Nomination Post | 10% to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago


Assalam O Alaikum everyone!
I am back with my another post but this time this is my nomination post for steemit Awards 2021.
I am so impressed by this step taken by steemit to engage members.
So I would like to make my suggest my nominations in this post.
You can also participate in this and find this article on @steemitblog
And here is the link of this Awards post.



So for this category I would like to nominate @event-horizon
Currently she is a moderator of steemit pakistan community and couple of more communities. Despite holding this much designations, she is managing her work so smoothly. She truly knows how to attract readers. Her post are always eye-catching!
She is my favourite content producer.
Her content is always helpful and is a source for us to learn more. She is the most dedicated person I have ever seen. She helped me a lot when I was new on steemit. She answered my queries in a very patient manner, which helped me understand steemit in a more better way.
She really deserve this award! You check out her amazing content on her blog.
She is one those



I would like to nominate @vvarishayy
She is the First Female Country Representative of Pakistan, portraying a beautiful image of Pakistan to the steemit world.
She is also a greeter of Newcomers Community and also a moderator of two more communities.
Once she made a post about Yoga, and I got immensely inspired by that and tried to normalize yoga in my morning routine. Whether it be health, excercise, food, entertainment, she has quite valueable information on every topic and would never make you feel bored of her posts.
All these positions, yet she never lack in any single one of it. Her content is always quite uplifting and motivates us to do better in life.
I really think she is well-deserving for this award!



For this category i would like to nominate @steemit-pak.
I joined Steemit Pakistan earlier this year (2021) and since that day I have been loving this community.
The amount of posts and especially the quality of posts this community receives every single day is magnificient.
From every moderator to every CR, steemit pakistan is full of generous people. They are always so kind to every user.
Steemit Pakistan holds weekly contest and still there are couple of contest goin on at this community, namely, photography contest and weekly engagegment contest.
They organize various rewarding activities for users, including, Top 5 best picks of the day, booming support, most engaging members etc.
Through these contests, they support the users and hence uplift them to do even much better.
I love this community and I think Steemit Pakistan is the best fit to this Award!

I would end my nomination post here.
Thankyou for reading it.
I hope the best wins!

Steem Pakistan Divider 2.png


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If you are reading this till the end lots of love and well wishes for you
See you all tomorrow
Have A Nice Day

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much hiba. Glad to read ♥️💫 I'm honoured

You're most welcome ❤

 3 years ago 

Thankyou for nominating us 😊

You're most welcome ❤

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot for nominating @steemit-pak. We are glad to see people nominating us as their favorite community. This helps us identify our dedicated members and members that love us. We are happy and we look forward to get more support for all of you. Together we win IA.

Thanks again and thanks for choosing my team members. They do work hard out of their chores to help and guide people on and off their schedule. They really deserved these nominations :)

InshAllah! ❤

 2 years ago 

Your nominations are straight outta my heart.
Agreed to each and every word of yours, regarding @event-horizon @vvarishayy and @steemit-pak .
They are the most well-desserving!
I hope they win this award, InshaAllah. ❤️


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