Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see!

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Hello family, i believe everyone is doing well today. I'm more than glad to participate in this contest today and I will be defending these 3 statements



Edited by me on Pixellab

You will stay happier if you are unmarried.


Happiness is actually a state of mind. But the surrounding too has a part to play and for me, unmarried people are happier.

It is indeed true that you will stay happier if you're unmarried. Honestly, I love being married but marriage too comes with it's own problems, challenges and responsibilities. But while you're unmarried, here are some benefits you get to enjoy.

First, you can focus more on your career as compared to being married where you will have a lot of other responsibilities. This is also because you are free to put in long hours of work or even work on the weekends or do anything that is needed for you to be successful especially for those working in time-demanding fields like medicine or law.

Also, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want and there isn't that much freedom in marriage where you may want to do something and your partner is against it.

Again, you have more control over your money because there isn't a partner who you may need to run some expenses by them first or explain some things concerning money. Being unmarried also means you can use that free time for solitary fun and even self-improvement like you will be forced to do some things like cooking, laundry, cleaning for yourself. Now let's go back to finances, it's really fun celebrating anniversary, going out for dates etc but think of how much money you’ll save because you are single and won't need to pay for overpriced dinners or buying presents for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas and the rest.

Being married can be a whole vibe, fun and a really happy environment but it equally has its advantages and disadvantages. Domestic violence is now very common and many people are living unhappy lives because they are trying to avoid divorce or for the sake of their kids. You might not always have someone to talk to because you're unmarried but there are plenty of other things you can do or will enjoy by being unmarried so you will be happier if you stay unmarried.

Money is more important than love


No hard feelings but I support this fully. As far as I'm concerned its God first, money second then love. Maybe money can't buy happiness, love or somethings but there are plenty of things money CAN do that are very very important. There is no way you can survive on this planet without money.

Money is just one of those things that makes the love sweeter as it not only helps you take care of those you love, make them happier, show more care but also provides a comfortable life. In our world of today, it dictates how your life "flows". You must have seen people in huge debts who are chasing money just to make ends meet. That alone tells you money is important. Money can also create you certain opportunities, gives you education, mobility, freedom in some areas and a lot more. With money you can also help others. To an extend, money can buy you health through good food, providing health care needs, medicines, hospital bills, pay doctors etc, many people have died because money wasn't available to pay for some little treatment.

Mind you I'm a big fan of true love, soul mates or just love in general. But it's really I know how important love is, its advantages and all that but as far as I'm concerned more is more important than love.

Votes are not guaranteed

Most if not all contest on steemit use this particular phrase and I'm in full support of it. If SC01 votes are guaranteed to users, then a lot of people won't put any effort on this plartform. Imagine a situation where steemcurator 01 votes are guaranteed, then some people might just post anything without much effort because they are sure to recieve curator 1 or 2 votes. But knowing that these votes are not a guarantee, they will put in more effort and even if you don't get the votes now, you'll be encouraged to continue posting quality content knowing that as you stay active and create quality posts, you'll definately get support from steemcurator 01 which is a huge encouragement and reward for your work.

There are also some rules or guidelines that you need to follow to get these votes like

  • Not mentioning the curators
  • Be in a club (club5050, club75 or club100)
  • Use the right hashtags.
  • Quality content( use of markdowns, clarity of language, steemexclusive, no plagiarism, certain number of words).
  • A little bit of luck.
  • Consistent/active user.

Why a little bit of luck because the platform has a vast number of users and the votes are limited. So no matter how many quality posts are made, every single one can't be rewarded.

Thanks for stopping by 🌷


Hello @graciella,

You have said things well in your post. I agree with you in the first point where you said you would be happier being married than unmarried. It very true that when you have someone to talk to about anything on earth then that's a wonderful feeling.

Also, money is more important than love. That is a sure fact.

About steemcuration01 not giving guaranteed votes, well we all know the answer.

Yeah its good to have someone you can pour out somethings too every now n then. I'm glad we both agree on these points.

Thanks for reading and for your beautiful comment 😊

So to me, it is really different for every person but personally i think married people should be happier because I really believe in happy marriages,

This is an interesting point must you be married before being happy?

Answers from people being for or against will not be a surprise.

Actually it depends on the erra we are talking about.
Back into the olden days if you are a woman and you are not married that will be a total Tabou. But nowadays it is not a must for women to be married. I've seen women that are completely happy not being married and others completely sad in marriage. So it depends on everyone's experience.

Oh you're getting it wrong. I'm very much single and i never said I'm not happy. I'm just saying married people are happier that the unmarried people.

Which is why i said it's an individual something but as far as I'm concerned i am rooting for happy marriages. I've seen terrible ones, marriages that are like hell but there are good ones too same with being single

But there are too many privileges that comes with being married for me. WITH THE RIGHT PERSON OHH as long as u both do whatever whatever

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and making valid points to defend the statements. However, you didn't defend the first statement and it's the requirement of the contest to defend all.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

Quality ChecksStatus
Steem Exclusive
Word Count~768
Beneficiary to pak-charity20%

Ohh I'm sorry.
I didn't understand that we were to support the statements we choose.

I thought it was more like giving your own point of view. Can rewrite that point?

 2 years ago 

Yes, you may edit it.

Okay thank you

I agree with you that married people are happier. There are times we will need someone to lean on, especially when the challenges of life overwhelm us, and it's only people who someone to talk to, someone to share their burden with that will be able to scale through those moments. Single people may not be able to expose themselves because they may not have learnt to stay on someone's shoulder. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

Thanks for reading 😊

I love how you explained the first point, because being married you have a companion, comforter and confidant. There are some things I can not share with my mom because she might feel disturb and it might not be good for her health, also I can not share it with my friends because a day might come that my secret might be used against me. But with my husband, we are one and sharing my burdens with him won't be a problem, we will both find solution to it and I know I have a shoulder to lean on everytime.

Also we need to work hard and ensure we adhere to Steemit rule if we want to get vote because vote can not just be giving anyhow.

Good luck dear.

One big point on that fact that money makes love sweeter.
I think it's better traveling the world with the person you love that arguing about not traveling with the person you love due to lack of money.

Good defense you put out.

Thank you

Again, you have more control over your money because there isn't a partner

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣This is just what i was looking for... I knew u will not finish this thing without mentioning this .

@graciella , you have clear cut point and i respect that so much . Yes according to you you will stay happier if unmarried but have you thought of the fun married people have?? Going for outings , having quality time with the whole family?? All is all in one package when you are married it dies not mean no fun , no career ...You can pursue at the same time ...

You talk about saving money , what do u want to do with money if not for fun and which fun can be better than family fun???

@graciella baby have you thought about the constant supply of sex that comes with marriage🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣???

Marriage is gold for me and you will stay unhappier if you stay single you may end up jumping from one partner to another.....

I like your assertion about the other points. Thanks a lot for making us feel the deepest part of your mind...

Good luck with this contest deary.You forgot to Justify your text....

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🤣🤣🤣 please ohh.
We are asked to DEFEND the statements. So just leave it like that

Marriage is great but it can also be hell if you end up in the wrong one so it's a two way thing

Marriage is great but it can also be hell if you end up in the wrong one so it's a two way thing

You are very correct dear.. Good partner=happiness and u can think of the opposite..🤣🤣🤣

 2 years ago 

Life in total is like that scale you have in your post. A constant balancing act, even with defending these statements.
The one day we will be for it and the next against it. I suppose it is that which makes life so interesting 🤨

😂😂 that's true
Every statement has it's true and false

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